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Donnington Kit Car Show

Garry Bunn - Derby & Notts Joint AO

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I have been speaking to Limelight and have arranged for a reserved parking area for up to 60 cars directly outside the exhibition centre.

This is on tarmac, most of the other clubs will be off to the left (if you were facing away from the entrance), camping area is to the right. The tarmac area near the exhibition centre is the place to be IMHO.

We have space for up to 60 cars. Entrance will be £2 for a kit car driver £6 for passenger.(I know Stoneleigh is free but Donnington is a motor racing circuit, lets see how we get on this year and go from there)

We will have a club representation on the area, please get in touch with myself or Chris Elworthy if you can help out over the weekend.

Camping is free, and there is a weekend pass, not sure what the cost is though.

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That's DONINGTON where the race circuit is not far from East Midlands airport  ;)  :D  :)  :D

and hopefully where the sun will be shining  :D  :)

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Space for 60 cars.......blimey. Well done Mr SplutterBunn.............. :0  :0

I'll have to get my A*** in gear and get along. I would dearly love to see 60 Westfields there. We could fill Donington track for a session or two too................

Would you be a love and remind me of the dates please Gary?

Where's me diary............

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Would you be a love and remind me of the dates please Gary?

Blatters  :durr:  :blush:  :durr:  its Garry and for date check out topic title

It's all that fresh air you been gettin lately innit  ;)  :devil:  :)  :D  :blush:  :D

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Nice one Mr Bunn!

I will be there - possibly on both days , will let you know nearer the time.  What sort of help is needed?

Also - as you have done such an excellent job with organising this - do you think it is worth attacking (negotiating with) Limelight - who seem to want to charge £145.00 for a pretty limited track session.

Wouldn't it be extra special to see the track full of Westfields!!

P.S.  will bring a spare battery for my Volvo this time.

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Chris is on holiday and I know he has some idea's, but...

We will have a ezup or gazebo type thing which will be manned over the weekend by knowledgeable and friendly WSCC members...ish...a bit like Stoneleigh on a smaller scale!

We could do with a flag pole(the portable type with a plate that goes under a car wheel) if someone has one.(Mark...do you Know the where abouts of the WSCC flag?) Anyone have a contact for "banner frames", the type that hold the banner by bungy straps in a self supporting alloy frame?? Or one to lend us.

We have several people from the Derby/Notts area(I think) to man the stand, but by all means get in touch if you are keen to help out.

One or two WSCC friendly companies will be present to offer advice and promote there services. These include (so far) Playscool and Nortampton Motorsport (they did the group rolling road test recently).

I will have a word about charges for the track, I didn't realise they had hiked up the price!


PS. There's 2 n's in Donnington like 2 r's in Garry!

PPS. Mention spluttering once more and you'll be Blatter Splatter!! (or is that splatter Blatter)

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Eyup Mr Bunn - I beg your puddin - but your Donington only has one N not two  :p  :D  :)  ;)  and yep your Garry has two R's  ;)  :D  :)

and I'll send you over a club banner - Thanks  :D  :)  ;)

Fur propa speeling ov Donington check out the web site and road maps and signage en route  ;)  :D  :)  :cool:  :p  :D  ;)

There are several other Donningtons elsewhere in the U.K. with two N's  :D

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I have my dissertation to write next term. If I send it too you would you mind checking it for spelling....I’m sure you are more efficient than the MS Word thing.

(have i left myself wide open for a p*** take here?)

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We have a tax dodger amongst us  :devil:  :devil:  :)  :D  ;)  :p  Bet you've heard all about netto beans.  :devil:  :)  :D

and for you Donington misspeeleres check this website outCastle Donington

All you need to know about good old Donington, where to stay and the circuit  ;)  :D  :)  :devil:  :D

Proof reading rates available upon request  ;)  :p  :D  :)

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I've now remembered why I don't post very often!!!

Any road up....back to the matter in hand.....

Bookings forthe track are being taken in advance at a cost of £145 inv vat for the day. Passengers pay £15 per day. Extra drivers pay £25 per day.

Places booked on a first come first served basis.

Contact Limelight 01737 225857 to book.

Track times 9.00am - 5.00pm. Sunday

20 minute sessions per driver per hour.

Cars must be road legal. Crash helmets compulsory (non available to hire)

Minimum age on track is 16.

Mandatory briefing at 8.30.

Noise levels 98 drive by (ease off past the pits if you are on the limit) and 102 static.

20 min sessions are bookable on the day if space allows - cost £25 per session (passenger £5)

.................I'll be glad when I've had enough of this.....


PS Chris ...thought you were still on holiday, did you arrange anything for the weekend??

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I got back from me Hols late last night.

Feel very guilty about the amount you've done so far.

Brain not yet back in gear - I'll phone you tonight to pick up where we left off.

For info we've got a Northants Banner now - I'll do a bit of digging for an "under-wheel" flagpole today.

In terms of the event, I will arrange a Saturday & Sunday prize for a Concours plus an "unbiased" judge.

Instead of a big barbecue I suggest that all staying over bring a disposable one and their own food, this avoids lots of waste / waiting - do you know if they are permitted at Donnnnington ?

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The holiday was a good rest for you then Chris  :devil:  :D  :)  came back refreshed and raring to go  ;)  :D  :)

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Am I right in assuming the £25 per session entries are for the Sunday only, I think last year you couldn't get on the track on the Saturday.

What is the score with these sessions, do you just turn up pay your money and wait in line or can you pre book sessions?

What scrutineering do they do? I am assuming the usual catch tank, MOT etc.

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