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I think i have been vocal enought on this point, so do try my best with articles, but what we really need are;

Technical articles.

Tips and hints

Route/driving road trips articles.

Ther really is no pressure, but we all do realise that many are afraid of writting a technical article due to being challenged. I say write it and send it, and we can then review and discuss prior to making it public. that way anly the best advice gets published and no one gets egg on their face.

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Wow, £160.00 for 4 editions of the mag seems very good value for any company involved in anything Westfield.

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Should it be electronic? - I'm old fashioned and still prefer books to take to the loo with me!

And it's for that reason the iPad was invented ;):d

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my copy has landed - bit thinner than usual but still well worth it and a big thanks to the guys who put it all together

it would seem that even small features would be of interest - in the same vein that we have threads like 'tell us about your latest upgrade' why not a similar feature in the mag where people send in their pictures and write a small write up on what they have done - only has to be a handful of lines - they should save from posting their upgrades on the boardrooms until the mag has landed

there could be another page of pictures and locations of members cars that have been sent in by the owners - I think 99% of people would love to get their car shown in the mag as in the same way it is nice to get a mention by you AO in their section

how about a small prize for the best picture sent in - I am quite happy to make and design up a cool sticker for the published winner and send out

I guess what I am trying to say above is that IMO it does not have to be a huge written article which may put some people off putting pen to paper

oh and finally a sticky post (if there is not one already) asking for magazine content to be sent that includes all the necessary contact details and general guidelines - just really asking for everyones input - after all it is much easier to juggle too much content than not enough

as mentioned above it is in part down to the members to provide content

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Well said Cleggy!

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Of course, the lack of content will partly be due to the time of year. Westys are hibernating! When Nick (AO) asked for contributions, I failed miserably.. nothing has happened since last October here. :blush:

Hopefully there will have been "happenings" before the next issue. :)

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Sorry to be a numpty - what is the email address for sending contributions?

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and a thorough reading of Chairmans Chat in the magazine would say a Thank you to John Curtis outgoing Membership Sec and also a thank you to Scott Young for taking up the reins as Membership Secretary :d:yes: :yes: :cool::);)

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David - Mag stuff should be emailed to Peter Osborne :)

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As someone who does contribute reasonably regularly to the mag, I don't understand why more of you don't send something off. As has already been mentioned there are some great topics on the boardroom which would be great to see int he mag for the people who don't get on here and they are more than you think.

As to why it didn't stop as per discussion at last years AGM, the committee were concerned that the numbers at the AGM were very small (about 25) and so the Chairman (Paul) put a request for comments int he magazine, Where he also in the next edition put the response, which was far greater than 25 was in favour of keeping the magazine. However it was reduced from 6 editions per year to 4 per year to keep costs down.

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As said many times in previous posts the reason is quite simply a lack of support by most members of the club. There's a lot of members out there that are just prepared to take from the club with out putting any effort in doing their part and the usual bull **** of I'm too busy, etc is a fav. People turn up at events be it track days, exhibitions, speed series ,area meets,contributing to the mag, marshalling or what ever the event is & put sweet FA in to help.

The guys who are the area organisers, club committee a long with event volunteers do a sterling job for little reward. I've been involved with the club for 13 years now doing various jobs within the club and it still amazes me how much help the general membership don’t give to the club.....Its a cliché I know but its your club so contribute/help out do what ever you can even if its just help clearing up at the end of the day… help out and put something back, but most of all support the Area Organisers because they get little support in general with articles for the club magazine from the majority of the membership. Remember they put in lots hours of their own precious time... they have families, jobs, projects etc. Trying to write an Area report without any info from the region is very difficult and generally makes a dull read which knocks on through the mag. A lot people just look through the publication to see if there’s a photo of them or their car in that edition.

For those who do & have contributed to the club in what ever shape a big thank you, you know who you are…. The silent few

Sorry went off on one there :t-up:


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i would send articles for the mag but it would take years for the editor to sort out my spelling and gramma :laugh:

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