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Rear number plate/ Spare wheel

the bear

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The car I have just bought has a stick on rear plate and no spare wheel fitted.

The number plate does not have a number plate light, the guy i bought it off says he had never been stopped because of it and that it ahd past it's last two MOTS without it.

I have the spare and the carrier although I am not sure if it complete.

How do I stand legally on the no spare and no number plate light issues?

If I have to fit the light is there any alternatives than the nasty looking beast on the carrrier?


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Hi Mal

your ok with the spare as by law you dont have to carry one (I dont just a tin of tyre-weld)

Ive been stopped before for not having a No. plate light (not on westy though)

and by rights it should be a fail come mot time...but maybe the tester came over all star stuck by not working on a boring tin top for a change and 'forgot'

I removed my carrier etc and still havent got round to wiring one up as I also dont like the lights Ive seen

if you find anything let me know

all the best

Trev :D

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