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Is there a kit car show before Stoneleigh?? Please don't say look in the the Kit Car mags..I don't buy them anymore they bore me ****less.. everything is repeated and  they use different coloured cars to make it look like another article.

Buzz :cool:


Hyah Buzz, you could try the Cheshire Kit Car show at

Capesthorne Hall nr Macclesfield, sometime in May,

I'm not sure of the exact date, but someone should come along soon and confirm it, usually the Manchester and Cheshire boys attend this one, but I'm sure no one will object

to a White rose being present  :p


Flippin' eck MB, thats a long way for a Yorkie boy like Buzz  :D


I'd a thought "distance no object" to a commited kit-car owner :D . Besides, how was I to know were he lives?



The MegaBLADE Site


Fight !!!!

To be fair I do get down souff quite a lot on business

Buzz :cool:


Heh, heh, heh

BTW the correct pronounciation(sic.)  is in fact "Saarf". :p



The MegaBLADE Site


Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfffff  ;)



have you been to the Cheshire show before? is it any good. I live in southport so would be good for me 2. By the way I am also a suvener but have lived up here 4 13 years. Can u put posts on the site when it is and what day everybody is attending.


Stuart :D  :D


Hi Stuart, i went 2 years ago, it was good weather so that made everything good, its a nice setting, on the lawns by the lake in front of the Hall, (thats where my avatar picture was taken) i couldnt go last year for various reasons, but the Manchester boys are planning to go this year, Its a one day affair on Sunday 19th May, hope to see you there  :t-up:

Oh yeah, there is a bonus of the most dangerous road in Britain the A537 Cat and Fiddle road just a couple of miles away if you fancy a quick blat :D  :0  ;)


How about us lot east of Buxton meeting up there for a blat over the Cat & Fiddle together on the way to Capesthorne if its nice out ?  Can we keep this thread going til May 19th to remember?


I think I know the cat and fiddle as have been to Buxton a few times. Bit like driving through the Pyrenees if it’s the one I’m thinking about or is that snakes pass? However neither were in the Westie so would like to give it a blast.



Can we make this a BETTER westy meet up than the Stafford show?  :t-up:  :D  ;)  :cool:  :0

Can we make this a BETTER westy meet up than the Stafford show?  :t-up:  :D  ;)  :cool:  :0

...probably would help if we booked some club parking space.

Anyone know much (or how little) club space costs (assuming there's any left)?

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