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sva test + front lights


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PS, also meant to say that I havn't fitted seat runners which lowers the seats by at least an inch and probably 1.5 inches, so I'm hoping that will solve the problem for me and may be a good option for others as it also gets you a fair bit lower in the car ;) and more protection from the aeroscreen. B*****d to fit the seats without the runners thouh, but got there in the end with a few scraped knuckles :durr:

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I can't really remember the exact details, but the test is something like 500mm from the top of an imaginary 50mm high box sitting in the seat to the belt mounts.

Basically, I measured it (using the SVA manual) and it was ok. I have the GRP shell seats without runners as low as possible, so the seat is a few mm, and you are sitting about an inch, off the floor of the car.

Take the spacers with you to SVA in case of hassle - fair chance they'd let you sort it there and then.

Hope this helps.


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