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Is it just me or does anyone else find Eddie Jordan irritating, full of his own importance and patronising?

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he's a dangler

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He's from Cork? Does that mean he can't drown?

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Agreed, but we can't have everyone agreeing with everyone else, can we?

I get the distinct impression that he says the opposite point of view just to say "look at me, I ran a team, what do these idiots know". DC shows his annoyance at times.

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Agreed, but we can't have everyone agreeing with everyone else, can we?

I agree that agreeing with everyone, which seems agreeable, might be less than agreeable to those people who agree - agreed?

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EJ was good in small measures. While I was annoyed at it moving on to Sky I do enjoy not listening to him for the most part now!

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Is it just me or does anyone else find Eddie Jordan irritating, full of his own importance and patronising?

It's you. I think its good to have another side to it rather than just drivers. Afterall its the owners who pay.

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Scott, can we, therefore, agree to agree with the agreeable motion that we all agree?

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Agreed, Norman. :)

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Don't have a problem with that point. It's just that there are so many good people out there who could do the job better without being such a smug know all. I don't like his stupid beard either so my opinion may not be that rational.

It's you. I think its good to have another side to it rather than just drivers. Afterall its the owners who pay.

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Now't wrong with a beard at least he can grow one , unlike Button , Coulthard and a few others who fail miserably

and the shirts his choice , wouldnt wear anything so loud myself butive seen a lot worse dress sense :t-up:

He is an annoying git though :laugh:

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While he can be annoying, it's a presenting team, and as such a little friction and contrast between the personalities with him, Coultard and Jake Humphrey is really starting to gel for me. Of anything I think there team segments are working better with Brundle out of the picture. (Much though I enjoyed Brundle's commentarys)

I think it's partly because of the way Coultard has grown and stepped up a gear, may be its given him more "on camera" confidence, may be he just feels more relaxed and at home now. Once he'd have just winced silently at some of Jordan's comment or given some dumb reply, now they seem to crackle along in a much more entertaining way.

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everyone seems to be missing a simple fact here

eddie jordan is a self obsessed, sweaty pitted , egg headed mong who is so far up his own A*** its unreal ,my staffy talks more sense than him

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Sitting on the fence again Steve :p see the amateur fashion police carted him off yesterday.


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