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Video of my Westy at Bedford last saturday


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And relax...  :cool:

What am I saying?  I'm desperate for snack food sales!!! :durr:  :bangshead:

I like controlled track day driving...but I also like hooning around in a high-powered Westy...but which one is better?  There's only one way to find out...


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Im sure the Palmersport Bods were monitoring the driving standards very closely as they certainly dont take any crap and if Porkus Bolisticus was thought to have been driving dangerously he would have been hauled in.
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Having followed the build thread for Porkies car on another forum, it's a very thoroughly re-engineered piece of kit. The attention to detail and depth of preparation of the whole package, right down to chassis modifications is a real tribute to both Porkie and PollyX.

Would love to be chauffeured in that missile, though I'd probably need to stick some incontinance pants on under my overalls.  :blush:   :suspect:  :D

Not my taste for a road car, true, but a fantastic part of a stable of cars for every driving mood.

So presumably we won't now be recommending airfield days, with bags of run off areas etc, as the perfect places to learn the limits of driver and car?  ???

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Having followed the build thread for Porkies car on another forum, it's a very thoroughly re-engineered piece of kit. The attention to detail and depth of preparation of the whole package, right down to chassis modifications is a real tribute to both Porkie and PollyX.

Would love to be chauffeured in that missile, though I'd probably need to stick some incontinance pants on under my overalls.  :blush:   :suspect:  :D

Not my taste for a road car, true, but a fantastic part of a stable of cars for every driving mood.

So presumably we won't now be recommending airfield days, with bags of run off areas etc, as the perfect places to learn the limits of driver and car?  ???

Thanks alot for kind words.

Glad you 'get' it.  The car only really works as part of a stable as you say!

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And relax...  :cool:

What am I saying?  I'm desperate for snack food sales!!! :durr:  :bangshead:

I like controlled track day driving...but I also like hooning around in a high-powered Westy...but which one is better?  There's only one way to find out...


You should know me better Cap'n.... :D

Not much upsets me.... :laugh:  :devil:

Just find it mildly amusing that someone could suggest that a thread be pulled merely because I had the temerity to suggest as an aside that in my opinion, sprinting wasn't the zenith of competitive motorsport... :bangshead:  :arse:  :p  :laugh:

Well slap me down with a carbon fibre cycle wing.... Sorry for daring to opine. :laugh:

Anyway the thread was started by the o/p about having maximum fun in a Westie in a controlled environment, how can that possibly be wrong in the bigger context of this forum?  :suspect:  :suspect:  :D

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Oh, I know I'm never going to get rich selling snack foods to you mate...well, not on a thread fight basis, anyway. :D

(Nor will I get rich selling pianolas, either... :laugh: )

You're definitely one of the nicest, most genuine people I've met, who's not afraid to speak his mind but yet has the knack of doing it in a way that makes you smile, even if you totally disagree with it.

And for what it's worth, I agree with you. :t-up:

But I still need snack food sales! :p  :D

I wonder what an ex-member who spoke through his :arse: about technical things would say about Porkie's engine and car... :devil:  :D

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I wonder what an ex-member who spoke through his :arse: about technical things would say about Porkie's engine and car... :devil:  :D

He would tell him to turn the front wishbones upside down to "fix the handling" :D

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Great car and great vid there porkie!!! enjoy it man!!!!

what boost did u had that day?? ???  :D

1bar mostly upto 1.5bar at some points. Was playing and learning about how things work.  Not driven the car much so just seeing how it all works and feels.

had to keep boost lowish due to noise and also the Water injection wasnt working. (Stu thinks it is has an air lock) so was getting big charge temperatures which isnt good.

It will REALLY start to fly when I can run it at 2.2bar in 3rd gear onwards!

hows your one coming along?  made a decision on diff yet? welcome to try my Gripper plated if you like. Works great.

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I wonder what an ex-member who spoke through his :arse: about technical things would say about Porkie's engine and car... :devil:  :D

Totally off topic I know, for which I apologise in advance to Porkie, but the person to whom you refer wasn't a member, he was just a boardroom user. And a t****r!

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hows your one coming along?  made a decision on diff yet? welcome to try my Gripper plated if you like. Works great.

which was the reason I went down this root... highly recommend

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Well I think it looks fantastic! Turbo's aren't my cup of Tea in a Westie, but that was flying down the straights!

With regards to your driving, no bodys perfect and a trackday is a perfect place to learn, if your driving was bad, having worked for Palmer you'd have been black flagged and bollocked pretty quickly!!

All the car needs now is paddleshift, then you can keep your hands on the wheel at all time and play to your hearts content! :D:D:D

With regards to lippydaves comment and Jeff's comment about sprinting. Sprinting is a bit different racing and some people get it some people don't. I think Nikpro's video of that mazda that was wipped out highlighted exactly why we go sprinting, because we can get into cars that are faster than F1 cars and test ourselves against the clock without being wiped out by someone else. (Plus if your a colour blind old fart like the old man you probably can't get a race license any more) :p:p

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I wonder what an ex-member who spoke through his :arse: about technical things would say about Porkie's engine and car... :devil:  :D

Totally off topic I know, for which I apologise in advance to Porkie, but the person to whom you refer wasn't a member, he was just a boardroom user. And a t****r!

You are correct on both counts - I stand corrected on the first and agree with the second. :t-up:

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With regards to lippydaves comment and Jeff's comment about sprinting. Sprinting is a bit different racing and some people get it some people don't. I think Nikpro's video of that mazda that was wipped out highlighted exactly why we go sprinting, because we can get into cars that are faster than F1 cars and test ourselves against the clock without being wiped out by someone else. (Plus if your a colour blind old fart like the old man you probably can't get a race license any more) :p:p

I can understand some of the reasons why people go sprinting/hillclimbing, and certainly admire some of the machinery in use. Especially the more err, eclectic stuff that wouldn't be competitive anywhere else. :devil:  :p   :D

I can also respect the fact that Rob's (or anyone else's!) views are different from my own. :t-up:

What I can't understand is the suggestion a thread should be pulled for the expression of an opinion that is neither ethically, or morally wrong?!  :suspect:

Anyway enough of me drifting (see what I did there?  :D ) off on another tangent...

I think this thread should be about the embracing and enjoying of a wild onboard ride in a mental Westie...Ta for sharing... :t-up:

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