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[#10146] You Do Not Have Permission To Use The Search System.


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What is all the fuss about - if you don't pay yo can still browse and post - no need to do anymore IMO. If you pay you get other benefits - balance is perfect IMO

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If anyone owns a Westfield but still comes on here, I cant understand why they wouldnt want to be in the club. Perhaps its because that they feel they can get the same as being a member without paying anything? There's a good way to stop that for sure..................

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This seems to be getting very stupid!

A wonderful thing is a Tigger;

A Tigger's a wonderful thing.

Their tops are made out of rubber,

their bottoms are made out of spring

They're bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy,

fun, fun, fun, fun, fun,

The most wonderful thing

about Tiggers is:

He's the only one! (edited)

Thanks from a newbie westfield owner who's saved a lot of money using the forum! Thanks

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Could the search not be limited, with a lot of the scientific journal publishers you can search and read the abstracts but then have to pay for the full text? Maybe something like that so you can see a question bur not the answer. If some one isn't willing to pay the 30 join g fee then they won't be bothered about starting a new thread to find their answer

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We have established:

Members who pay a very reasonable fee have more privileges hn non-members

Some non-members feel this is unfair

Most members feel it is fair

The policy will not change, so those who disagree will have to live with it

Not everyone will be happy, but that's life

Ok, can someone please lock this thread now?

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We have established:

Members who pay a very reasonable fee have more privileges hn non-members

Some non-members feel this is unfair

Most members feel it is fair

The policy will not change, so those who disagree will have to live with it

Not everyone will be happy, but that's life

Ok, can someone please lock this thread now?

and that's another thing to complain about - you cannot lock your thread :laugh::cry::p I am off for a drive in my westfield :westy: :westy: :westy: :westy:

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My tuppence before it goes pearshaped..

To deny access to anyone who can easily access the very same information by another means , seems very petty to me .

I would go further and say, that to make it an issue worth arguing about almost shows an arrogance. By all means have member benefits, but just putting obstacles in the way of non members doesn't sit well with me.

I apprecciatte some of the more vocal do A LOT for other members and are fully entitled to their opinion however I personally believe that the issue of the thread , non availability of search to guests is discourteous and I am not comfortable with the call .

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I have come across dozens of forums (not just car ones) who deny features like searching or posting to non members. My view is, it's their corner of the web, they can run it how they wish. Who am I to go around telling people how they should run their web site? When I come across these issues, I can either like it or lump it. Or use Google. It has nothing to do with arrogance or obstacles or anything else...

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You are of course correct , but it just feels a lot like ' its my ball and you can't play' syndrome , perfectly allowable by any count but how do feel about the ball owner ???

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I personally believe that the issue of the thread , non availability of search to guests is discourteous and I am not comfortable with the call .

Thank you -

.....if guest can't search, completely block us out....that will solve the problem & the thread will be closed.

...but guest can't suggest...of course.

Edited by s2k7
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.....if guest can't search, completely block us out....that will solve the problem & the thread will be closed.

...but guest can't suggest...of course.

Your ride has arrived:


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I personally believe that the issue of the thread , non availability of search to guests is discourteous and I am not comfortable with the call .

Thank you -

.....if guest can't search, completely block us out....that will solve the problem & the thread will be closed.

...but guest can't suggest...of course.

maybe you can't search , but it would appear you start as many threads, and respond as you like without even having to be a member of the forum ???

In fact there appears to be no, sorry NO benefit in even signing up as a forum member over a guest ??? apart from the verification words,

I have checked ALL the forums I use, and I have good forum usage functionality on ALL of them as a forum member.

Maybe the club is looking for distinction between 'forum member' and 'club member' , but having joined again as a forum member I honestly believe I am NOT being made welcome :down: :down: .

No axe to grind , just an observation

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not got a problem with people using the forum at all ,but you dont have a right to a opinion about this club or website until you pay your membership

Ergo, you value my opinion then?

And Bananaman also values my opinion because he is mightly 'wuvved' up with you Steve :)

Mrs Tigger - I don't think anyone has made a negative comment on how the site actually works because it works very well and is very fast. The migration team did a cracking job and I was impressed at how seamless it all was. Yes, it's 'only' £30, but it's still £30. When a homeless person propositions you for change, do you give them any? The likelihood is no because you don't know them. Same thing here - you can't expect a complete newbie who is considering getting a Westfield from all the other Sevens out there, to immediately pay £30 before anyone on here will engage with them? Imagine if they had to do that (pay £30) for every type of Seven club (Caterham, Westfield, MNR, MK, MAC #1, Aries, RAW, RRR etc etc). Surely you agree that we make them welcome, show them the club and how great it is, let them send a PM to a current member who has a car for sale on here, and then rejoice as they sign up for membership :)

John - I'm sure you'll agree there is much more to the club than the forum. Like I said on page 1 of this thread, Magazines, trinkets, parts/insurance discounts make it worthwhile. £30 for a forum membership is a rip off, but for WHAT YOU ACTUALLY GET, it's a bargain.

We have established:

Members who pay a very reasonable fee have more privileges hn non-members

Some non-members feel this is unfair

Most members feel it is fair

The policy will not change, so those who disagree will have to live with it

Not everyone will be happy, but that's life

Ok, can someone please lock this thread now?

Some members think that it doesn't show the club in the best light

Most members haven't offered an opinion so that is a hopeless non-fact

I understand you have a clique here, and that's fine/to be expected, but I didn't realise you make the decisions.

I'm OK Jack....

Yes, you are going to get 'freeloaders' but they will be moot anyway because they aren't getting the benefits of the club and they probably aren't interested.

But to the potentials, the people out there looking, the future new PAID members, it's those that the functions (even regulated) will bring in.

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