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3 Sisters & Championship Points

Paul Aspden

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b*****k*. What s year I've picked to take a year out.

bl**** miss my blade car.

Must build myself another engine I think.

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If you can do it Mark it would be great to have you out there setting the pace

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Have to agree with Mick I also do not think the dwindling number of SS drivers are all down to financial reasons, sorry to disagree Stuart but I do think target times are a factor.

No secret that I am not a fan of TT, but if they are deemed to be the way to go why are they cast in stone!!!! I believe it is Longton & district that have a target time based on the second fastest in class on the day, thereby taking into account weather/temperature etc.

the winner in class receives extra points (up to a max. of 2). As has been stated before not perfect but must be worthy of consideration.

If you want to be really radical how about changing the classes (yes I know stability is what any championship really needs with less changes but numbers are dwindling year on year),

A/B list 1a tyres, H pattern box (helical gears no straight cut) no LSD

C/D list 1b, straight cut gears (no dog boxes) LSD, aero or windscreen,

E/F list 1b, sequensial or dog box

G/H anything goes (as at present.

Winds in neck and sticks head WELL below the parapet waiting incoming.

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I'm afraid I believe the low number of entries is totally down the economic climate! Sarah Nield was prowling the 3 sisters paddock on Sunday trying to drum up entries for Anglsey!! Who ever would have believed that!


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If you are right, there will be a full entry of westys at Anglsey and everyone who enters should get in :)

How many SS cars do you think will be there ???

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There is a visible reduced entry from most clubs due to the economic climate so its not just WSCC

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Why should there be a full entry of Westfields? Entrys are down across the board!

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Normally there is one almighty scrabble to get entries in for Ty Croes, on the basis a number of competitors have been disappointed over the years not making it through to the final regs.

Seems from what you are saying Dell this wont be a problem this year.

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It hasnt been a problem for a couple of years now. The event hasnt been completely full for at least 2 years

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Not done it for a few years John, since target times were introduced :)

Shame as it was a good two day event, a tad expensive though once the hotel and bar bills were paid.

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Would you be happier to do ty croes if it was first past post post?

Then , if you were lucky enough to be the only one in your class, you could drive around really slowly and collect as many championship points as someone who has just beaten a westfield record!

The fastest driver ,in each class, still wins with Target Times(as with first past post) , but they do have to drive fast( unlike first past post when they could just stroll round if they were a lone competitor)

TTs allow a competitor like Ash Mason, who was breaking and setting lots of national records when he was competing, to have a chance of winning the SS. (he was often unable to score max points due to lack of competitors in his class)

Also TTs have helped to take the championship down to the last meeting for the last two years, whereas, if we still had first past post , it probably would have been over by the end of July last year which would have been very unfair IMHO.

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I agree on that point Stuart and if it were first past the post again, then Steve would have to beat you in class A if you were both still in class A ;) .

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Would you be happier to do ty croes if it was first past post post?


Then , if you were lucky enough to be the only one in your class, you could drive around really slowly and collect as many championship points as someone who has just beaten a westfield record!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The last time I did Ty Croes was in 2007 competing in class "A" and yes I suffered from lack of entries on both days coming away with only 16.5 points for each day, despite doing better times than our past chairman who was competing in class "E"

I don't think many people would spend upwards of £560.00 just to attend TY Croes and drive around slowly.

TTs have helped to take the championship down to the last meeting for the last two years, whereas, if we still had first past post , it probably would have been over by the end of July last year which would have been very unfair IMHO.

In my last full season honors for class "A" were decided on the last run of the last event "Lowton Park" where I just managed to clinch it from Martin Hepworth, with less than one point separating us for the full season.

Those were the days when 6 drivers competed in class "A" at the Lowton event

Next :p

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Yes John

I expect that Kev B could, if he did a full season, do the same in A this year , BUT the TTs will(or should) mean that he will have to work at it. Whereas with first past the post , I suspect that (based on his previous results) Kev would wrap up SS easily

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So Steve

At ty croes, if you had TTs you would have scored max points ( i would think that your time must have been fast to beat a class f)

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