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Insurance - Am I Missing Something?

Mat Jackson

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And where you live, claims history etc. etc.

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I cant get my head around some of teh joke quotes out there, Flux wanted about £400+ which was crazy ( not a renewal), and anopther well know kit specialist wanted upwards of £600 and asked ' has it been modifed' - err its a kit car?

Barry at Pickles is a top top guy, took time out from relaxing one bank hol last year to bother to come and meet a bunch of us from skcc. My renewal with them went down by £2, which was a surprise as i knew we needed to switch underwriter for various reasons ( me not them ).....so for 9k miles and with Mrs G on teh policy is a whopping £160 for a mid 40's guy with 3 points.

I know of 2 guys who are good friends who had the unfortunate reason to test the quyality of the underwiters due to a cple of accidents, 1 being 7k's worth of damage to his caterham. In both cases the u/writers made their agreement to repair pronto and i know the 1st claim which was smaller didnt result in a nasty hike the next time around. Bearing in midn that many brokers are using the same 2-3 u/writers often teh difference in these quotes is greed ( or politically correctly - compnay policy).

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I know of 2 guys who are good friends who had the unfortunate reason to test the quyality of the underwiters due to a cple of accidents, 1 being 7k's worth of damage to his caterham. In both cases the u/writers made their agreement to repair pronto and i know the 1st claim which was smaller didnt result in a nasty hike the next time around.

Make that three people - me too. KGM through Frank Pickles, had a bump last year, assessors agreed fast and were absolutely painless, although my premium did go up...by £4 to £93. We'll see what June brings, A-Plan will get a chance to quote me, but Frank Pickles and KGM are good people in my books.

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And yet another for Mr Pickles, just renewed but it did go up by a whopping £12 to £110. I get the RAC recovery plan through them as well all totalling £170

One of the benefits of being a more mature driver i suppose. :)

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just one point to add that I have noticed - bike engines have definitely been loaded more recently as have superchargers and turbos.

One other point, Frank Pickles offer an option of parts only road legal insurance that makes it even cheaper. I do this for my road legal sprint car that will never be used on the road anyway but I want to insure as cheaply as possible to comply with the regs. You need to call though, not available online.


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No direct discount arranged by WSSC but if you ask for a quote from F. Pickles they do ask if you are a Car Club Member and give you a bit of discount, although I was not told what the difference in premiums would be.

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XTR2 - good point about BEC;s n Turbos. I know someone that was very lucky not have had to claim as he'd insured his car as a 2.0l, he hadnt been asked the question about normally aspirated etc etc, it only came to light when he rang around for a cple of other renewal quotes and then checked his old policy! ( this WASN'T a broker thats been mentioned so far in this thread ).

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There was a case in the L7C where someone spent several thousand rebuilding his car and upgrading. Having finished he phoned the broker to increase the sums insured from £3000 to £20,000. The broker explained that that increase couldn't be done with a phone call and he should submit invoices and photographs to back up the new value.

Of course the owner didn't do this and, you've guessed it, wrote the car off in a smash. The insurer refused to pay out as the car was grossly under insured. The case went to the ombudsman - twice - who, in both cases ruled in favour of the broker/insurer.

When I had my accident the UK insurer employed a French assessor to inspect. The main concern was to verify that the damaged car was the one insured. I did all the work and the parts came to over £7,000. They UK claims manager wanted to know how much I was charging for my labour. I settled on the £250 excess,

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Yep, same here for too. I'm with FJ and they quaoted me £347 this year.....over £100 dearer than alst years policy, Cheeky bar stewards!!!!!!

Looks like i'll be trying some of the above mentioned companies for a cheaper one!

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New Business insurance premiums are being set artificially low to try and attract new business, the renewal rates are set to try and recover some of the loss made whilst taking on the new business. I blame the online search engines for forcing the insurers to do this. When I worked in underwriting, some 20 years ago, the renewal rates were always lower than new business, as a reward for loyalty. That has gone out of the window now. IMHO this is not sustainable long term, and sooner or later, smaller insurers are going to be forced out of business and rates will have to go up. It is exactly the same principal as breakdown cover. RAC and AA both start a new online purchase at about £30 but the renewal will be around £55.

It is too easy for people to buy a new policy online so there is no loyalty and people swap from year to year.

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Frank Pickles were great. FJ quoted c£290 vs £135 that FP arranged via Highway (LV). Great service to go with it as the cover note turned up 20 hours later so I could get myself taxed!

EDIT: I found BEC's a significant % more to insure while doing test quotes with Frank Pickles. Put off considering a Megablade over a Zetec.

This move to attracting new business only fits with the rest of the financial services industry (sadly). When we've developed pricing for new savings accounts at work the critical assumptions are the go to rate and the retention %.

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Hi guys im new to the westfield community, looking to purchase on for this summer hopefully with a bike engine. I was wondering about insurance and how it works, do you guys have a limited mileage/useage policy and are bike engined Westfields alot more expensive to insure than car engined ones?

Thanks guys

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Our bike engined Westie is far cheaper to insure than a car engined Robin Hood despite the performance blowing the Hood out of the water and the car is worth 4x as much. The reason the insurance company gave was 'You've gone from a 2-litre car to a 1-litre' ... well we can't argue with that!

Everyone uses their car differently, I find limiting to 3000 miles a year plenty, there are different ages/ professions/ areas etc so quotes will be different but we're paying £180 a year for me and both parents to be insured through Footman James.

Best to ring round the usual suspects mentioned above - Frank Pickles, Footman James, Adrian Flux. Play them off against each other and see who can give you the best quote.

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Thanks Dibby, how does it work with having 2 cars do they mirror your NCB or is that not included at all?

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Which of the insurers give a discount for WSCC membership? I know Footman James do, but what about the others?

As to how much is a reasonable premium for a Westfield, surely it must depend on the specification of your car? Also, what if any mileage limit you agree, and what your age is?


We give specialist rates for WSCC members, you are absolutely right, the premiums do depend on the spec/age/mileage etc.

Give me a call on 01635 874646 or pm me your details and i can call you to o through a quotation with you.



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