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Insurance - Am I Missing Something?

Mat Jackson

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Thanks Dibby, how does it work with having 2 cars do they mirror your NCB or is that not included at all?

The insurances are separate, best to ring round and see what prices you can get

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It's always best to insure your Kit Car or Classic seperate to your daily Tin Top costs wise. For the Tin Top always go for the mass market insurers. Kit Cars are best insured with the specialists, limited mileage and value play the biggest part of the insurance premium. Some take into consideration your NCB history and some don't.

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what is def worth checking ( i think i may have mentioned this before ) is that whatever quote you get that you check the docs do reflect exactly what you're insuring and for what purpose. ie/ declaring forced induction - or rather checking that the policy covers such a car/engine, same with bec's - personally i wouldnt fancy arguing the point in the event of a claim that i hadn't been asked whether it was a bike engine or turbo.

Reason this is very fresh in my mind is not to do with kits but to do with a 4x4 which for the past 2 years has been insured on a specialist policy, it ran out today and yesterday i had the renewal which was a pretty good deal - similar numbers to insuring the kit. Out of curiosity i asked who the underwriter was and promptly gave Barry at Pickles a call as i know they deal with teh same u/writer - lo and behold for the past 2 years that 4x4 has been insured on a scheme that its not eligible for. I suspect that if i'd had a claim i would have been in a world of pain, needless to say i dropped the original insurer and promptly did it properly with Pickles.

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Greenwood, from what you say, you have made full declaration but the broker has placed you on the wrong policy. If so I can't see how you could have been responsible for a rejected claim. The broker would have had to place the loss on his liability insurance.

Bit like another thread running at the moment.

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maybe Norman, but the hassle and pain to get it sorted would/could have been a nightmare - do they really record every call, is there a degree of burden on the policy holder to check teh details are correct etc etc.....

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From previous experience with companies that record your calls, they tend to only be able to get at the particular recording if you can give them the precise date and time of the phone call.

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It's all a joke really though isnt it. I mean you can only drive one vehicle at a time.

When I was 22 I wanted to insure my bike as garage only as it wasn't been ridden. The quote was just nuts. ( not dry roast ). They said this was down to my age.

How could my age have anything to do with a bike parked in a garage and not insured for the road is beyond me.

I'm also with FP for my westy. Me and the mrs for £170

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Having just insured my new fw via the broker i had to contact them regarding my van insurance.

Whilst i was at it i told them that the westy was in for a full cage and a cam upgrade along with some other bits

They said that they would check with the insurers to make sure it was covered.

I nearly fell over when they did not want to insure me further as it was modified goodness me (Hello its a kit car)

The broker was not that impressed either from what i gather and the upshot was that it cost me more money and i also had to start the insurance again.

I would advise everyone to make sure that the ins co know whats on your car as they seem to be building get outs into into there policies these days.

It seems that we the customer have to know what questions to tell them to ask us otherwise we have not declared all required info :bangshead:

Looks like even when you pay their silly prices your still probably not insured :down:

Or is it just me :laugh:

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mortgages, insurance, utilities, breakdown cover, etc... its all the same, there are 2 rates, a more expensive rate for existing customers, a cheaper one for new, i was told the increased rate paid by existing customers was a subsidy to entice new business, loyalty, what loyalty

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