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Hi guys,

I'm going to Stoneleigh on Monday - do I just head for the Westy area? or do I need a pass or anything?



Anyone driving their Westfield gets in for free and passengers at a much reduced rate - follow the signs for kit car drivers entrance.

The WSCC stand has room for approx 500+ cars - any chance of filling it  ;)  :p  :D  :)

The WSCC stand is N. 59 - straight up Avenue M and it'll be on your left, witha white fence aound it - just before the Main Buildings (Blackwood Buildings). WSCC Stand entrance is on the corner.  :p  ;)  :D  :)  :cool:


I hope the organisation is better than for the "Restoration Show" at Stonleigh last Sunday. You would not believe the stupid entry system they had. Visitors parked in a field adjacent the main "sheds" and paid at a turnstyle to enter.

   As I began to walk  the 50 yards to the show I was hauled back and made to wait and queue for a coach to load up to take us about a 1/2mile round the site only to unload us within about 100 yds of the turnstyles !! It was no use trying to dodge the bus as they just turned you back at the barriers!

    Whoever dreamed that one up should be made to ride on a bus til the cows come home!   Just thought you'd like to know... :sheep:


Its never been like that for the last 15 years  :D  Oh bl**** ell not another Stoneleigh aaaaaggghhhhhh  :cool:  :arse:  :)  ;)  :D


I am puzzled, have camped at Stoneleigh for the last 5 years and never paid other than the entrance fee for my passenger, am I doing something wrong???



Yes........ sssssshhhhhhhhh........ it's your secret.

Not that anyone at the WSCC would condone anyone not paying a camping fee. Would we  ;)  :D  :)  No.

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