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I still want a Westfield


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a lot of these cars are bought before the owner really knows what they are getting into

 I have to admitt, that is something that has worried me. My last fun car was a Sandrail, 2ltr Mirafiori engine, restored to one of the best you'd ever see, very fast, really cool, amazing sound, a real animal to drive. Sounds fun?? Not really, incredible for about 3miles, then just hard work and truthfully pretty dangerous. So I can see where your coming from, even if the reasons are a lot different....

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:devil: if you are ready to spend 27.000 pounds for a new Westfield, why not consider a second hand Caterham SV, I find there's more room (width and length) than in a SEIW... :devil:
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Robert, myself and NikUK have been talking about getting together the Colchester Westfield's for a drink or 2 at the Swan Chappel sometime in the near future as there's an ever growing number of us around this area now.  

If you drop me an email to mark_wendon@hotmail.com I'll ping you my phone number and keep you posted as to what we arrange.  You're more than welcome to try my car for size and see how you fit.

My car is a 3 year old dropped floor with bottom pivot pedals whereas Nik's has a standard floor and top hung pedals, but strangly his has a lot more legroom than mine.  I'm 6ft2 and Nik's taller than me (and a fair bit heavier than you :D)

At your height and weight I see no reason why you wouldn't fit in a standard widebody westfield.

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It was the extensive use of Rover engines that totally ruled out Caterham, it also stopped me from owning an Elise some years back.

 I certainly didn't want to spend that much on a car, especially one that is likely to spend a lot of time in my garage, but I also didn't want to look back in a few years times and say "I wish I'd had one" There are already a few bikes I wish I'd bought, but now the interest in them has changed to appriciate as oppose to want to own. Didn't want the Westfield to become the same thing....

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It was the extensive use of Rover engines that totally ruled out Caterham, it also stopped me from owning an Elise some years back.

 I certainly didn't want to spend that much on a car, especially one that is likely to spend a lot of time in my garage, but I also didn't want to look back in a few years times and say "I wish I'd had one" There are already a few bikes I wish I'd bought, but now the interest in them has changed to appriciate as oppose to want to own. Didn't want the Westfield to become the same thing....

I bought my second hand Westfield two years ago and I am still delighted to drive the car. For me, it was and still is the best value for money for this type of car.

Caterham came back to Ford and second hand sigma powered cars begin to be available on the second hand market... I tried a Caterham Sigma SV two years ago during a week end and I really enjoyed it, but it was 34.000 euros then...

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Hi Bob,totally agree with whats been said above,you rang and enquired about my car,not wishing to upset you but you have the sound of somone try to talk his self out of buying a westy,my car was sold to the first person that came to look at it,a month ago,spoke to him the weekend and he,s over the moon,i,ve had 7 westfields over the years and my advise is take the plunge,buy one if you dont like it sell it,no biggy,buy another,so many cars so little time ! driving a boxster at the moment,will i have another westy,GOD YES,if ya spend any more time looking you will be to old to drive it,lol,Gibbon.
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I agree, I said in an earlier post there's a few things I should have bought over the years, and I'm now a little past wanting them. I have had a fair bit of stuff, but unfortunatly we can't have it all  :down:

 I shall without doubt buy one, that's for sure. Just like to get the right one, or as near to the right one as possible first time. I don't talk myself out of things, it's just if something becomes too much hassle or consumes too much time I tend to move toward something else. After all, this is suppose to be fun and enjoyment, not a task. I'm sure a trip to Stoneleigh, and a meet up at the pud with fellow members will iron out the uncertainty between models and options.......

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if something becomes too much hassle or consumes too much time I tend to move toward something else. After all, this is suppose to be fun and enjoyment, not a task. I'm sure a trip to Stoneleigh, and a meet up at the pud with fellow members will iron out the uncertainty between models and options.......

Take a camera and a notebook! There are no two that are the same and for every owner there are a dozen opinions on what should and should not be on a wish list.

Part of the "hassle" is getting to know these things intimately. You aren't buying a production car. Even when you're not driving it, expect to be involved. There's always an idea or an upgrade or a "little job" to do. If these sound like hassles then you're looking at the wrong car.

And if I was to suggest a list of things you want, some of them would be irrefutable, some would end up being picked apart in another 10 pages of discussion which we do sooooo well on here...

But what the hell...

You want;

(A Caterham SV) :0

A wide body, independent chassis with wide track front suspension and detachable rear arch bodywork.

A Vauxhall "Red Top", Ford 2.0l Zetec or Ford 2.0l Duratec engine.

Throttle body fuel injection.

An "RAC" rollbar.

You do NOT want;

A car with a Weber Alpha ECU.

Weather gear.

A heater.

Seconds out... :devil:

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Just read that post again, and sorry Gibbon, I've only rang on four Westfields, I'm pretty sure that's all, I guess I may be wrong.

One had, had too many owners, one had, had too many owners and the whole thing didn't ring true, especially after a check up on the internet, one that turned out to be a "Q" plate, and one in Tamworth that I didn't get time to see yesterday.

 I didn't trouble to view any of the first three, as I won't waste anyone's time, that simply isn't fair. Have I overlooked your car, and are you sure it was me??

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Nothing wrong with Q platers. If I had two identical cars, one a Q plate and one on a "current" reg, I'd buy the Q plater every time *UNLESS* the Q plater had gone through SVA in which case it really makes no difference at all...

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No offense to "Q" plates, it was purely that I have a personal plate that I would very much like to put on it. That is all, I didn't mean to infere they were a lesser car. :blush:
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Im 6'4" and initially struggled to fit in my westy, however there are plenty of mods you can do.

Making the steering wheel smaller and closer to you, modifying the dash for extra knee room and taking the runners off the seats are all effective.

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As Mark Says I am a fair bit heavier and a bit taller! Mine seems to have quite a bit more leg room than his, well to me anyway. We must go to the Swan one evening and get everybody together so you can see for yourself.
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That'd be great, it's difficult to know the best way to adapt something until you've seem a couple of options, especially when I'm pretty unfamiliar with these cars in the first place.

  When I mentioned too much hassle, I didn't mean the car itself, I ment the other factors of buying one. For instance I may look at a car with the view of buying it, but have to consider I may not even be able to get in it to drive at all, let alone home.

  I also run the risk of towing a trailer or borrowing a recovery truck to view a car that's not really how it was discribed. I know to a degree we get this with all cars, but the distance I may have to travel for a Westfield means more time and commitment to view.

 I have bought a number of cars without driving them in the past due to doing salvage on and off for a few years, but the risks are different, if you have a make and model of car, give or take a bit of wear they are much of a muchness, I'm guessing every Westfield drives slightly different.

  Now I've learnt a bit more, I'll be able to make a clearer decision, and maybe buy something while at Stoneleigh, I'm guessing there's likely to be cars for sale there.

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