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I do like the magazine and I am guilty of being a joint Area AO

Oh, Fraser, which bit are you joined to?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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So many punchlines, so little time...

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Well said Mr Billsberry ............ so much is given by so few and so many have the benefit and reward :) :)

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I will second what Buzz had to say the reports do get difficult to write if the AOs dont get help from their local area members, I am lucky as I have a few members who do help me with content and photo's but some month's I sit in front of my pc looking blankly at the screen looking for insperation I do try to put something together every issue as I feel it has helped pull our area together as a group and I would hope that the magazine will continue in its present format as I still prefer thumbing through pages.

I would add I still miss Mr Billberry's humourous reports :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Lancashire AO

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Having joined c2 weeks ago I'm really looking forward to receiving my first copy of the magazine. I haven't had a club mag for more than 5 years now since I was in the Peugeot Sport Club and BMW Car Club.

When I finally find a Westfield I want to buy I may write something about my search and first impressions of ownership.

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I would send articles for the mag but it would take years for the editor to sort out my spelling and gramma :laugh:

Steve, if you'd genuinely sit and type up things for the mag, I'd be happy to edit it for you accordingly, would give me something to do! 'Spect there would be a lot of people who'd be interested in reading about some of the things you do... In the work shop I mean :oops:


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It has been said many times before;

The mag is only ever going to be as good as the people who take the trouble to contribute towards filling it - which ain't many of you this time round! (hence the mag is a bit on the thin side)

Also - I undertook an extensive Q & A research of the best future format of the mag following last years AGM - and the overwhelming response was to keep it in "paper" form - so as to keep our non forum members in the loop. We had to reduce the production costs of the mag somehow - hence it has moved from two monthly to quarterly.

So - let's see if we can make the next copy the same thickness as the Stafforshire Telephone DIrectory - it really is down to you! Would be nice to give "the same old faces" a few weeks off too........... :)

BTW - don't worry about spelling and "making it look pretty" - Pete Oz is an excellent editor :d

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Well said Mr Chairman!

Let's keep the mag alive,and yeah it is pretty hard this time of year to find content ,But if a only few more of the members of this LARGE club added a little bit to it, then we would have an even better mag filled cover to cover with the things we all love :love: to read.

Wee Dov

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When I joined the Club I bought a load of magazines from an ex-member. I enjoyed a series of articles entitled "So why did I buy my Westfield(s). Well we could all write a paragraph or two on that topic and you can all form a queue behind me.

Rory's Dad

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I bow my head in shame, for the first time in the six years of membership of the Wscc and the last two years or so as the area AO, this is the first time we have not contributed to the mag, but as has already been said above, its very difficult to always come up with content of any value......so lets get the cars out and start making some news !!!!!!

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Mark ,

don't beat yourself up , do a feature on carbon wrapped kitchen cupboards :o

I would do one on windows and doors , but everyone already knows somewhere to get carbon cheaper and someone who'll fit it for now't :devil: :devil: :swear::bangshead:

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and a thorough reading of Chairmans Chat in the magazine would say a Thank you to John Curtis outgoing Membership Sec and also a thank you to Scott Young for taking up the reins as Membership Secretary :d:yes: :yes: :cool::);)

Oh no, not that nutter taking over as Membership Secretary. Heaven help all of us...

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Oh no, not that nutter taking over as Membership Secretary. Heaven help all of us...

to quote a debate on the newbie threads ....

My e-mails were basically asking if I the powers that be could give me my original membership number, from 5+ years ago when I had my first Westy.

and in response ....

Everyone in here got a new membership number when they joined the new boardroom and lost their old one. Keeping the old ones would have made the changeover and future record keeping very difficult indeed, I'm sure. What on earth is so important about your old number? Was it 666 or some unique one like that? It's just a number.

heaven help all of us...... ???

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