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If Westfield World went electronic, and if you are correct that 95% of the membership use a computer regularly, then how do you get the magazine to the other 5%? ??? ??? ???

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Keeps those not on the boardroom in the loop.

A good point... which makes me think... There are some very interesting things writted on the Forum which are easily missed amungst the chat/banter. Or because we sometime have a Froum break for a month due to other commitments. How about some of this interesting content is used in the magazine?

It would save someone writing it twice, once on the forum and then remembering to send a letter/e-mail to the editor.

The things I am refering to are things which I would not have know without being on the forum at the right time and place:

- fitting a micro switch to overcome the pressure switch issues.

- how to plan weight saving (cost vs weight saved to pick the cheap things first).

- Zetec overcooling issue (although an excellent artical was written about this by Fraser from Blink Motorsport).

- How to build a garage.

- What new products Playscool and that Mick chap are working on. (I would love to read about Mick's background and work).

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If Westfield World went electronic, and if you are correct that 95% of the membership use a computer regularly, then how do you get the magazine to the other 5%? ??? ??? ???

This is part of the problem, That, and add the economy of scale (much cheaper per copy) for printing thousands of mags rather than a few hundred, plus the moaners would would want both electronic and print copies they could read while on the bog. There was a Chairman Paul survey on this last year, which is why we're still printing them.

Two other things:

> I'd like a Sticky up on the boards asking for new mag submissions

> I'd like something posted prominently in the online calendar with the cut-off dates listed for magazine article submissions well in advance

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> I'd like a Sticky up on the boards asking for new mag submissions

> I'd like something posted prominently in the online calendar with the cut-off dates listed for magazine article submissions well in advance

You need...

Message Board Next Generation Development


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I wrote an article about my french road rally and sent it in in january.

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You need...

Message Board Next Generation Development


No, I need


and lots of it - which is where I'm going in 45 minutes. :t-up::p

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Oh, just to add, speaking as someone with a surname starting with a "Y", guess who's the last to get Westfield World? :laugh:

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People, this is OUR magazine! If you want to make every issue an interesting read, which it should be, then do something about it, goodness me!

Take the time to write, even a short article about a mod or upgrade or woe or trip or whatever! Because there's one thing that we all have in common and that's we love to read about all things Westy, so even if you think it's small potatoes, submit it for inclusion..!

OUR magazine, remember ;-)

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No magazine for me.......Im probably not on the mailing list as havent even received my new member pack! :cry:

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Oh, just to add, speaking as someone with a surname starting with a "Y", guess who's the last to get Westfield World? :laugh:

Oh no ya don't, cpn. That's my claim to fame...being in the frozen Canadian realm, have,t got the last one yet, or mychuffin calender. Ok, I am rebuilding my motor, putting a 1.6 cvh hemi head onto a 1.9 cvh block. How about a write up on that, I,ll give it a go, not being a part of a local club would I be okay to submit something?

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I do like the magazine and, as others have stated - it is dependant on people writting articles for it. I am guilty of not being active enough in doing this; being a joint Area AO I should be writting updates but it is very difficult to keep up with members apart from the monthly meets.

I do enjoy reading the other area updates so I should be doing this.

The magazine is also useful for those companies that want to advertise - we have received a quote for this and like everything else in the Club it is good value for money - we just need more money as a new business!

I am very wary of advertising on the forum and the Magazine offers a good 'window' for us to reach our customers to say what services we could offer.

Should it be electronic? - I'm old fashioned and still prefer books to take to the loo with me!

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That's a sight I won't linger over but agree. I would rather have the printed stuff. I spend too much time on the pc.


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If Westfield World went electronic, and if you are correct that 95% of the membership use a computer regularly, then how do you get the magazine to the other 5%? ??? ??? ???

Well seeing that we now have to renew membership / join by this website they shouldnt be another 5%

Mick has a fair point IMO. The magazine is well past its best and hardly warrants the postage and printing costs, especially as its A4 and doesnt really need to be.

I was at the AGM a couple of years ago where it was voted to retire it but it still hangs in there

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What sort of money are we talking about for say a quarter page ad in the magazine, for those that might be interested ?

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