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Same s**t diffrent year


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Better to sit back and complain on internet forums using information gained from mates down the pub and then justify your not racist by claiming "I have an Aisan mate" :D

Firstly i dont mind hard work.

secondly you seem to want to make this personal

thirdly i dont go down the pub With the boys!

Forth i am not a racist, and yes i have ethnic friends.

I dont like P**s takers and thats what these people are, thats what i am moaning about. As said before if anyone says anything against any immigrant, it automatically makes you racist.

Fifth I always vote. Not that it makes a difference because they are as bad as one another.

And finally i believe  this was a discussion in which people discussed their thoughts on the subject in hand, weather right or wrong without the need for sarky remarks, but if thats how you row your boat good luck. :laugh:   :laugh:

But some people it seems dont have anything inteligent to say themselves so its easier to big themselves up by trying to slate others.

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And finally i believe  this was a discussion in which people discussed their thoughts on the subject in hand, weather right or wrong without the need for sarky remarks, but if thats how you row your boat good luck

It is a discussion but all I've heard is completley un substantiated rubbish, for example

It looks to me that our system of freedom and democracy is going to allow them to take over, and to say it aint going to happen is short sighted

How exactly are "they" going to take over just because one bloke tries to get a bit of publicity by arranging a contraversial march.

See my previous post on how much a minority they are :bangshead:

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As I read this post, when it first appeared, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth from me as I raged in much the same vein as the OP  :angry:  :angry:

Having gone back and read the rest of the thread, the main thing that strikes me now is how Blatman puts across an argument that is compelling, salient and accurate.  :0  :0

Try as I might, I can't find a single hole in his argument  :bangshead:

So, not only does he know ****loads about cars, he's also a very sensible chap. God I hate him  :love:  :p  :p  :p  :p  ;)

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Inclined to agree james.

Like you, i understand the point that Blatman is making, it just seems that none of them has the answer to the questions we asked, other than become a politician :laugh: Personally im a bit busy trying to earn my tax money. :bangshead:

Unless our government gets some balls and comes up with an answer to this problem(I wont hold my breath) i see a********s like this continuing to take the mick out of us and there is sod all you can do.  

Couple more more questions

Why has the BNP had such an increase in support seeing as they are so Un PC.

Answer: cause people are p****d off with the P**s takers.

What can be done about these s**t stirrers.

Answer: Sod all legally.

As far as im concerned on the torture front,if it saves one brit soldiers life then remember that Black is negative...........Red is positive.....and make sure his balls are wet. Anyway, At least We dont chop their heads off like they do with hostages. And i dont give a toss what you say about that.

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On the torture front,if it saves one brit soldiers life then remember that Black is negative...........Red is positive.....and make sure his balls are wet.

Absolutely PMSL  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:  :D  :cool:

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How exactly are "they" going to take over just because one bloke tries to get a bit of publicity by arranging a contraversial march.

See my previous post on how much a minority they are :bangshead:

They being muslims  (just for  clarification)

Its not just that one bloke looking for publicity.

Try opening your eyes mate and you will see that they (that word again) are already running local councils etc implementing changes, Getting into local politics

(yes we have the opportunity to as well).

They (and again) are doing this in countries all over the world. We have in this country whole towns that have been taken over by muslims,where whites

are not welcome, no go areas. where they chase our pensioners out of the parks and say this is ours now, so get out before we beat you up.

Dont tell me they are just a minority,cause they are not.

It is people like you with your head up where  the sun dont shine that let this happen.You cant see past your nose.

The US must be worried with the way they are tightening security or is it just the US under threat. How many have moved in over there, do they pull the same stunts over there. I wonder.

The Aussies are kicking up too cause they have had enough as well.

As said before come here and welcome, just dont take the P**s :bangshead:

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Why has the BNP had such an increase in support seeing as they are so Un PC.

Answer: cause people are p****d off with the P**s takers.

What can be done about these s**t stirrers.

Answer: Sod all legally.

