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Wscc Members Only ?


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I don't really get this particular idea , why have a secret boardroom section that needs a membership to access ?

Are there topics that normal boardroom ettiquette would demand a private discussion room that PM can't cope with, or are we looking for alternate ways of making non payers unwelcome :no:

Are promo codes or offers that secretive that a member can't phone a friend or post somewhere to utilise :p

Is it a place to post a lot more of the same thing just to pretend that it is more desirable :suspect:

Am I missing something here ???:o:d :d

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a area for members deals, offers and information :)

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Basically, it's like fight club ... the first 2 rules are we don't talk about it.

3rd rule is that you try your best and enjoy yourself!

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Whilst I understand the reasons behind this, I must point out that the companies that make the offers wouldn't. They wish to sell their wares and aren't bothered if it's to a member or not.

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But aren't there quite a few examples of companies offering xx% off to WSCC members only?

In which case that would be a perfect location to notify members of the deal isn't it?

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Members only deals are a good hook to get more people to sign up and pay their subs to pay the server fees, lay on the events, print the magazine and the calendar, print the stickers, organise the stall at Stoneleigh ... the list goes on.

A website doesn't appear for free Lurksalot

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Members only deals are a good hook to get more people to sign up and pay their subs to pay the server fees, lay on the events, print the magazine and the calendar, print the stickers, organise the stall at Stoneleigh ... the list goes on.

A website doesn't appear for free Lurksalot

There is the reason

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As a motor trader who offered discounts to any group that was available I can state that I wasn't interested in whether the person belonged to a group or not, I was making a sale that I wouldn't otherwise have made.

The members only view is 100% correct. However if a friend of mine wanted something that the club got a discount on I would give him the details.

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I understand the theory but in practise will it work?

How will anyone who is not a member know that there are deals going for members so encouraging them to join?

they cant use the search function as they are not a member so they will not show on the view new content page and they cant access the members only area!

or am I missing something basic here ?

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Not for me to say, but let me illustrate the problem a bit. To make the area visible to non-members but accessible to members only (protected) would require that area have password protection to access it. This would be a single password, not a different one for every member. Now try to get every member to keep that single password an absolute secret from good friends and others who are non-members, and then stop that password leaking outside the boardrooms. You'd have to change the password every week, maybe every day sometimes, then find a way to inform every member of the password change...

You get the idea.

Now Tigger might be able to work some magic and come up with a different solution, but it's not going to be easy or likely to be a top priority. Instead, I think we should thank him for creating the area so special offers for members and other things can be kept exclusive and those who support the club with their hard-earned cash get the rewards.

EDIT: I have put this thread up in the Membership Area as an enticement for non-members to join. Nothing worse than not being in on a deal or a secret!

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Members only deals are a good hook to get more people to sign up and pay their subs to pay the server fees, lay on the events, print the magazine and the calendar, print the stickers, organise the stall at Stoneleigh ... the list goes on.

A website doesn't appear for free Lurksalot

Thanks for the succint explanation there Dibby , and of course the reitteration by Housebeautician , there was me thinking.....

Never mind , I understand now that things need paying for :d

what I don't understand, is the logic of trying to entice new members with offers that are posted in a secure part of the boardroom that these people are not permitted to access ???

It just doesn't feel quite right :down:

I believe the success of this club has been brought about by its openness , friendliness and tolerance towards others and I am not sure that this new secret forum furthers the spirit of the club

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I take it you haven't followed my link in the post above yet, which should help.

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I have , but why tell people what they can't look at , why not let them evaluate the benefits by looking at them ???

That would rather defeat the object of the exercise wouldn't it?

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