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So Who's Heading To Le-Mans Next Week?

Buzz Billsberry

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The weather's not good for next week BUT, Saturday is predicted to be sunny and warm. No idea how long it'll last though.

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I'll do a new post to rectify the above, incorrect information.

According to MeteoFrance it will be sunny and warm on THURSDAY next week.

Friday & Saturday shows rain over the Le Mans district

Sunday & Monday shows sun and rain

Looks like a wet weekend at Le Mans.

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Norman, you pre-empted my next question, I did a search on the web this morning and found the longer term forecast which as you say does give it as I think a 40% chance of rain on Saturday with 4mm predicted and 30% on Sunday with 3mm of rain. Was going to ask whether like our long term forecasts they are only a bit of an educated guess and they finesse them a couple of days before. Either way I'm packing my wet kit because if I don't it will p*ss down. 4mm isn't much and I know (heehee) so maybe if we all pray for sun we can expect a soaking. Even managed to get out in my motor this morning now that our rain has stopped after 5 days especially as I was on holiday. If you get any new or more accurate info could you post it as your'e a local laddie. I guess if it stays as you say we can get our tents erected before the ground gets too wet, who care in reality once you're wet you are wet.

The biggest decision left is, will it be Peroni or Red wine, its a worry.

Bob :p

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its alchol will it matter especially by Sunday!

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Guess not but Red wine is my friendly health drink :suspect: its good for you, and Peroni is, well just not, I'm tending to lean towards the red as it does the job without making you want to go for a walk all night. Its a close thing. I'm not sure if we are taking coals to Newcastle as we may stop en route ( no speaka the lingo eh) and pick up some supplies from our French version of Tesco or whatever they call them. La Tesco maybe, anyway going to enjoy it whether it raining, sunny, red or beer. One off the bucket list.

Bob :d

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OK, lets get the "Red wine is good for you" out of the way. Some scientists looked at data and decided that France had a lower than average death from heart disease and as the French drank a lot of red wine it must be the red wine keeping their hearts healthy.

Then a few years later someone looked at the methods the French used for recording deaths and found that it was not a requirement to record the actual cause of death and it was OK to record "natural causes". The French have deaths from heart disease at the same rate as any other European country - maybe more, smoking all those disque bleu.

So, red wine may be good for you but it will not make you healthier.

The main French super markets are Super U, Leclerc, Carrefour and others including Champion and Monoprix.

If you go to Arnage and turn right at the fountain at the end of the road is a petrol station and off that roundabout a huge Super U (maybe it's called Hyper U). By the way "U" in French is pronounced "OOO" as in Poo.

try THIS WEB SITE for French weather. It is normally good but, like all weather forecasting it can be out by a day. (by that I mean it may say it'll rain in 5 days time but it may actually rain in 4 or 6 days). Ed to add that it works on IE but not on Chrome. Not tried it with Firefox.

And just to cheer you up, one year it rained so much that the cars couldn't get out the camp site as it was under water. Local farmers were charging 50€ to tow the cars out. However, another year it was so hot that the shops and super markets were rationing bottles of water.

Finally (I can here you cheering from here) the department is called Sarthe but the French don't pronounce "th" as we do, as in "the" but "t" so it's Sart as in Fart.

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Sounds like you need to take something that'll mix with water ;)

Seriously though, hope you get some decent weather in amongst the downpours. Though as long as you've got your waterproof, wet weather racing does make it interesting and can look spectacular!

Have a good trip all.

Not jealous at all :down: no really.

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Guess its the Peroni and water wings then Norm, wouldn't like to put my health at risk. I've been deluding myself for years.Thanks for the info.

Bob :d

May still sneak some Red in though.

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Bob, no problem drinking red wine, just clearing up the myth that it's good for you. It has no more harmful effect than any other alcoholic drink.

I hope :)

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I'm heading there in quite a large group. I've taken the wuss option though and I'm leaving the Westie in the garage, and taking my GT-R. Boot space has never been the Westie's strong point!

We're staying in Houx. I'm in a white Nissan GT-R with a few stickers on it.

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try THIS WEB SITE for French weather. It is normally good but, like all weather forecasting it can be out by a day. (by that I mean it may say it'll rain in 5 days time but it may actually rain in 4 or 6 days). Ed to add that it works on IE but not on Chrome. Not tried it with Firefox.

I might take my wellies!!!!!!!

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Just to let you know we are stopping Near Saumur in the Loire Valley how far are we from you??


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yep, about 1.5 hours!

Why so far from Le Mans?

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This year looks like I have swapped wet Le Mans weekend for a wet wales weekend ;-) I hope it stays dry for the Classic next month.

I have stayed at Saumur. A really nice place. About 50 mins by RN to Le Mans and a lovely drive.

Get down the Liverpool Bar and take on the locals at Pool !!

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