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Damon Hill Speaks Out Against 80Mph Speed Limit

Buzz Billsberry

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You mention the policing of drivers over 80 mph, why dont we put all the motorway gantry cameras to good use and have them link to a database of everyone who is allowed/ has passed the 80 mph qualification? Just like the ANPR cameras that the police have in their cars. That way if you are going over 80 and you have not passed your test, its an instant fine in the post- yet more money generating!!

It's the driver that's licensed, not the car. The same applies.

Or would you fine every registered keeper and leave it up to them to appeal?

Jeff's got it right, it's driving standards that must be raised. tests do not do this only policing will. To attempt to fully explain. If driving instruction and tests made good driver we wouldn't have a problem. People are taught how to pass the test. It then gets forgotten and many some, just drive like demons (not Damons) and cause major accidents. Problem is that sometimes they are not actually involved and drive of without realising what they've caused.

ACPO's guidelines were not to stop a car doing under 85 unless it was being driven dangerously. I'm not sure if that still applies. Wouldn't make much difference for the amount of patrols on the road. (or has that improved since May)

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Fine the registered keeper. I agree with Jeff, driving standards have got to improve, this must be right from the first driving lesson. Why not have a driving test at certain ages, like a constant refresher course?


Adopt Darwin's Theory....Survival of the Fittest ; or in this case, those who can drive well at 80 mph

Those that can't drive will expire in an accident due to their inept driving and leave the roads clearer for the rest of us.


Tolf (Ian)

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Ian, you can have as many tests as you want, it will not improve driving standards, or at least the ones we're discussing.

There is nothing wrong with driving at 80 mph if it's done without endangering yourself or others. I was stopped doing 140 mph and told off because the officer said he couldn't fault my driving and wasn't bothered about a speeding fine, just dangerous driving.

So, those that can't drive (not sure what that means) will expire. How many of those that can drive will they take with them.

I'll leave you to carry on the discussion on your own. Only hope you don't come across someone who can't drive next time you're on a motorway.

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You are missing my point, but I cant be bothered to try and explain any more.

Next time I am on a motorway, that will be in 10 mins then!

Hope you dont meet any nutters on the road in The Loire region

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And if I'm not mistaken Damon Hill lives in Southern Ireland (or did) and to the best of my knowledge they dont have too many motorways there ( probably more Bollix )

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Presently, when you pass your test you can drive on a motorway on your own having never been on one before. There's a voluntary scheme called 'pass plus' which is designed to extend new drivers experience in various situations including motorways. In my experience as an ADI it's very hard to get pupils to take it up - ultimately it's an extra expense for them. Some insurance companies offer them discounts and it's invariably those who do the course, or pupils with rich parents etc. Perhaps though it should be a compulsory course - subsidised by the government maybe.

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Maybe a two step licence; stage one takes you up to the point the current test does,, at which point you can ditch the L plates and swap to P plates, you then have the equivalent of a sort of enhanced Pass Plus course to pass for part two before you can ditch the P plates. The Second part cannot be taken for at least twelve months after the original test. No P plate drivers on motorways etc.

That said, personally would rather just see a much higher count of proactive traffic rozzers. :)

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Many championship bike racers refuse to ride a bike on the highway, they consider it to risky :( :( :(

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What's hard about driving on a Motorway that requires additional training

All cars travel in the same direction

All do approximately the same speed

nothing coming the other way

No T junctions

No traffic lights

No pedestrians , cyclists , schools , roundabouts . no halt signs no give way etc etc ......

If you cant drive motorways you shouldn't be driving at all IMo

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The justification for the completely arbitary 70mph speed limit is a non-starter in the modern age. The reasons are entirely based on car technology from the 1970s and do not take into account driver skill, so until the debate recognises this elephant in the room there is no reason to why it can't be raised to 80mph. However no government or organisation is brave enough to tell everyone "you are a crap driver"

My belief has always been that whenever you join a motorway a sensor in your car activates a relay connected to your brake pedal that switches 10,000 volts to your seat every time you touch the brake pedal :arse::t-up: Nothing is a clearer sign of lack of attention and poor driving skills on motorways than using your brakes.

That car in front of you that you are braking to avoid hitting ? Well it was there 10 seconds ago and you could see how fast it was going, so why didn't you just ease off ? Ah, it changed lanes did it ? Well I guess it just did that for no reason then, or perhaps, just perhaps you should have noticed the huge incline approaching and worked out the lorries would slow down so that car would change lanes to avoid them ? I guess you were not paying attention after all ?

Driver education (at least 2 instructor led lessons on a motorway where stuff was pointed out to the driver) coupled with some meaningful enforcement of bad driving (very hard to enforce) would be the key to improve road safety. If we get that, then there is no reason we can't all drive at 95mph.

Oh and whilst I'm ranting, this shock treamment would also trigger if you tried to join a motorway at 50mph - listen Grandad, the reason it's so difficult to join is because you are doing 20mph less than the stuff whizzing past. That gap you're aiming for will be gone by the time you get to it, you need to aim for the gap that is currently 200 yards behind you. Or just speed up I guess.

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listen Grandad,

Not all grandads' are bad drivers.

I happen to agree and practice what you preach. I used to have a game with myself to see if I could drive from London to Glasgow without touching the brakes. I usually won.

But I've seen and know of people who shouldn't be on any road, let alone motorways.

Like the lady who will not drive in the dark and won't go on high speed roads or drive for more than half hour.

Or the bloke who, when I said I get to Dinard in an hour and a half all but called me a liar. Someone pulled me to one side to explain that Ken never drove over 50 mph. From here to Dinard is 70% d/c with 70mph limit.

Then there's the chap we went out with one night. He sits so close to the wheel that he can't turn it properly. On leaving a side road he was watching the left so much that he hadn't realised he was driving on the wrong side of the road with fast traffic bearing down on him. After that I did all the driving when we went out.

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In the US, the most dangerous drivers lives in the state of Florida.

Retired seniors who drives 40 mph at super highways. The retirement belt of America.

The young and the restless who drives @ 120 to 130mph Florida turnpike.

Mexican illegals who drives with no driver license and insurance.

Watch out for the hot headed South American road rage.

Carribean drivers who drives unsafe cars.

A slow moving farmer's trucks loaded with watermelon-oranges & tilapia.

Watch out for a driver towing heavy boats - @ 70mph.

Drive & see the crosses along at Interstate-75 - who died by drowning not by impact. I-75 is parallel to water tributaries & canals.

Some highway like I-27 is wide-straight and deserted, you tend to go to sleep and end in the water bed with alligators.

Lastly, carry a gallon of REDBULL before driving at Key West 7 miles bridge.

Safe driving? use common sense!

Edited by s2k7
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But why do call it common when it's so rare?

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