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:laugh: I remember that film
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It was not a voyeuristic crash , No one wants to see death on the roads, my point would be that you did not see the death on the road in this incident, but you new it happened , it was a real event and these events happen , the realisation of just how quickly life changing/ending events happen can change your outlook , and may save your life

I can understand bring safety and awreness to peoples attention but as I said I personally do not want to see this sort of thing on this forum its just my opinion, After being with people who lost their lives due to car incidents it brings back thoughts which I personally do not want to be reminded of, which is why I read the thread and choose then not to open.

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I'm in support of anything that may educate car owners to improve driving standards and safety, but IMO a better way this could have been brought to our attention would have been to post a link to the BBC news website or similar, and then we can seek out for ourselves the video if we so wish.

i was not responsible for reporting the thread although I did think about doing so after viewing the video in question.

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Loving the way all this has blown up over a post made by someone who "doesn't want to be" a Club Member, :bangshead:

The Club is run by a committee of volunteers who have the best interests in the Club at heart, if you don't like the way they do things then offer your services to the Club, get on the committee and change things, otherwise please desist your current communication on the matter because I'm intolerant of other people's opinions :devil:

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I totally accept your views guys , and while I have argued different to them , it matters not. That is a postion that is personal to you as is mine to me , I do however feel that the removal and reasoning should be posted as a matter of courtesy .

That isn't my experience of several other forums I'm aware of and I don't see the reasoning, if the thread starter wants to know why he can PM the committee members.... oh no, hang on :devil::laugh::oops:

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Right, I've been away for a few hours, ironically watching the excellent film of the Talking Heads concert, "Stop Making Sense", on my home cinema with my neighbours, and unbelievably, this is still rumbling on.

There will always be people who feel moderation is censorship.

There will always be people who disagree with decisions made to moderate.

It matters not one jot if it is a forum user or a member who posts or complains - if a number of people using the boardroom are offended by a post and complain, it is the heavy responsibility of the moderators to take action, which was the case here.

And if we're getting into details, I didn't complain or moderate, but I was also offended. When I was 18, I lost my beautiful girlfriend to a drunk driver who ploughed through a red light and hit her car in pretty much the same way as this video. She was in a coma for three days and died in my arms. It was a memory pretty well dormant until people started moaning about moderation. So thanks for stirring that hideous memory up and yeah, I was offended by this video.

Now I don't want your sympthy - that was a lifetime ago. Driving is risky - we get it. Graphic evidence is not required. Kindly find something useful to contribute that doesn't shock and offend.

As for the courtesy to post up an explanation as to why a thread was moderated or deleted - try having the courtesy not to post a potentially offensive thread to start with. Moderators get no joy and get zero thrill in seeing the boardroom report area light up like a Christmas tree and being forced to take action.

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Bed time kids, if you don't like it move on. YAWNNN

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Bed time kids, if you don't like it move on. YAWNNN

"And if we're getting into details, I didn't complain or moderate, but I was also offended. When I was 18, I lost my beautiful girlfriend to a drunk driver who ploughed through a red light and hit her car in pretty much the same way as this video. She was in a coma for three days and died in my arms. It was a memory pretty well dormant until people started moaning about moderation. So thanks for stirring that hideous memory up and yeah, I was offended by this video."

when we start getting into the realms of ' my dead friend is worse than your dead friend'

I guess your right , I think its Night Night , and goodbye :down:

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when we start getting into the realms of ' my dead friend is worse than your dead friend'

I guess your right , I think its Night Night , and goodbye :down:

think thats a bit out of order to be honest and a bit below the belt

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think thats a bit out of order to be honest and a bit below the belt

I fully agree on that one, well below the belt

When it has happened to you, it is most certianly not a pleasant experience and Lurksalot I hope for you it never happens to you

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think thats a bit out of order to be honest and a bit below the belt

Well said

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its never nice to loose a loved one or freind and even worse when they are snatched away in horrendous cercumstances , so i can fully agree and understand and back up why people dont want reminders posted on the wscc website ,people come on here to have fun and enjoy the site with like minded car wuvin people and family including young one's and they do not want to watch video's of horrific car crashes where people are killed , and then have three pages of debate about it because its been moderated because of the content then have a member flounce off in a huff

its been moderted thats the end of it i suppose :)

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I'm with smokey mow on this one and as sad and traumatic personal loss is, lessons are learned and we are reminded of how fragile life can be even when we personally take every precaution to remain safe, there are those out there who don't have the same level of care and/or consideration. Road safety as with all other life safety issues can be hard to discuss/view/educate but to not discuss/view/educate would be foolish.

Links to news stories (where the any footage is either deliberately omitted or sensitively edited) would be a better appraoch and then forum users have a choice whether to look into further or not.

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Anyone want to talk about Westies? That's what I come to this forum for! :t-up:


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get on the committee and change things, otherwise please desist your current communication on the matter because I'm intolerant of other people's opinions :devil:

I find this comment more offensive than the video which was removed. Are normal members of the forum/club not allowed a voice?

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