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Just received the latest copy.

Its long past its sell buy date so whats the point?

Is it time to stop the publication and waste the money some where else?

There are 15 adverts, which far out number the actual articles.

Its only my opinion.

Or is it?

Perhaps I really am missing something.

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Am I right in thinking it's going to only twice yearly which is a good compromise IMO.

Keeps those not on the boardroom in the loop.


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:sheep: yeah that and it's only as good as the contributions made by the members so for example, Mick, why don't you write an article about carbon fibre? :devil:
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It comes out every quarter, and as Peter says, if anyone think it's not got enough content, perhaps they should get off their backsides and write something to contribute. The magazine doesn't write itself.

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Mick are just being a trouble maker :p:laugh:

always look forwards to receiving a copy TBH - would not want to see it go

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Could always do it as an e-newsletter and send it out monthly. I would guess that 95% of members have access to email.

Cost would be zero, articles could be sent in by email along with pictures and a list of events and meetings could be right up to date.

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:sheep: yeah that and it's only as good as the contributions made by the members so for example, Mick, why don't you write an article about carbon fibre? :devil:

Pete I take your point .

But do you really think that Mickmade would be allowed to explain how he became involved in the manufacture of carbon parts.

Or why he believes that the only proper way is the prepreg and autoclave route.

Why he could at the same time list a few products and prices, and explain in life that you only get what you pay for. :d

Just like to thank all those avid supporters for their own contributions to the magazine. ;)

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I like the mag. I am old fashioned and still like to sit down and read a printed article at the end of the day but agree that it is getting thinner.

Perhaps we could start a list - articles we would like to read about and people with the appropriate knowledge could rise to the challenge.

The main themes that have been good in the past that could perhaps be a standard structure:

road trips

explaining an upgrade

something WSCC motorsport related

technical guide to tuning or set up

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It does strike me, even from the things I see on the forum, that there's loads of interesting stuff going on. There are those competing, organising intersting trips away, those creating imaginitive new modifications and builds, plus those who've juts bought their first Westfield and are wantin tgo share their experiences and initial thoughts about the club.

I'm sure there's other stuff besides, perhaps such people should be encouraged to put pen to paper and share some of these things, as it may just help add a bit of colour and content to the magazine? There are some characters on here whose personal takes on life would probably fill some very entertaining column inches.

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You have Liams old car.....Burgundy with an orange flash. That was/is a fantastic car.

Yes please do write an article

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Norman, thank you.

This was discussed at the last years Curburough event.

Perhaps its time to implement this idea, with a veiw to saving money.

Cleggy I'm not a trouble maker :blush: just trying to open a valid debate.


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Yes, Liam's old car Mark, though no the traces of orange have now gone.

I think I could probably write a story about the longest engine swap in history, plus tips on removing gear oil from your hair when you've just given it a liberal coating putting the 'box back in!

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Sounds just like when liam used to do engine swapps then, who says cars do not have a personality hey?

Get it written, there are many contemplating an engine swap, so why yours might not be specific to them, many points generically will be relevent.

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An open challenge - I will make a promise, right here and right now, that I will write something of at least 750 words for contribution to Westfield World's next edition out in June this year. Who else in here is going to put their keyboards where their mouths are? Anyone? Let's see who can step up and make help our club better! I'll even give you the luxury of copying and updating your boardroom posts as a submission, whereas I will write something new.

Let the challenge begin!

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Cleggy I'm not a trouble maker :blush: just trying to open a valid debate.


said in jest Mick :d

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