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Same s**t diffrent year


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Maybe this will help answer your question.

So 4% Muslim, 70% christian, and 20% non-religious.  I'm surprised that awful article wasn't written for the Daily Wail... although it was a Murdoch-special anyway.


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And that will be my last comment on the matter

That didn't last long did it?? :D

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One last comment, a positive one though................

Perfectly illustrates why the press should not be taken at face value. To arrive at those figures, "christian" must include all the Poles and secular EU27 people who have chosen to go home, whilst comparing to a single set of immigration figures for a single culture. The press article is so skewed that it MUST NOT be taken at face value. James, I'm surprised at you. You should know better.

The birthrate must determine that this countries population share of indiginous people and muslims WILL change. Thats a fact.

My comments earlier supposed that as the muslim generations grow here they will grow away from their parents more fundamental beliefs. This is already happening in particular with arranged marriages and clothing with regard to Asian ladies. I hope it continues and the peaceful majority win the day.

Another aspect is indeed the Polish issue. The catholic churches have seen a massive resurgence in attendances and I have noted in Luton nearby that the primarily muslim areas are already seeing a huge change for (interestingly enough) the Muslim areas contain catholic churches for the Irish immigrants started off in these areas and now, remarkably, the churches are filling up again. In fact, in a place called Bury Park in Luton a mosque and catholic church are within shouting distance without any issues.

A forgotten or least considered aspect of the rise in birthrate is ironically of potentially huge benefit to the UK. Ireland Italy and others are now entering a period of negative poulation growth which has terrifying consequences as the working population is getting smaller and the dependents are getting ever larger eg: who pays all the bills??

This country somewhat uniquely regardless of what you all think will still have a young, mobile, working and importantly, tax paying generation to come but the pay back is an ever more crowded country.

Provided the fundamentalists do not win at the moment I feel that the muslims in the UK will gain credence by their very numbers, gain positions of authority and feel that they are part of society instead of on the margins. If so then this country has a bright future compared to others provided we get a govt that reigns in the civil service and uses industry type management to get value for money.

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Well, just been out to get more popcorn and it's all gone quiet.   :t-up:
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James, I'm surprised at you. You should know better.

:devil: well everyone else was throwing about unsubstansiated figures so why not.  :blush: Proves a point though dosnt it that figures / statistics (crapy word for a dyslexic but so's that one :bangshead: ) just cant be trusted. there just not reliable and have usally been "created" to prove a point rather than give an unbiased view.

It is interesting what you said about the Poles leaving cant say im sorry to see them go. We have a large polish comunity where I live, and as expected they have there own deli shops etc fair enough, but what gets to me (and many other locals) is that one of there shops has a sign in the door which reads and I quote "NO ENGLISH!"

This is the point that MOST local people feel that the whole thing has gone too far and this is the sort of reason why the BNP has gained favour not because people support all of there policies (god forbid) but the party is at least preparred to stand up for the indegionus population unlike the mainstream party's who seem to roll the red carpet out for anyone who wants to turn up & claim benefits.

What suprise's me is that I have spoken to alot of people about this whole subject (im in retail so I meet alot of people) and I havent meet one person in the real world that feels that what this guy / islam4uk  are doing is right or more importantly should be allowed to happen & im not just talking about the march but there whole ideal.

All of these people are normal, working people who belive in democracy but it seems dont belive that this person / other extreamists have the right to be here and actively campaign against the U.K, its sovereignty and its way of life.

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It is interesting what you said about the Poles leaving cant say im sorry to see them go. We have a large polish comunity where I live, and as expected they have there own deli shops etc fair enough, but what gets to me (and many other locals) is that one of there shops has a sign in the door which reads and I quote "NO ENGLISH!"

I have followed this thread and have so far managed to stay out of it but where are we going with it now? just because a sign is up saying no English doesn't necessarily mean the person, it could be no English spoken ;) Are there any real English left here anyway we are all mongrels in one form or other, the Romans invaded,vikings,Normans etc (no not you Norm)so I think that the true English man/woman has been diluted somewhat. I live in Luton a large Polish community has grown here a Hilux pointed out, apart from a few brain dead ethnics we all manage to get along very well the Catholic church Hilux metioned next to the mosque is for the Italians< have a lot of them also,shall we send them home? My work involves a lot of contact with the ethnic minorities, (although put enough minorities together and you have a majority) and 100% are decent law abiding people, what the f### is wrong with wanting to keep a bit of your own culture for christs sake,go to spain and see how many ex pats are living like the Spanish. I am not a bleeding heart liberal and I spent 12 years in para reg and still keep in contact the only difference now, I am going to funerals of the children of mates I served with 3 last year.

The march will never happen he has what he wants and is probably p*****g himself with laughter at all us idiots that are perpetuating the debate. And dont even get me started on torture. :devil:


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Just because a sign is up saying no English doesn't necessarily mean the person, it could be no English spoken ;)

Oh they can speaK English just fine when they want too  :angry: They dont want English people in there shop! but much to there anoyance I go in from time to time just to let them know they cant have it all there own way.  :D

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Oh they can speaK English just fine when they want too  :angry: They dont want English people in there shop! but much to there anoyance I go in from time to time just to let them know they cant have it all there own way.  :D

:laugh:  :laugh:

Have you ever been to North Wales?

:bangshead:  :bangshead:

Funny though, I have heard that the indiginous population of the British Isles show a particular trait ......

Their hair is ginger , and you know how much they are persecuted  :D

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Inclined to agree james.

Like you, i understand the point that Blatman is making, it just seems that none of them has the answer to the questions we asked, other than become a politician :laugh:

But neither James or yourself has answered the fact that you think it is OK for a vast western Army to invade states in the middle east, unintentionally kill thousands of civilians, impose Western/Christian Laws on a Muslim state then Whine about somebody who wants to have a demonstartion march against what is going on!

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Inclined to agree james.

Like you, i understand the point that Blatman is making, it just seems that none of them has the answer to the questions we asked, other than become a politician :laugh:

But neither James or yourself has answered the fact that you think it is OK for a vast western Army to invade states in the middle east, unintentionally kill thousands of civilians, impose Western/Christian Laws on a Muslim state then Whine about somebody who wants to have a demonstartion march against what is going on!

fraze have you got you turban on again  ???

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It is interesting what you said about the Poles leaving cant say im sorry to see them go. We have a large polish comunity where I live, and as expected they have there own deli shops etc fair enough, but what gets to me (and many other locals) is that one of there shops has a sign in the door which reads and I quote "NO ENGLISH!"

A polish guy has opened a food shop next to my shop over Christmas.

I can't help thinking he has got his timing is a bit late!


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selling poached fish no doubt ,theiving b*******s are taking carp from around here  :angry:
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