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3 Sisters & Championship Points

Paul Aspden

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(sorry, typo, it was class E)

Possibly, but if it had been TT's I wouldn't of entered.

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I really cannot believe that the scoring system makes any significant difference to the decision of 99% of the entrants or potential entrants in the Speed Series. I suspect that the majority of entrants know they are not going to win their class in the championship, including me, but it doesn't stop us entering. The minority who have a serious chance of winning their class, and therefore by definition a chance of overall honours, have that chance of winning their class on either scoring method. It seems to me that what the T T s do is, for that minority, it makes it fairer for overall honours as between the classes.

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Maybe, but just prefer to compete with other competitors on the day. Target times do nothing for me.

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Well said Stephen H , and very relavent.

Steve P- How do TTs stop you competing with other drivers on the day?, Please explain so I can understand

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So are you not a fan of the target time system then Steve?.........

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No I'm not Rich.

Just want to enjoy the competition on the day with good banter and the mind games that go on, and a bit of a laugh, with a chance to win my class.

I see no "fairness" in TT's and believe they will see the demise of entry level novice drivers in the SS.

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This is my take on the Speed Series.

Do you enter to compete or do you enter to win.

Digest those words, compete and win.

If you wish to first compete, you start with a car enter a class and then find that you are unable to compete never mind win because your car is not quick enough and your ability to drive is compromised by your lack of talent.

So it begins, the never ending money trap.

More power , different wheels, tyres, gearbox,dampers, suspension, seat time and any other improvement that you be believe will make you quicker.

Three or four years later there is no comparision between the car then and now.

Because you now intend to win.

My take on target times were that they were introduced to make it easier for newcomers to compete, but they can only compete with other newcomers in their class.

They will not win against established competitors in that class.

And If you wish to win the class or championship why should it have to go to the last event.

And also if due to a lack of numbers in your class you are able to go to an event and drive sedately around to collect maximum points why should you be demeaned for it.

You have just taken advantage of other drivers apathy and laziness to change classes or cars.

Then you have done precisely what you need to do to win, and its cheaper :) .

Congratulations to that man.

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You do not say how TTs make any difference to you efforts or enjoyment on the day.

Banter/mind games/ chance to win class on day are completely unaffected by TTs.

You will only win your class on the day if you are fastest, with any score system.


I agree with the first part of your summary, but i still cant see how its fair on other competitors if one person is able to score max points very easily

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My take on target times were that they were introduced to make it easier for newcomers to compete, but they can only compete with other newcomers in their class.

I always understood that they were there to make it more comparable between classes and between events and reward absolute performance.

Actually the only downside that I see from target times is very serious competitiors picking what they identify to be circuits with softer times and driving a long way to compete there and possibly avoiding circuits with very challenging targets. This may skew attendance at certain events and be another cost time factor that only some can take advantage of.

Take Lydden for example. Cars were 3 seconds off the pace because the track was so dusty from a rallycross event the weekend before. Will this put people off next year?

Of course over time you would expect this to all sort itself out as representative times are set at all circuits.

Anyway I'm still at the entering for fun stage and a long way from worrying about target times.

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You will only win your class on the day if you are fastest, with any score system.

Been there done that :arse: and no matter how you want to probe :suspect: TT's are in my oppinion not the way forward.

End of :(

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I have to say Stuart when we were in a there were two of us and two guys in h that could have theoretically taken the championship at that years last event at 3 sisters (although i would have needed some sort of,mirical to take it )

That was first past the post

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Stuart, this little thread is quite amusing with the supposition that motor sport is fair.

If one man has a budget 3 to 4 times greater than the next and is prepared to spend that to win please explain how that is fair.

Just accept it for what it is, a loss making exercise that sometimes makes you both happy and sad.

Then if we go back to Ash Masons tremendous season .

If it had been first pass the post, Ash would have won. :)

The fastest westfield driver that season and he did't win. :down:

Was that fair?

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It was first past post system when Ash was competing, That was the problem , he could rarely score the then max of 17 points due to lack of competition.

I do not see what we can do about peoples ability to spend tho and take that point on board


As far as I can see you have not come up with a single valid reason for dislikeing or the problem on the day for TTs


You are right

I probably enjoyed that year with you/Marshall/Neville/and others in A ( we never knew who was going to win) more than any other year (inc last year) .

But the cars were much more = then. you seem to need 200hp+ just to stand still in 2A these days. Budgets thro roof , Thats why theres fewer competitors.

But I do think the Novice championship is really worth going for for any newbies

Rob- Do you think TTs would have made any differeence to our enjoyment that year/

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(It was first past post system when Ash was competing, That was the problem , he could rarely score the then max of 17 points due to lack of competition.

I do not see what we can do about peoples ability to spend tho and take that point on board)

Which confirms my comments regarding first pass the post with no restrictions.

First pass the post with maximum points would have made Ash the winner.

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