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Membership Stuff


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Hi guys, I am really not moaning honest... But since joining the club just after the switch over to the new system I have not recieved a magazine, no card or anything apart from members privaliges on the forum, have I missed something or is this all thats provided these days or am I just not wanted :-(

But seriously if this is it no worrys but I was sure I used to get a magazine a couple of years ago.



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There are no cards now, (unless you're a Speed Series contestant), are the address details fully and correctly entered in your profile? - Quite a few members initially deleted these, thinking, wrongly, that the whole world could see them, as your address appears beneath your Avatar when you've logged on to the Boardroom.

That's the address used for all magazines and postal correspondence.

Assuming you were an existing member, (as you used to receive the mag?) then there isn't as far as I'm aware any "membership pack" that is sent out for a renewal.

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Hello Duncan,

First of all, apologies to you for not having received anything yet - you'll be glad to know that's been rectified and it is already in the post to you.

Now then, a story - are we all ready and sitting comfortably? Gooooooooood!

There was a slight technical hitch (or dangler-up) when the new boardrooms came in on 4th January. The system was supposed to automatically send an email to the membership secretary (Jon Curtis) whenever someone paid for a new membership so he could create a welcome pack and send it out.

About the end of March, in the middle of the handover process from Jon to me (which will be completed at Stoneleigh), and I was able to start helping out and got in the membership area of the boardrooms, a Support Request popped up from someone who hadn't had a welcome pack. And then another one. And another. And another. And so on...

Jon and I asked Tigger to look into it, and unfortunately, this auto email function wasn't working (now fixed) - so no notifications on new memberships had been sent to Jon since 4 January. Oh, :swear: Don't forget, members are told it may take 28 days to process everything, hence the delay in Support Requests popping up.

I then had to go back through all the boardroom purchases since 4 January, individually, one by one (to see which ones were new members) - all 625 purchases, 23 screen pages of records on the boards. :bangshead::ghostface::swear:

This enabled me to cut and paste to produce a spreadsheet of names who needed a welcome pack - a mere 246. :swear::swear::swear::swear::swear:

To his great credit, last week Jon did all 246 of these welcome packs and took them to his local post office, which must have made him as popular there as a plague of fleas at Crufts, so we are now as caught up as can be.

Not an excuse, but an explanation that we hope you'll understand why now, and it's always fun to see others work hard. So you and 245 other people will be getting their welcome packs in the post very soon. :t-up:

Any other problems, please raise a Support Request (read here - Post #11).

Hope that explains things, and our apologies again to you and the others.

Off now for a lie-down,

Scott :zzz:

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Cheers Captain, its really good to know its just not me then ;-)

I thought it would have been a little glitch like that and seriously I can't imagine how much work all you guys put into this club, and I hope to bump into at least some of you at Stoneleigh.


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  • 1 month later...

I joined the WSCC in 2001 and was, until recently, AO for the Wirral and North Wales area. Now that I am only an ordinary member I enquired about paying for my membership and was told that as I had been AO for over 10 years I wouldn't have to pay. Nice. When the Forum changed I tried to register but failed and none of my emails were answered, so I paid my membership fee of £30 in March this year.

Today, 24th May, I have received an envelope from the WSCC, welcoming me to the club. Thank you. There was nothing else in the envelope - no magazine (which I receive regularly anyway), no car sticker and no pen which I am led to believe should have been included.

To make matters worse I had to pay 12p, plus a £1 admin fee to the Royal Mail as the envelope did not have the correct postage value on it.

I have raised a support request and am looking forward to the reply.


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Hi John

Your support request has been answered - see your Client Area please. :)


Scott :t-up:

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All sorted, thanks for your very prompt reply and explanation.

Best regards,


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I also received an envelope from the WSCC, welcoming me to the club. There was nothing else in the envelope,

I also had to pay 12p, plus a £1 admin fee to the Royal Mail as the envelope did not have the correct postage value on it.

If there is still a delay, no problem, just thought to inform you.



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Looks like the same happened to several of us then... never mind, I guess the extra postage was due to Royal Mail putting postal prices up just after a bulk buy of stamps for sending out lots of welcome letters... I guess it's unlikely to happen again any time soon ;)

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Tyson & MrG - you have PM. :)


Scott :t-up:

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Thanks Scott, much appreciated :t-up: ... hope you had a good holiday :)

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I to raced down to the post office, with great expectations of a parts delivery, only to be met with a bill of £1.12 to pick up a large envelope containing a single sheet of paper welcoming me to the WSSC - PO paperwork said it was because the envelope was too big for the stamp fee paid.


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You have PM.

Kind regards,

Scott :):t-up:

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Received my second envelope today, containing 2 stickers and a pen. Thanks.

Excess postage on the first one was 12p, plus a £1 admin fee. The excess postage on the second envelope was only 9p, plus the £1 admin fee. I didn't bother asking why there was a 3p difference, I didn't think it was important. I paid by sticking 3 second class stamps to the Royal Mail form so they would deliver the post, I don't know how much a second class stamp costs but I expect I have paid more than the £1.09 fee.

If anyone knows how much a second class stamp costs then please don't tell me, I'm ignorantly happy now I've got my stickers and I think I can find a use for the pen.



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