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Curborough A Big Thankyou And Congrats


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Five timed runs IIRC, and something in the order of 337 starts if I heard the time-keeper right :o

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Oh, and my mate Tel wants to know when the results will be posted? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The results will be sent to all competitors as soon as I get the chance! Too tired last night, and too busy today! ;)

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Its not really the results that impetuous Stephen wants - he means Tigger to post the points asap

I am quite relaxed about the points as is Tim Nunn :d:laugh:

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big thanks for the sprint school - I loved it as did Debbie Harrison, but not quite as much as my pal in the MX5.... his car is still cooling down now.... seriously it was an excellent day and I am hooked..... :-) cheers James Alexander

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Thanks for the Thanks from Emma, Ron, Paul & Me, not forgetting all that helped on the day. We also really enjoyed the weekend and thanks for those people that helped out, you really did make a difference.

A PLEE for next year, 3 weeks ago Paul & I nearly cancelled this event as it only had 34 entries and the club was going to make a BIG LOSS on it. Paul and I decided to let it carry on and it looks like it will just about cover the costs because the entries ended up at 54. So thanks for entering, but can you please do so by at least 1 month before the event, so we don;t even have to think about cancelling.

Hopefully that has given some of you a taste for helping out, you can see what fun it can be.

We need some more help at the WSCC Blyton Sprint Weekend on 21st and 22nd July, so anyone that can help please let me know.


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Just about explains it.

Not a bad day in the old pogo stick, Stu passed all the rabbits as he came out of the trap and he wasn't going to get caught by us northerners. Another good battle with me ol'mukka 3 hundredths of a sec on the last run!

Thanks to all the volunteers, I'd have preferred no rain but at least you arranged it for the lunch break.

Congrats to Tim who as usual made it worth the while jumping out the car and running across to the track to catch his run. You're a :swear: nutter!

(At least we left a guaranteed 100 points for someone in E next year :devil: )

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Congrats to all involved in a great day. 5 timed runs in one day really messed up my sprint strategy for tyres, fuel and definately my aging brain.

The weather marshall did an excellent job to allow only 1 timed run to be rain affected.

A special thanks to all those fitness fanatics who helped me with my starting problems. Current medical report is that the alternator is the source of the trouble not giving enough poke to the battery. (note for Barry S) my reason for saving all the juice until the last moment!

I think it's a great ad for PowerVamp batteries 4 years old subject to all that abuse and now holding over 13 volts again like a good un!

Thanks again looking forward Shelsley


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5 timed runs in one day really messed up my sprint strategy for tyres, fuel and definately my aging brain.

:suspect:??? Its only 900 yards long!

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