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Blyton Park Sprint

Terry Everall

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I'd also like to add a few points, firstly to Nick, Jane and Everybody else who made the weekend possible, I think it's fair to say the circuit is still in it's infancy but what a great venue, a great credit to Steve and his team, the calibre of the venue proven by the number of entrants where other venues are finding it tough.

The whole weekend was a credit to the club, there was a real buzz in the paddock which was great. The standard of driving from everyone was exceptional as usual, special note to Craig Sampson for breaking the track record (briefly) quite an achievement against the previous holder, a single seater downforce car.

My last serious point goes to the marshalls, I'd be the first to put my hand up and say I don't fully appreciate them when I compete, but having spent two days around these ladies and gents, they work bl**dy hard so I take my hat off to you, Well done Marshalls!

All in all considering I wasn't driving it was a bl**dy great weekend, next time I'm gonna take some beer then I'll really be able to enjoy it like that Richard James and Timothy Nunn do..

Hopefully see you all again soon,


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As everyone has mentioned, an amazing atmosphere all weekend!

Huge huge thanks to all the organisers and marshalls, the event was run superbly in every respect.

Very much looking forward to more of the same from the club and venue next year. An excellent representation of what a sprint weekend should be like! :)

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Superb event

Many thanks to Nick and all the organising team/ marshalls and helpers.

Brilliant venue

Great company

Well done.

Can we vote our own event as 'Event of the year' ?

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Fantastic weekend! Great circuit! It'll be better when (if) I master it! Come on Ady, put the video of your 65s run up to show us how its done!


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Can we vote our own event as 'Event of the year' ?

Stu, yes you can - Curborough was voted Event of the Year once and I'm proud to say I was the Sec of the Meeting that year :)

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heres my effort

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Here you go:

Utmost thanks to everyone involved in such a great weekend event.

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thanks ade looks like at least im using the same gears through the bends as the master :yes: . i just need to rev it harder to try and catch you and barry.[in my dreams :down::d :d :d :d :d :d ]

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A great weekend and a credit to all the hard work put in by all the organisers and helpers.

I'm somewhat red after a weekend marshalling in the sun at the 'Wiggler'. It was interesting to work with some marshalls and see their dedication, committment and love of our sport also. This bend seemed to see most incidents also ... :yes:

Over the two days I was with three different Marshalls who had each travelled between 45 minutes and 2 hours each way to be at Blyton. Fuel, accommodation etc comes out of their own pockets. they love doing it, and they also do it very well, but also appreciate occassional thanks and acknowledgement. The good news is that WSCC are in their good books because they know we appeciate their work.

Just one comment I said I would pass on - if you see a Marshall queuing for food at lunchbreak - if you are not in a rush let them ahead of you. 45 minutes may seem like a lot of time for lunch but it takes 10 minutes to get back from station and 10 minutes to get back on station for the restart. 25 minutes doesn't leave much time if you need to queue 5-10 minutes for food.

Thanks also to Windy for the lift there and back.


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I can only endorse all that has been said already. Fantastic weekend, shame the weather on Friday was not so good. Superbly organised and run by all. Will get my vote for the best event of the year.

Big thanks to the marshals, the medical officer and ambulance team. Without them we would not be able to compete or if not for them volunteering the costs would be double. Incident free, just one cut finger in the paddock.

Fantastic displays of very very quick driving in all the classes, respect to the drivers at the top and some great battles at all levels. This plus the paddock banter/help are what makes the WSCC Speed Series so good.

Great venue, fast but not intimidating, straights not too long to become boring and complex corners that take exceptional skill to get right. A few excursions into the corn fields by some but on the whole most kept it on the black stuff if not always between the white lines.

3 requests for next year.... some portaloos halfway up the paddock, good weather Friday to Sunday and forget the pizza man.

Thanks again for a great event.

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and forget the pizza man.

I think it was a good idea but perhaps supply and demand was a little out of balance ..

On the subject of catering I thought that the burger van family did an exceptionally good job. It must have been very hot in there and they were quick, efficient and very friendly. Only downside was that I only realised they were selling icecream towards the end of the event :d:love:

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I think it was a good idea but perhaps supply and demand was a little out of balance ..

On the subject of catering I thought that the burger van family did an exceptionally good job. It must have been very hot in there and they were quick, efficient and very friendly. Only downside was that I only realised they were selling icecream towards the end of the event :d:love:

It was a good idea, but it didn't work. No-one's fault, just try something different next time. Agree about the burger van family, they were great. I wonder if they could manage the evening as well? Probably quite an ask. How about a hog roast?

Mr and Mrs H only realised ice cream was available during the last run on Sunday. :( :( Mind you, the burger family still nearly sold out of ice creams! :t-up: :t-up:

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What a great weekend!

As one of those credited with being on the organising team, thank you, but it is everyone who attends that make these events successful, so thank you all.

It was a shame about the weather on Friday, but it made Saturday all the more enjoyable for me (pity I couldn't make Sunday).

Hopefully this event will become a "must do" on everyone's calendar, so anyone with ideas on how to make it more accessible to all members let me know, rather than being just speed series centered.

I must also add a thank you to all the marshals from both the WSCC and elsewhere. Without them there is no motorsport.

During Saturday I quizzed as many people as possible to see what they though of the venue, and I would say that over 95% loved, so well done Richard Usher on providing the UK with a cracking motorsport venue.

Looking forward to next year when I can hopefully drive my own steed in anger on a dry track.

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Yep got to agree with all superb well run event and congrats to all involved

Will deffo become a must do event in future



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Just a couple photos of you crossing the Finishing line on Saturday.





Only sprinter I know is Pete Goulding



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