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There was indeed .. not a particularly bad topic all things considered, until a couple of members started using it to have a pop at each other .. :-(

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Don't know why it was removed...Overzealous mods on here deemed it unsavoury I suppose although I originally posted it to show the consequences of poor driving and the need to always be on the look out for numpty drivers! Seems that when a 'shouty' member complains he always gets his way!

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If there was a couple of unsavoury posts then remove them....no justification for removing the whole thread. I'd like to hear the reasons behind it.

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BBC cannot show footage of any more plane crashes/accidents/wars/etc, As you have to imagine one of your relatives was involved.

And it's just not right! ;) ;)

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Don't know why it was removed...Overzealous mods on here deemed it unsavoury I suppose although I originally posted it to show the consequences of poor driving and the need to always be on the look out for numpty drivers! Seems that when a 'shouty' member complains he always gets his way!

i never complain benny boy , and i certainly didnt go crying to the mods or anybody else like some or say anything out of order ,i only said i thought it inapropriate to post such things on here also how would you feel if it was your wife in that car and it was plastered all over the interweb and that i dont go bleating to anyone without knowing the facts unlike you , you obviously have a problem with me ,thats plain to see ,thats your issue not mine,you need to move on or contact the comitee and voice your concerns to them

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FYI, there were complaints about the video being in poor taste, and a moderator (not me) then removed the thread. This is never an easy decision to make, but the added sniping probably didn't help the thread's case.

There has been extremely little moderation lately, so the impression that there is a "lot more" is erroneous. The only stuff lately I've done in the past month was one single very offensive word in a post while the rest of the post was allowed to stand.

If you are upset that a video of a horrific crash where people died and an Internet argument was removed, you can fill the gap over at YouTube quite easily.

In summary, drive carefully, and look both ways when crossing a junction.

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moderation descending into "taste police" on a forum when the video itself is inoffensive is a very slippery slope.....

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Not the sort of thing I would post, But it made me look twice at all the "T" Junctions after watching it! :o :o

The problem with "You Tube" is you look at one, then get drawn to another video.......

Some of the driving out there makes you feel like not going back out on the road, :(

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I guess I'm in the minority but this is a family forum and I support the decision to remove the thread which linked to a video of people being killed. They were someone's loved ones. In my opinion it was simply an inappropriate forum on which to post it, although I appreciate it may well have been posted with all good intentions. (And no, it wasn't me that complained).

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FYI, there were complaints about the video being in poor taste, and a moderator (not me) then removed the thread. This is never an easy decision to make, but the added sniping probably didn't help the thread's case.

There has been extremely little moderation lately, so the impression that there is a "lot more" is erroneous. The only stuff lately I've done in the past month was one single very offensive word in a post while the rest of the post was allowed to stand.

If you are upset that a video of a horrific crash where people died and an Internet argument was removed, you can fill the gap over at YouTube quite easily.

In summary, drive carefully, and look both ways when crossing a junction.


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I am all for opinion , and everybody is entitled to one , but when a thread is pulled, surely it is only good manners to offer some sort of explanation as to the reason why

Scott has already given the reason why the post was moderated.

FYI, there were complaints about the video being in poor taste, and a moderator (not me) then removed the thread. .

this is not directed at anyone in particular but i fail to understand why we must always question and seek written explanation as to the reasons why the mods have taken action against a particular member or post. The forum rules and guidelines are available for all to read and we all agreed to them when we signed up. Obviously when moderation happens it is because the site admin feel there has been a breach of these rules.

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It may be interesting to see the number of views / number of complaints , and then compare that to the number of people who may actively change their habits at road junctions !!

I must admit I am in the same place as Ian FBB.

We are all Petrol Heads and I really do not want to be shown death on the road, I read the thread but did not open the clip on the basis I did not want to see what appeared to be a horrific crash based on what people were saying.

I want this forum to thrive on good advice and interesting threads on all aspects of cars which we all love

Atleast this is my view!

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I am sure if it was a video of the poor lady caterham driver that lost her life a few weeks back it would have been removed within seconds and we would have all been berating the person that posted it.......

I don't mind watching a good crash video, but draw the line when people have gotten killed or very seriousley hurt - a bit of sensible moderation in this forum I dont mind and am happy to leave it to the guys and gals that get voted in to do it :t-up: ....we have all seen what happens to certain topics, and how they degrade into the pits when where there is no moderation

I am sure there are plenty of sites where you can go view videos of people loosing their lives in a variety of ways should you wish :suspect:

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