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[#10146] You Do Not Have Permission To Use The Search System.


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Nah - I'd only apply a ban on guests to either rude guests, or guests who have a long and distinguished history of posting idiotic, ignorant, pointless and generally useless comments that add nothing to the community.

Captain soldout...if someone with Westfield Honda s2000 lump or question, I will be there to help.

Behind the scene, I already helped a couple. No bs pls.

Edited by s2k7
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its 30 f***** quid for **** sake to join .its hardly the end of the world , its nothing over a year for what you get back for it , i think its worth paying the membership to support the club and get the benefits and full use of the forum , you tight arses that for some reason dont want to pay a measly £30 and reap these benefits yet just want to moan about it really need to have a look in the mirror and get a life ,if you dont like **** off ,simples :yes:



I said about the other benefits of membership and I said about supporting the club.

And if the main thing about the club was this forum, I wouldn't have bothered paying my subs.

However, this forum is the first thing people see, and all the limited features portray a somewhat anti-social view.

Like I have said, we'd have more members if PMs and For sale REPLIES were allowed.

I'd be more than happy with limiting PMs and for sale replies to 3 per week, and only 1 search per minute, but at least they'd have the functionallity.

I don't know what MI/data we have from membership applications (although with the excellent new site, it'll be much better now), but I know we'd get more members and a more friendly rep if we did allow these things.

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Posted Yesterday, 04:52 PM

Why not completely ban non-members?

Make the forum strictly for paid members....so we can't come.

snapback.pngCaptain Colonial, on 12 January 2012 - 05:06 PM, said:

Nah - I'd only apply a ban on guests to either rude guests, or guests who have a long and distinguished history of posting idiotic, ignorant, pointless and generally useless comments that add nothing to the community.

Captain soldout...if someone with Westfield Honda s2000 lump or question, I will be there to help.

Behind the scene, I already helped a couple. No bs pls.

What makes you think I was referring to you? Did I mention you by name? No. You hoist yourself with your own petard there...so which one does that self-confession make you - the rude one, or the one with the long and distinguished history of posting idiotic, ignorant, pointless and generally useless comments?


Now there's a surprise.

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I said about the other benefits of membership and I said about supporting the club.

And if the main thing about the club was this forum, I wouldn't have bothered paying my subs.

However, this forum is the first thing people see, and all the limited features portray a somewhat anti-social view.

Like I have said, we'd have more members if PMs and For sale REPLIES were allowed.

I'd be more than happy with limiting PMs and for sale replies to 3 per week, and only 1 search per minute, but at least they'd have the functionallity.

I don't know what MI/data we have from membership applications (although with the excellent new site, it'll be much better now), but I know we'd get more members and a more friendly rep if we did allow these things.

members have to have benefits on the forum over non paying non members if you allow anymore forum use to non paying forum parasites that dont contribute financialy to the club ,then whats the point

i want to support the club with my membership ,anyone that wont give to the club with membership then you really need head feeling

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members have to have benefits on the forum over non paying non members if you allow anymore forum use to non paying forum parasites that dont contribute financialy to the club ,then whats the point

i want to support the club with my membership ,anyone that wont give to the club with membership then you really need head feeling

It's an offer of good will.

A front of house gesture that says 'Hey, look here we are very nice people and we like to help. Feel free to look around, ask questions and get to know the place. If you like it here and you want a whole load of benefits that will make owning a Westfield a cheaper, easier, more exciting, and more involving experience, why not sign up to full membership?'

At the moment it just seems 'No, you can't go there unless you pay. No, we don't care that you are new, pay first or sod off.'

Like I said, if we could limit the PMs/FS replies/search frequencies, it is much more welcoming as it offers a nice taster of what we are all about. People get to experience the full functionallity and we get a better viral vibe that becomes a self perpetuating paradox of more members :)

Of all the work you have done free of charge (or for a ridiculously low rate), surely you get what I am going on about?

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Captain soldout - you r not being honest. Why twist?

I'm here to help for Honda s2000 Rotrex supercharger lump, hayabusa turbo lump, lotus esprit v8, ferrari f40, shifter kart, nissan gtr skyline.

& deep sea fishing tuna.

I raced at Miami international speedway, if you happened to be at the area (key Largo-key west), my house is open for you.

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Stick to the subject. This thread has gone on long enough, and your opinions on PMs and searches are as known as mine are. I'll leave the way I and the vast majority of the others in here feel about your contributions to a more appropriate thread. Point has already been adequately and sharply made by SteveD and others. Now kindly pipe down.

And if you keep calling me Captain Soldout (what the devil does that mean?), I shall takes steps.

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and what makes forum parasites that have been on here 5 minutes think they have more knoledge and know better how to run this forum than the people who have run the forum so succesfully and made it one of the best if not the best forum on the interweb and the people that have contrubuted to the wscc for years and years

what it boils down to is you being tight arses that want all the benefits but dont want to pay £30 to conribute to a excellent club, in my view its better of without some of you,there are other forums you can use instead of moaning on here

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My two penneth.

You want to get new people on the forum to join the club. Restricting search is a bit daft in that respect. I think about the clubs I've browsed to decide whether to join or not and I've always searched and had a good poke around first. Do you want to appear welcoming or a like cliquey group of beards? Really this is all very Blatchat!


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This is getting beyond a joke now, EVERYONE should support the WSCC. It only cost £30.00 a year & most of you would spend more than that in ONE NIGHT down the pub. It makes my blood boil when I see people whining over something so trivial. Paul aka Tigger & Ade have put alot of hard work into this to get it up & running In fact they spent all of xmas doing it a bit of gratitude would not go a miss :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead: :bangshead:

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That's fair enough, bear in mind I've contributed most of the time I've had a westfield (10ish years) so get down off your soapbox.

I'm actually on about new people and this club starting to get the Blatchat attitude. A forum I very much enjoyed until they started getting increasingly like this. You WILL alienate new joiners with this 'pay up or **** off' attitude. Reign it in a bit goodness me!


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I joined up to Wscc without even nosing around and try before you buy, i purely joined as WSCC is a reconised name and not a two bit forum made up for free and full of timewasters.. This forum is professionaly run by a few people who spend a lot of their own time and effort keeping it up and running and i'm grateful and more then happy to pay for the privilage of being part of a great community...

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not got a problem with people using the forum at all ,but you dont have a right to a opinion about this club or website until you pay your membership

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