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Are We All Feeling Proud Of Our Country?

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Yes, very much so. We should be proud of what has been done.

But, being British, we'll all moan and complain about it.

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And what exactly have we done recently, apart from a pointles war, selling off the famous names to every Tom,d*** and Harry............................................we should be proud of the fact that we have allowed the borders to be open to everyone else and very proud that the UK can afford to pay the social welfare for most of Europe.

Whilst everyone in Europe is talking about how European they are we have said, we don't want to be part of the Euro currency and stop short of being total Europeans but we welcome you to come and make Britain the New Europe, everyone living in one country...........United...............Kingdom........................of Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First moan on this thread, bet its not the last.....................how long before total thread drift?

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I would if I didn't have friends and family here.

It's alright as a country, just too many people squeezed into not enough space.

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Yes, I'm proud of my Country; wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

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Taxi ........................... :)

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Totally understand the frustrations Vinny refers to and perhaps it is a symptom of just how tolerant we are as a nation, but when you have a good look at many parts of the world, I'm proud that we are so tolerant. Sections of our media do their very best to whip up a storm over many issues, but I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, for all the apparent worngs that we often moan about.

Hope that Danny B does us proud with the opening ceremony and hope that the games themselves are a an overall success with, no doubt, a few very British 'Fawlty Towers' moments of farce thrown in :t-up:

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Seriously, one thing to remember is how many countries in the world would put up with what we do for our fellow humans, agree it has to be the best place and for those of us in God's Country we have the best of everything, including sheep :arse: :A***: :arse:

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The olympics look like a typical British rip-off, £8.50 fish and chips, a £15 trip up some crummy tower. They stop you taking your car so you can pay through the nose for public transport. They stop you taking too much food so you can pay through the nose for their specified food and drink sales racket. They'll pump you for money wherever you can. That's why I have no interest in going to see an olympic event. I'll be looking forward to tonight, the roads will be nice and quiet so I can get out in the car and watch another glorious sunset like last night.

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Vinny, you're right about Europe. However, in my opinion it's our own fault. When Brussels pass rediculous rules we hire more civil servants to put them into force whilst the rest of Europe ignore them.

I would hope that had we been part of creating the Euro we would have insisted on a Central European Bank, through which every member state would raise its borrowings. That way the rules on maximum individual government debt (I think its 60% of GDP) would have been maintained instead of the 120% Greece has borrowed. It's a problem for Greece as they can no longer devalue to pay the debts.

Back to the subject.

Even though I live in France I did not move here due to any other reason than wanting a property I could afford, a warmer climate with less rain.

I'll be moving back soon, then. :)

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Dibby, you seem to think that it's only the Brits who charge exorbitant prices for food and drink. Never been to Le Mans?

Maybe you'd be happy if the games lost a fortune and we all had to pay out in taxes for the next 20 years.

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I would have been happier not having it in the first place but it's not my decision to make.

Not just the Brits, there are plenty of rip-offs with captive audiences all round the world. It's the way they go about it here stopping you bringing in booze and picnics so they can sell sell sell.

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I don't agree with it either. But I understand it's necessary for the organisers to charge very high rents to the vendors and set the prices so as to stop price wars.

The show has cost billions to put on. Like all sport now it's all about money. The games need to make a profit as we cannot afford it to make a loss. It should be very good for the country as a whole and I wish it every success.

Or maybe you'd like the organisers to act like Sheffield council did when it hosted the paralympic games and make a huge loss which I and the other rate payers will still be paying off to 2040.

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My son has just returned from Qatar. His mate drives an AMG C63 out there. 6.0 I believe. He tells me petrol is currently 17p a litre. His mate fills his car up for less than £15.00!!

Now, I'm aware of supply and demand, export taxes, duty, transpotation costs etc but that puts in to perspective just how royally 'ripped off' we are in this country! A 788% mark up on exported goods, not helped by Government duty of course!

Makes me :d & :cry:

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