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Fitting Number Plate On Front Of Fw Single Piece Bonnet


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Stephen, at no point did I say you don't have to have a number plate, I said, may be not clearly, :blush: that you don't have to have one flat on the nose! There ARE photos of FW's around clearly showing vertical plates beneath the nose, though further back than they'd be on a ZK nose.

Interesting to note though, that no number plate is a lesser offence than displaying an illegal number plate, if you're going to be picky about it! No number plate will typically just result in a "producer", if indeed it results in anything.

Sorry, I know we don't want them, but if it ever, (and I suspect it unlikely) comes down to it in a court of law, there is enough empirical evidence to show it can be done if the owner wants to. Coupled with the fact that currently, not stick on number plate fully meets the current regulations, so is not legal, no matter how many coppers or MOT inspectors turn a blind eye to it.

We do a disservice to our clubs members to tell them otherwise.

By all means, put a stick on plate on if you wish, but currently, there are non around that comply with the law, so do it knowing the risks.

For some reason, this is an argument that goes round and round, despite the fact that the actual regulations are frequently posted up, with the relevant paragraphs pointed out.

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Yep unless you have a plate with BSAu... and the post code of the DLVA authorised garage on the plate it is deemed illegal. This is to ensure that the spacing, characters, background, size is the same on all vehicles. However this being said, the police do tend to turn a blind eye to it. I expect if you were caught speeding though they could charge you for an illegal plate.

I was speaking to an MOT inspector about 12 months back and he was telling me that they are cracking down on number plates at least at MOT test time. I'd be interested to hear if anyone has had their Westy MOT'd with an illegal plate since these new rules.

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Mine was mot'd in April. Didn't even mention it.

If you're going to spend your days worrying about the legality of your front plate, can I presume that you also never exceed the speed limit?

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Stephen, at no point did I say you don't have to have a number plate, I said, may be not clearly, :blush: that you don't have to have one flat on the nose! There ARE photos of FW's around clearly showing vertical plates beneath the nose, though further back than they'd be on a ZK nose.

Interesting to note though, that no number plate is a lesser offence than displaying an illegal number plate, if you're going to be picky about it! No number plate will typically just result in a "producer", if indeed it results in anything.

Sorry, I know we don't want them, but if it ever, (and I suspect it unlikely) comes down to it in a court of law, there is enough empirical evidence to show it can be done if the owner wants to. Coupled with the fact that currently, not stick on number plate fully meets the current regulations, so is not legal, no matter how many coppers or MOT inspectors turn a blind eye to it.

We do a disservice to our clubs members to tell them otherwise.

By all means, put a stick on plate on if you wish, but currently, there are non around that comply with the law, so do it knowing the risks.

For some reason, this is an argument that goes round and round, despite the fact that the actual regulations are frequently posted up, with the relevant paragraphs pointed out.

Thats interesting G-man, Perhaps I might try "Loosing" the front plate and if stopped, saying "it must of just fell off officer, sorry, I'll replace it asap"

Food for thought.

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Mine was mot'd in April. Didn't even mention it.

If you're going to spend your days worrying about the legality of your front plate, can I presume that you also never exceed the speed limit?

Just pointing out the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse and I don't want anyone to say no one told me. I was wondering about the MOT though as they have to click in boxes now.

You must have seen my plate ???


Breaking the speed limit, 30mph zones, never, usually go around 20mph in built up areas. National speed limits, absolutely........... no comment.

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Wasn't aimed at you in particular Adam, just seems a bit silly worrying about that when most of us give the police plenty of other excuses to stop us any way (out of town at least).

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You know what, I can't be bothered, have deleted my last post in a fit of self moderation: if it's not possible to give advice and point out the reality, so that someone can make an informed choice, then so be it, I refuse to descend to the school yard and make it personal.

To that end I appologise for my deleted post and am outta here.

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Wasn't what meant at all. I know my front plate doesn't comply with the law and like you say, one day I might get stopped and either told to rectify it or fined. If that ever happens, I'll accept it with good grace.

So thanks to you and others on previous threads, I am informed and have made my choice. Balanced with the fact that it's not exactly crime of the century, I'll live with the consequences

Gadgetman - no offense taken. No harm in being passionate about something you care about. I hope the above doesn't offend and reflects my reality.

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No it doesn't offend, :d

FWIW, I've done the running round with the front plate fell off officer bit in my time. (that's why I know the score, that and a conversation or two - casually I should add, not in a pulled over by the side of the road fashion! With a few members of the BiB over the years - none affiliated with the club I any shape or form, I should add).

These days, like Adam, I have a front plate, and will leave it at that ;)

However, I also know people in the Cateringvan community that have been "done", I also know of at least one member on here that's been done for, IIRC an undersized plate. So whilst very rare, it does happen, we take our slapped wrists and move on :laugh:

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Geoff I thought it wasn't aimed at me. No offence taken. Agree that we all make choices and we take our consequences. ;)

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I have just had the enjoyable experience of passing the IVA and am trying to find the best way to attach the front number plate to the FW Single Piece Bonnet without the plate hitting the ground when l lift the bonnet. The use of the stick-on plates on to the top of the nose piece seems an obvious answer but l understand they are illegal. Another way would be to hinge the plate on the underside of the nose so that it could be folded back flat under the nose before lifting the bonnet. This seems a hastle and l would probably forget so has anyone had the same experience and how did they resolve the problem.


i used the hinges that were meat for the fw bonet and hinged mine ,and in stalled a spring to hold forward and it just folds up on its own when i lift the bonnet send me a pm with your email and will send you a picture well done with the iva
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Your spring release idea sounds interesting. I have heard others suggest such a system but have not yet managed to fathom the mechanics of how it works. I would be keen to hear more from you . Just one thing , what do you mean by the abbreviation 'PM' so that l can send you an email ? Apologies for my ignorance !


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PM stands for Private Messaging, a sort of private email system for club members - it means you don't have to give out an email address on the forum where everyone can read it. (Particularly spammers and the like that harvest up all the email addresses they can).

As a guest forum user, this facility isn't available for you I'm afraid.

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Not FW but ZK my full size plate is fitted beneath the nose on hinges.

Now i dont know if it happens, cos' I cant see underneath the nosecone when I'm driving ;)

but I think it may fold up under wind pressure when I'm moving and be invisible to forward facing safety cameras ;)

Of course when I slow down it may drop back to the verticle position, but I dont know if any of this phenomena happens iyswim :laugh:

I used some stainless steel cabinet hinges designed for glass showcases, mainly cos' they were free, we use em' all the time in Shopfitting :t-up:

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Paul, who do you think you are, James Bond? :)

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