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F1 Brit Gp


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One thing that annoyed me yesterday was that rain stopped play. I think they should race what ever the weather, adds a design challenge that you need a car that can drive in the wet and the dry.....

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Sitting on the fence again Steve :p see the amateur fashion police carted him off yesterday.


:yes: men in white coats and not the fashion police should cart him off and lock him away ,shrink his head to a normal size ,shave his chin and give him some anti woffle pills and stick some panti pads inder his arm pits ,he might just be more barable then

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:d :d :d :d
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What, no gag.

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Only the one around Eddies mouth, he is controvertial, did you see his walkabout at his old establishment. Taking the **ss if you ask me, probably all done for good telly though. Morning Norm.

Bob :d

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Morning Bob, that's the gag I was referring to.

Weather forecast is good for this afternoon so I may get out in the car. Big decision though a blat and miss the tennis and GP. See if I can time it better, we're an hour in front so may be possible to do it all.

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F1 GP thread? More like have a go at E. Jordan thread, poor little fella. His observations are are based on the fact that he was a Team boss and how he sees a driver/team perfoming. Stands to reason that the general public see things differently.

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F1 GP thread? More like have a go at E. Jordan thread, poor little fella. His observations are are based on the fact that he was a Team boss and how he sees a driver/team perfoming. Stands to reason that the general public see things differently.

just because he had a team does not make him right ,or liked ,seems funny pretty much everyone has the same opinion of the sweaty goat faced lepricorn

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Disagree Sootie. He comes across as saying things to be controversial. Yesterday he was rubbishing the aerodynamic front wing.

Now, I could see his point had he said "they do not improve the cars in the showroom (which they probably do) and therefore should not be allowed. No, his reason was they should put the money into "racing".

I can accept a well argued but different point of view. However that was total nonsense.

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HM has just read a facebum post from a friend of ours. She's at Silverstone. sat in her seat above the pits, IN SUNSHINE.

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I didn't say that he was right or wrong on his comments, just saying he sees things differently to us. Annoying sometimes, yes he is.

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I was a Formula 1 addict from 1960 to 1990 and when they stopped overtaking switched to bikes, we had a bloke then called Murray Walker to annoy us

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Eddie's main role on the telly is chief poo stirrer, and he is doing it very well. However, I dont recall anyone asking if we wanted a poo stirrer.

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He was on yesterday, sounded exactly the same as always. I never found him annoying, maybe because he didn't talk out of his bum.

ed to add that I was referring to Murry not Eddie.

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He was on yesterday, sounded exactly the same as always. I never found him annoying, maybe because he didn't talk out of his bum.

ed to add that I was referring to Murry not Eddie.

agreed bring back murray , he had years left in him when they retired him

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