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Terry Everall

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Results are available but dont know if Tigger has them yet

John Hoyle back in competition went very well and set a new record

Paul Aspden was a no show due to a blown engine whilst testing( so I was told)

Steve Everall had oil/smoke which was traced to an overfull dry sump tank

Kev Jones had a few technical issues ( starter motor and the rear brakes locked up) and things got worse when Paul Jones hit the tyre wall hard and damaged the turbo busa, taking the offside wheel off and twisting a few bits as well

Dels late build programme worked and he had a good battle with Gary Bunn double driving

Any Hargreaves and Matt Turner had a great battle chasing Andy Rushworths old record

Myself and Tim Nunn had a great battle chasing the target time and setting a new record with Tim getting a great win

I need a bit more seat time but was happy with the new car and was close with 43.79 secs time which was just 0.01 sec off the target and my trickshift would not work

Great start to the season for the northern lads

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Good day out as well Terry, nice to meet up with a few of you speedy guys. Hope you get your gear change sorted soon.

Bob. :d

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i was in the garage welding pipes :cry: :cry: :cry: will be out soon tho :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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Let me have your email and I will forward them

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Thanks for help yesterday moving/loading the car and all the offers of help to fix, much appreciated.

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From the banking above the esses we watched three cars, yours included appear to go through a similar process; taking the the painted kerb on the exit to the final "straight", they all seemed to stay on the kerb a fraction to long. The OS front would be on Tarmac, but the OS rear went from kerb on to grass and pitched the car sideways.

Of the three cars that seemed to hit the same spot, it looked like two, (yours possibly included?) tried to catch the first violent yaw. Both hit the inner tyre wall in a similar position, one - the Capri, (wheter by accident or design) seemed to pitch it into a full spin rather than catching it, and got away with it. Just missing the tyre wall (it appeared) and going through the timing beam/chequered line backwards.

A fourth car, the silver Clio, also took the kerb in a similar way, but this time kept both OS wheels on the grass, exiting the kerb, that pulled the whole car sideways to the left - though the driver managed to keep it straight and ended up, all four wheels on the grass, heading to the finish line.

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Just to add, such a shame, the car looked and sounded fantastic out on the track; really seemed to pick up speed off the start line and into that first right hander well.

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Just looked at your data Kev

that turbo is a beast and maybe giving big power but not at right time on a short tricky circuit

Its an easy solution

Stick an 08 blade in it :oops:

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A quick pic of our very own Flying Scotsman getting a little air under the front wheel!


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Some more piccies....


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I'm sure AdamR will have captured some better photos!

AND many thanks to team Everall for taking the time to chat to us.

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Nice shots David - I have a few I'll try and pop up later...

Was a good day out! Pretty shocked by how quick the top cars are off the line.

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I'm resisting the urge to post up too many as the WSCC calender always needs shots that haven't been on the Boardroom.

(I've been caught in that trap before :blush::down: )

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It's probably a year or maybe two since I've really spectated at a non club sprint; it was fascinating to see how much the technology being used has pushed on at this level in the last few years.

Interesting to see the number of (kit/special) cars deploying launch control etc.

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