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Lost My Spark, Found My Spark, And Now It Seems Ok.

Norman Verona

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The wife says that if you have a longer pencil, chances are you will have a better spark. :-/ not sure what she's gettin at?

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Must finish the tiles first so will probably go out on Saturday.

I have been reading this with interest and probably getting as frustrated as you!

b******* the tiles and give the car a run, I need to know if the fault is cured.

:d :d

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Bob, The "other" reason is that we are getting very heavy showers about once an hour. I used not to worry about this but I just can't see the point in going for a 3 hour blat knowing I'm going to get soaked.

The weather forecast says the first morning without rain will be Tuesday. I've been awake for 3 hours now and it's rained hard 3 times. No sunshine just dull flat cloud.

I may well go out tomorrow, leaving today to press on finishing the tiling. At least that'll be a very heavy weight of my mind.

I'm sure the car will now be OK. Not only has it got a new amp, rotor and cap (it had a new coil in 2006 (as well as a new amp!)) I've re-routed the fuel pipe so it's alongside the lower chassis rail in cool air.

Another good omen is that the tiles I re-stuck yesterday seem to be tight.

I may forego watching tennis and qualifying today so I can get it all finished.

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Keep us posted there are a lot of intested people wanting to hear a success story. Then we can get back to ribbing you about tiles, thumbs, power tools, ducks etc etc. WOW ---- waiting on weather. Had to bail mine out t,other night got caught in a monsoon, still drying out today. Had sealing the scuttle on my list of stuff to do best get round to it hadn't I.

Bob :d

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I came downstairs to cut the last tile for the door I'm tiling. The cutter is outside so the house doesn't get covered in dust. It's an electric diamond tipped cutting wheel thingie. As I came down the stairs the heavens opened and water poured forth.

That was about 10 minutes ago and it's still raining.

NO, hold on it's stopped and the sun is shining.

Now I can electrocute myself in the dry. :)

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Went out in the car at 14:10 (13:10 your time). I hadn't got 6 kms when it started raining. I carried on into town and filled up.

Went from town (Pouance) to Segre along the dual carriageway, round the roundabout and back. Stopped halfway back to secure the boot cover. Car restarted with no problem. Got back to Pouance, turned round and went home.

Stopped outside garage, turned off and got out. Removed bonnet and started up again. On the button. Adjusted carbs and clutch pedal stop. Refitted pedal cover and bonnet got in and started. Can't get it into gear. Get out, remove bonnet and pedal cover, adjust pedal stop, refit cover and bonnet and drive it in.

It seems OK, running sweet. In fact, when the sun shines I'll risk a trip to Le Mans, have a coffee and come back. About 4 hours in all. So that'll be August some time.

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Great news , makes me think about taxing mine from sorn .

"thinking" is all atm :down:

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Great news Norman, now get the garage door on so the birds don't sh*t on the car :d

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Hope so. It's a mystery as to what the problem was though.

I'm guessing the amp was faulty and sent a very high voltage spark to the cap before expiting. This then "drilled" route through the rotor arm to the shaft.

That's my guess and I think I'll stick with it.

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Pete, I've got to get the house a bit further on first. Also got to spend two days cleaning and repairing the gite that Frank was in. He's gone and left a real mess behind.

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Oh dear, more house fixing up, but needs must; at least you've got the car to look forward to again. Hopefully that draws a line under the troubles now and you can just enjoy the blighter. :d (It's always a good sign when you want to put petrol in the car, not all over it!)

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Forgot to mention. I glued some heating pipe lagging tubes around the rad frame to seal it against the nose cone. The water temps gone down about 10 c to 70/72. It's a capillary type gauge so should be fairly accurate. It has a 74 c stat so I'm happy about that. I got stuck behind a tractor/trailer and it started to rise but went down again when in clear air and moving a bit quicker.

All I'm waiting for now is the weather. I want to go out in shirtsleeves and get a tan as I blat along.

I'm going to spend another day to day and a half (probably be two days) getting the terracotta tiles down in the day room and then leave the rest to the winter months. Enough is enough!

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now get the garage door on so the birds don't sh*t on the car :d

You're hanging out with the wrong sort of girls :p

Sorry :down:

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Oh, she not that bad. At least she now puts some paper on the floor. :)

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