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That's a bit of a small one, isn't it Kingston? ;) (With that sign in front of it, it looks like it's on sale in an Ikea!)

No need for it though, thanks anyway. :)

Not everyone appreciates me injecting a little bit of humour into my posts and that's fair enough, but then again Lurksy, not everyone appreciates having their professional photos copied, manipulated and used as an avatar without their permission, do they? Its not a perfect world, and none of us are perfect, are we? Still, we all need to get along and do the best we can for our club, and I'm willing to work towards that with anyone willing to help make it even better.

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Buzz is spot on and it is the tip of the iceberg as far as I am concerned with the apathy that some members have. I took over the Bath and Bristol area but due to a combination of ill health and work I had to let the reins go. since them we have not had one person who has stepped forward to have a go. I know we all have issues but not one?

So those in this area get less from the club than our neighbours Cheltenham and Glos who are very active in all areas. And as the area has grown so has the members who help.

I have written articles in the past from the magazine and will do so again, but it is our club, our magazine so it is all our interests to try to make it better. Isn't it ironic that one AO has a VX220, the show organiser has a Ferrari and the Chairman a fiat 500, we are lucky they are still doing what they do.

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Isn't it ironic that one AO has a VX220, the show organiser has a Ferrari and the Chairman a fiat 500, we are lucky they are still doing what they do.

Maybe not just a Fiat Jeff - look closely!! :suspect:

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Oooooooo, that looks sexy! Mmmmmmmmm.....!

(But not too sure about using the term STD in your signature, though....please tell me it doesn't mean what I think it means!) ;)

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Na - STD refers only to Dora.

It translates to my ambitions for this years Curborough Sprint - with a car that develops less power than my ride on mower - as follows;

1: get Dora finished in time for Curborough

2: get her past the scrutineers at the event

3: get the prize for the Slowest Time of the Day!

Might bring the other beasty along for a go on the Saturday track day................

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The other beastie looks fun; can't see enough of the bonnet to tell if it's got an "R" in it's name?

Mmm :cool:

...I love the sound of superchargers in the morning. :d

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That's a bit of a small one, isn't it Kingston? ;) (With that sign in front of it, it looks like it's on sale in an Ikea!)

No need for it though, thanks anyway. :)

Not everyone appreciates me injecting a little bit of humour into my posts and that's fair enough, but then again, not everyone appreciates having someone copy and manipulate their professional photo and seeing it used as an avatar without their permission either, do they Lurksy? Its not a perfect world, and none of us are perfect, are we? Still, we all need to get along and do the best we can for our club, and I'm willing to work towards that with anyone willing to help make it even better.

Captain, I don't normally do mudslinging , but as you ask me a question I feel it in order to respond .

Humour I guess, is a somewhat subjective notion, but I feel somewhat lost if your posting to Lord benny was a fine example of your wit and reparte.

Photo wise , yep, I illegally downloaded,and manipulated a photo of a car which I then reposted in a thread for the benefit and humour of the boardroom, that was some time ago and received no complaints at the time . With the new boardroom needing new avatars and links etc this photo was nearest to hand and I used it as a temp for myself. It would be nice to think that an offended member would drop me a PM to explain their position , but when the chairman is dragged in to do the complaining it is such a shame . I am not sure even whose car it was at the time , but the picture is a lttle clearer now maybe.

While we are on the subject of photo copyright , I forget the thread, but I recall seeing a generally rather funny mock up of Shreck and Donkey looking a lot like a couple of our members being banded around in someones postings, any idea who ??? odd really as the original seems to be a link to my flickr page , Ah well , pots and kettles I suppose.

I take it the name 'Lurksy' is in fact another one of your shining witicisms and not name calling , but then I don't always 'get' your sense of humour ….......

In case you're one of the very, very few people in here who didn't know it, as a Yank I lived in southern California for 15 years. NO ONE in LA, American, Mexican or any other nationality, has EVER pronounced it that way. NO ONE. Los Ang-gel-ease is WRONG on EVERY level. WRONG - BAD DOG. BAD. NO DINNER FOR YOU.

But I guess this is a slip of the caps button , and not the shouty abuse that kind of comes across.

I think it is great that you are to become an official of the club ,well done, but I would ask you to consider that position in your postings. I might be alone, but I would consider some of your comments 'harsh' in this respect. That is all really .

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captain i wish you all the best wuv ,you will find it very rewarding being membership sec and remember you are you, dont change no matter what people say

your humour and post's are much eppreciated on the forums :yes: hell they make me chuckle and people need that in there lives

as you were (shrek)

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Mr Lurksalot sir, your comments are noted, and not everyone will be a fan of everyone else's postings or humour - its something we all have to live with when we're part of a big community. But my posts are never intended with any malice, and if anyone reads them that way, then it's incorrect and I apologise for the misunderstanding. (It's also what the Ignore function is for, although I don't ignore anyone's posts these days, but people can feel free to ignore me all they like! :d )

Just to refresh your memory, I was one of the people trying very hard to calm things down on your behalf and in your absence in your avatar problem thread, and got my head figuratively kicked in the thread for my troubles - they do say that no good deed goes unpunished.

As I said, comments noted, thank you.

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captain i wish you all the best wuv ,you will find it very rewarding being membership sec and remember you are you, dont change no matter what people say

your humour and post's are much eppreciated on the forums :yes: hell they make me chuckle and people need that in there lives

as you were (shrek)

thanks Steve, I won't change ever except not to use capitals and propa gamma when talking to you wuv :) would stick heart emoticon thingy in if I wasn't on my girlie iPad wot won't let me do that, GO DIPLO-FLAT! ;):d

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Na - STD refers only to Dora.

It translates to my ambitions for this years Curborough Sprint - with a car that develops less power than my ride on mower - as follows;

1: get Dora finished in time for Curborough

2: get her past the scrutineers at the event

3: get the prize for the Slowest Time of the Day!

Might bring the other beasty along for a go on the Saturday track day................

goat face you can double drive the new exige if ya want to at curby ,just let jme know and i can get a wider seat fitted :oops:

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how about a big hug

tis clear for all to see that you fancy each other - get a room for Christ sake ;-)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just emailed an article to editor@wscc.co.uk - pretty basic stuff but I believe it will be useful to a new Westy owner :)

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