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A Few Classics On The Rollers Last Week

Northampton Motorsport

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Mclaren M1 C can am car



Lotus 15



Lister Chevrolet



and my personal favorite

Lola Mk4 1962 GP car driven by John Surtees back in the day. 1.5 ltr climax v8 on lucas mechanical injection, straight through pipes and 11,000 rpm





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Nice....Im sure Rothersthorpe Avenue was filled with glorious soundtracks!

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Hmmm not a silencer in sight, I think the neighbours may not have been so pleased.

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The sound must have been awesome! Thanks for sharing.

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Lola Mk4 one of the few cars to get pole position on its first outing , one of Eric Broadly's best !

Team Yoeman Credit who entered 2 of the cars was (alegedly) the first fully sponsered F1 team .

Climax engine sound was sweat

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we did get some video so i will post it as soon as I can work out how to get it off my phone!! doh.

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Really enjoyed those photos.

The Lola has a special meaning as in the 60s my father was Credit Controller with Yeoman Credit at the point they ran the racing team. They had Harry Schell (got killed), Roy Salvadori and then the rising star, John Surtees plus various others, team manager was Reg Parnell. At some point they became Bowmaker but I think they carried on for a while until the ugly face of Sponsorship really kicked in (although, ok, it was necessary, before someone jumps on me for saying that)

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Superb! Thanks for sharing.

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Agreed thanks for that. Would loved to have heard them running.

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Wow, what a tough day in the office! Thanks for sharing those pics. Stunning cars

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No video, no sound :bangshead:

Come on Troy get some video up if you're going to dangle carrots like these in front of us, there's a good lad ;):d

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Troy, the Coventry Climax engined cars, the Lotus and Lola are fantastic bits of kit which have become icons.

Is it rude to ask who owns these cars or would than be confidential?

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I'll give you one guess Norman

Someone with a lot of money :xmas: :xmas: :xmas:

Or a lot of foresight many years ago :d :d :d

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