Not quite... Ask yourself why Muslims are (if they are, I'm not convinced. Name one council and I'll research it) in control of local councils. Local elections are still a democratic process, so councillors must have won their seats fair and square. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is that *every* election time, when the discussion is raised on here as it always is, the number of people who stand up and say "Why bother to vote?" I *always* bang about that attitude being a very poor one. Now you can see why. I'm sure you vote, houseb, but the point is that election turnouts are at their lowest for years, and the country *will* be governed by those who turn out. So when you hear your mates saying they can't be arsed (and we all have mates like that) nag them. Tell them the consequences if they don't. *Thats* what we can do. That's what we should do. This is why labour were running scared of the BNP and UKIP in the european elections, 'cos the supporters of those parties get off their a**es and vote, whilst the people who should be supporting main stream parties think that the best they can do is nothing. And what did we end up with? Boils my P**s every time...

That said...

They (and again) are doing this in countries all over the world. We have in this country whole towns that have been taken over by muslims,where whites

are not welcome, no go areas. where they chase our pensioners out of the parks and say this is ours now, so get out before we beat you up.

Er, I live just 5 minutes from the second largest population of Sikh's and Muslims in the UK. The parks aren't over run. Old people can sit on benches and feed the ducks. I can buy produce from the shopkeepers, enjoy the excellent food in the restraunts and walk home (through the park, at night) half cut with no worries at all. At festival time, like Devali, but any of the others, if you have muslim or hindu neighbours, their culture tells them to call on their neighbours and share the bounty. It's great. Free grub! If you want to sight see and visit a Hindu temple or a mosque, you will be welcomed as an honoured guest. The Swaminarayan Temple is fairly amazing building up here in the smoke. They won't try to convert you and there will be more free grub! But joking aside, I've never had a bad experience with a person from a non christian faith. Quite the opposite in fact, and those non christians are as appalled by "their" extremists as we are. This march bloke is no more representative of the majority of Muslims any more than the BNP represents the majority of "British" people. Unfortunately, they suffer by being tarred with the same brush as the extremists. In return, we, the indigenous population, get tarred with our own brush, and that brush has us all down as narrow mided, intolerant bigots. I'm not, your not, I doubt anyone here is, but that's how we appear to them because WE seem unable to separate "Muslim" from "extremist" and we end up getting all bent out of shape about it. Not all Muslims are extremists. Far far from it.

So what is the fall out from this? One so called "muslim leader" writes what is effectively an open letter and sticks it on a web site. He's seeking publicity. Our reaction? Much wailing and gnashing of teeth and no doubt *plenty* of similar comments all over the internet in much the same vein as seen here, although I dread to think what kind of email traffic has been received at that web site. And how do those receivng those emails view us once they've read them? As racist intolerant bigots no doubt, but do they think it's only the extremists who are writing emails, or do they tar us all as racist intolerant bigots, and then use that against us as some sort of justification for their actions? Bottom line is, he probably knows his march is doomed to failure when he applys to the police for permission, so it's a non starter. But he dangled the bait, and "we" bit his arm off. I suspect "we" did a pretty good job of showing ourselves up thereby adding more grist to his mill.

If you really want to get your head around this, you *have* to see the bigger picture...

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Quote housebeautician


Like you, i understand the point that Blatman is making, it just seems that none of them has the answer to the questions we asked, other than become a politician  Personally im a bit busy trying to earn my tax money.  

Unless our government gets some balls and comes up with an answer to this problem(I wont hold my breath) i see a********s like this continuing to take the mick out of us and there is sod all you can do.  

I’m sorry but I seem to have forgotten what the question you asked was …..

Was it ….

When will the government get some balls ?      

Or was it ….

How can we stop people saying things I don’t want to hear ?

Or was it…

Why are people who have different opinions to mine,  allowed to be local councilors in order to represent people who also think differently to me?

Or was it …..

