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So Who's Heading To Le-Mans Next Week?

Buzz Billsberry

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yep, about 1.5 hours!

Why so far from Le Mans?

Thats after Le-Mans, a few of them are doing a little tour, Were staying at normal place for Le-Mans the chateaux you came to a ferw years ago.

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Ah, OK,

Which port are you leaving from?

If it's one of the Brittany/Normandy ports you can stop off here. If not, it's a nice drive around Angers to here. Actually it's well worth a morning at the Chateau (castle) in Angers. The ramparts overlooking the river (Maine) and the gardens as well as the gate tower are good but the tapestries are just fantastic. The largest collection in the world.

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Probably won't see them then. From Samuar to Calais comes nowhere near here,

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Just a bit OT - Did anyone see that programme about the Audi win last year - it was a proper film and well worth staying up late to watch. Their chief engineer(?) is a woman and made some great calls about the tyres etc.

Rory's Dad

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No, but I did see the "diesel" spillage evaporate before my very eyes.

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Just back. Didn't have to raise a broly nor don the waterproofs once. Couple of spits during Thursday quali was all I saw. I stayed in me tent until the rain stopped on Saturday, which it did at about 11.30ish.

05.30 ferry this morning was a bit rude though :o

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Did the ferry have its d1ck sticking out then?

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changing subjects, I was talking about you over the weekend. To Lisa, she says to say hello.

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Tell her I said Hello back. Miss the L7Club trips. They were top notch :t-up:

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