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Petrol Prices - Wow

Pistol Pete

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Just filled up the Westy for tomorrow's run out and saw the price of the petrol ending in 6.7p, thought that's pricy then I realised it was 126.7p not 136.7p. :t-up: :t-up: :t-up:

Hopefully if it keeps low people will have a bit more in their pocket to spend and get the ecomony moving.

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7.4% reduction.

Crude oil prices have come down 30% this year.

But, I suppose as long as it's cheaper everyone will be happy.

Including the oil companies and the government.

ed to add that the 30% figure comes from the BBC, so it must be right.

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I wonder if we will ever pay less than or around £1 a litre in the future just like it was a few years ago

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If the 30% figure is correct, the oil price web sites don't back this up, then yes.

And is there any reason that end user prices should not fall if the wholesale prices fall?

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So petrol should be under a £1 a litre? ???? ???

I remember when you could get 3 GALLONS for a pound :suspect:

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And is there any reason that end user prices should not fall if the wholesale prices fall?

Yes. Tax.

So much of the price of fuel is tax that the change in the price of crude does not have the effect you would expect.

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I remember when you could get 3 GALLONS for a pound :suspect:


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I remember when you could get 3 GALLONS for a pound :suspect:

By 'eck! When I were a lad I could put three gallons of cheap petrol in my old Morris for 13/- - those were the days! :d

Mind you, the posh bloke wi' the Jag had to pay 5s 01/2d for a gallon of Shell Super from the pump with the blue shell on top.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/38369684@N06/3699299000/lightbox/ 5s 1d here though!


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Now you stuck up Monty Python clips on You Tube I'm having to waste a couple of hours watching them all :d. They are funnier now than the've ever been especially "Defence Against Fruit" :cry:

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Now you stuck up Monty Python clips on You Tube I'm having to waste a couple of hours watching them all :d. They are funnier now than the've ever been especially "Defence Against Fruit" :cry:

What about pointed sticks?

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:) Stop it Captain, I can't take any more!!!
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Last one, my favourite (free Czech subtitles) - I feel like this some days:

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I remember when you could get 3 GALLONS for a pound :suspect:

I can remember 4 gallons and change from a pound :t-up:

Back in't 60's It was something like 4s 7p per gallon :)

Them was there days :yes:

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Yes. Tax.

So much of the price of fuel is tax that the change in the price of crude does not have the effect you would expect.

That's why I said oil companies and government.

However the duty and VAT do not fully explain why fuel hasn't come down further in price.

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