As I am lining my own nest, will you kindly ensure that the world is not allowed to change, I just haven’t the time , sorry ?

Or was it………

Why do I feel so politically impotent?

Or was it…….


O.k were a democratic country BUT how the f**k is  this allowed to happen?

If the first line of this thread was in fact the question , well , I think you’ll find that it wasn’t allowed to happen , that the website was removed , and that that particular avenue for hatred has been suppressed for now.

But maybe the debate moved on from that one to the next perceived threat, and after that, the next perceived threat.

But I guess the extent of the threat depends on how vunerable you feel.

housebeautician · Posted on Jan. 08 2010,20:20

 They (and again) are doing this in countries all over the world. We have in this country whole towns that have been taken over by muslims,where whites

are not welcome, no go areas    

What is your fear? , muslims, non whites or maybe both , colour is not a qualification for being a muslim.


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Time will tell!

Killer argument  :bangshead:

A quick bit of internet research shows 4 out of 600 odd MP's are Muslims, 0.6%. If "they" are taking over it's obviously by stealth   :D

However having exhausted the arguments I could see a reason if they did want to "take over", after all we (the coalition) have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in a dubious war.

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Er, I live just 5 minutes from the second largest population of Sikh's and Muslims in the UK. The parks aren't over run. Old people can sit on benches and feed the ducks. I can buy produce from the shopkeepers, enjoy the excellent food in the restraunts and walk home (through the park, at night) half cut with no worries at all. At festival time, like Devali, but any of the others, if you have muslim or hindu neighbours, their culture tells them to call on their neighbours and share the bounty. It's great. Free grub! If you want to sight see and visit a Hindu temple or a mosque, you will be welcomed as an honoured guest. The Swaminarayan Temple is fairly amazing building up here in the smoke.

Errrrrrrr, you`re talking Hindu`s here. They have a completely different culture and attitude to Muslims. I know as I have many Indian and Sikh friends.

One thing is true regardless of who votes and when. If a town gains a huge percentage of Muslims the council will fall that way if they vote that way (and the current marginalisation will ensure they do) so voting isnt going to do anything about it as the `other` vote is spilt anyway between parties.

Once the demographics change within this country and the birth rate has already determined that it will, then a majority can vote for who and what ever they want including Sharia law and changes and amendments to the law of this land.

Wake up everyone it has started! To deny it is to be naiive.

I consider however that as more Muslims grow up in our westernised society and the old school traditional (some would say fundamental) types die out then in this country the indiginous muslim people will be less extreme but influenced by outside stone age societies. If not then this country will become Muslimised regardless of anything the original population can do.

This is primarily the complete failure of the wet, sandal wearing, beard sprouting liberal to**ers that promoted `multi culturalism`

In America they have to understand the language and swear an oath to become a citizen. Yes I know, you will quote the divisions and ghettos and deprivation, thats true, however the majority of immigrants in America (if they took the cricket test) would support America. In this country they do not and have no feelings for this country except how to gain and benefit from it without integrating fully as they now have their own towns/areas/ghettos and communities that they dont leave and we dont enter.

We should take a leaf out of the asian/indian psyche for they encourage schooling and are creating the professionals we need BUT these professionals will be running and managing the country in a generation so we need to ensure they feel truly British.

They also have a massive family network where (very much like the Jewish people) they all chip in and help each other out and minimise borrowing (Sharia Law doesnt allow lending in a direct manner and the Quoran does not encourage benefiting from it) This is a secret envy of the British society as a whole as we sit in our individual little houses, miles from our relatives with our parents in nursing homes while they enjoy the mutual support from each other - I certainly note a sense of community that we once had but has now gone forever.

Knee jerk reactions will not work either. In France they are close to banning the Burkah so what will they then do? Will they drag Burkah wearing ladies off the street, strip them bare and imprison them on the basis of national security?

I dont know where it will all end but I can tell you it is worrying as we (society) are at a corner and only one way will work.

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Once the demographics change within this country and the birth rate has already determined that it will, then a majority can vote for who and what ever they want including Sharia law and changes and amendments to the law of this land.

Completley ignoring the facts again. Muslims make up less than 3% of our population. Please tell me how our demographics are going to change to favour the Muslims.

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Once the demographics change within this country and the birth rate has already determined that it will, then a majority can vote for who and what ever they want including Sharia law and changes and amendments to the law of this land.

Completley ignoring the facts again. Muslims make up less than 3% of our population. Please tell me how our demographics are going to change to favour the Muslims.

Maybe this will help answer your question.

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Errrrrrrr, you`re talking Hindu`s here. They have a completely different culture and attitude to Muslims. I know as I have many Indian and Sikh friends

There are plenty of Muslims here as well, and we have Hounslow, Greenford, Ealing, Wembley and Neasden in close proximity. If you lump all those places together as a single entity, then it is easy to demonstrate that we have a large population of non christian, non secular people living in a corner of the capital. If there was no demand, there wouldn't be several enormous Mosques in the immediate vicinity ;)

The local borough for Southall is Ealing, so with such a large non christian, non secular population, you'd expect that the make up of the local council to reflect the local demographic. Of the 69 councillors, just 21, less than a third, would seem to be from non christian, non secular cultures, and this from a demographic that has a far higher proportion of non Christians / non seculars than anywhere in the UK other than Bradford, I think. My data is gathered from this list of councillors using the scientific(!) method of reading names and counting the ones that look like they may be derived from the languages of the middle east / India etc. The cabinet of the local council seems to be 9 "christians" and one east european from the list here. Not a single muslim/sikh/hindu/buddhist etc in sight. Whilst the possibility exists that they have all converted to Islam, I doubt any of them have.

So as far as I can see, using the second largest "non christian" population as an example to demonstrate whether we are being "over run" or not, it is easily provable that we are clearly not. Results from boroughs with a more even spread of population demographic will no doubt have a smaller percentage of councillors who hail from non indigenous UK cultures. But... if anyone has figures to back up the argument that we are losing control of our councils, I'd be quite happy to withdraw my argument and re-evaluate my position.    

And whilst I'm doing numbers, the ONS numbers for migration to and from the UK are in this document. Spin notwithstanding, the figures, ignoring race, religion etc etc, sho that net migration has the UK with just 169000 more people than it had in 2007. Further analysis shows that our Polish friends are the biggest group leaving the UK, and that immigration and emmigration to and from the UK by "British" people hasn't changed much for quite a while, but you need to read some other documents in the ONS web site to see those figures in more detail. Immigration from "the rest of the world" is comparitively small and we're in no danger of being turned in to anything other than a secular democratic society. BUT, it is NOT POSSIBLE to form an opinion just by looking at the one document I link to. To make a judgement I have read about half a dozen of the documents to properly analyse the statistics.

And yes, I realse these are government figures, but the ONS is supposed to be reasonably independent, so whilst the government may try to influence reports, it's probably the best set of figures we're going see. The press of course will have seen the same numbers, but will focus on the bits that make the best story, ignoring the full picture. Hence why I said a few pages back that it's not what the papers say, it's what they don't say that counts.

And that will be my last comment on the matter, unless overwhelming evidence is produced to support the "we're being over run" position, which, if produced I will read with an open mind and re-evaluate my position as stated earlier.

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Once the demographics change within this country and the birth rate has already determined that it will, then a majority can vote for who and what ever they want including Sharia law and changes and amendments to the law of this land.

Completley ignoring the facts again. Muslims make up less than 3% of our population. Please tell me how our demographics are going to change to favour the Muslims.

Maybe this will help answer your question.

Perfectly illustrates why the press should not be taken at face value. To arrive at those figures, "christian" must include all the Poles and secular EU27 people who have chosen to go home, whilst comparing to a single set of immigration figures for a single culture. The press article is so skewed that it MUST NOT be taken at face value. James, I'm surprised at you. You should know better.

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