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Same s**t diffrent year


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k****l!Serious thred this.I'm guessing you lot are not getting out :D Soon be summer :sheep:

:laugh:  :laugh: Not gonna wait for summer. cleggy mark and me were out in the snow. What a great ride out :D

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Same s**t different year !!!

Lets work it out ..........

1.  Some fanatical extremist throws up some distasteful, offensive and outrageous proposal :arse:

2. Middle England screams blue murder :p

3 Blatman explains what freedom is and how middle england should rejoice in it. :t-up:

4 Middle England can't quite get its head around the argument and explains the the country is on the verge of being taken over by it's electorate and there is nothing we can do about it  :angry:  

Yep I believe the OP was correct ....

It's business as usual

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Are the Swiss racists or .......

Hell yes...... :D  :down:

They have more WWII Nazi gold stashed than anyone else.......... :laugh:  :laugh:

... and to all you PC twonks afore ye start, it's a ******' joke awwwwriiiight?   :laugh:  :p  :D  :laugh:

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I have never suggested that you, nor anyone else isn't standing up for what you or they believe in,

Mmm I think you did "but you (predumably) usually vote for a political party who would deport these radicals? Not that you'd admit to voting BNP 'cos it's politically incorrect to do so. Yet more irony... "

So yes you did suggest that I wouldn't/couldn't be bothered to stand up for what I belive in.

You seem to want to bend this thread towards Democracy but thiis isn't what the thread was about at all. Let me reiterate, it was/is about the fact that this march (be it legal/democratic or not) is wrong.  It really is that simple as it makes a mockery of not only our soldier's lives but also your precious democracy.

Let me ask you a question: What have you done for your country?

Ever put your life on the line for Queen & country? because let me tell you IF you had & you were sent to some hell hole to fight for the country's sovereignty and saw your life and your freinds' lives put in danger every day, you would understand the point really f**king quickly. This guy is taking the P**s and when our lads are dying for his freedom its not f**king on!

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They have no intention of taking over the Country and imposing their laws on the British system.

You really should read there website and you may then disagree with your own satement!

"The US & GB Governments did not agree with the way these countries were being run and it didn't suit them economically."

Maybe you forgot a guy called Sadam Hussain and the way he trated his own people this was the incentive for the invasion.

"If you live in this Country and don't agree with the way the US &UK want to run it, you are rounded up, imprisonned without trial in a camp and tortured in the meantime!"

Now just wait a minute! I would love to the facts you have to back up this erroneous claim! the british Army is the ONLY proffesional army in the world and they are VERY proud of this as such its is not some half witted bumnch of t***s running around with guns doing what ever the hell they want. The British Armed forces would not torture civillians or malitia alike IF any member of her majesty's services comited such crimes yes I do mean crimes then they would be dealt with in the harshest way possible The Army does NOT tolerate such actions.

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The sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison was not an invention of maverick guards, but part of a system of ill-treatment and degradation used by special forces soldiers that is now being disseminated among ordinary troops and contractors who do not know what they are doing, according to British military sources.

The techniques devised in the system, called R2I - resistance to interrogation - match the crude exploitation and abuse of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib jail in Baghdad.

One former British special forces officer who returned last week from Iraq, said: "It was clear from discussions with US private contractors in Iraq that the prison guards were using R2I techniques, but they didn't know what they were doing."

He said British and US military intelligence soldiers were trained in these techniques, which were taught at the joint services interrogation centre in Ashford, Kent, now transferred to the former US base at Chicksands.

Hope this helps with your questions.  :t-up:

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O.k were a democratic country BUT how the f**k is  this allowed to happen?

It won't be. We will be able to apply various laws to prevent it.


It makes a mockery of every serviceman who is currently fighting those prepareing to go out to Afghanistan and more importantly those that have lost their lives...................

Our boys are fighting and dying to bring fredom and democracy to an oppressed people so that they can create laws to deal with this sort of extremism themselves. The struggle for freedom and democracy is honourable, and worth fighting for. It is an unfortunate irony that the very freedoms foughth for allow this individual to have his say, but that is part of the price we pay for having freedom and democracy.


IF this is alowed to happen then there is something VERY VERY wrong with this country and I feel that all those participating should be deported without any notice.#

It'll never happen.


Why should they be permited to enjoy the benefits of this country when they clearly dont want anything to do with its values?

Because our laws are applied without resorting to colour, race, creed, religious, sexual, political or any other type of prejudice, which really is a very very good thing indeed. Can you imagine the mess we'd be in if Judges, Magistrates, the Police etc were allowed to make decisions based on anything other than the law, which MUST remain secular and colour blind.

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(Blatman @ Jan. 08 2010,09:08)


It boils down to the fact our own system allows them to take the the P**s on all fronts and you cant say a word.

Can anyone tell me how this piece of crap is of any use to this country, and he is one of many, or what the hell can we do about Him and people like him if he is not allowed to be removed. Do we carry on letting him take the P**s and s**t stirring or what.

It looks to me that our system of freedom and democracy is going to allow them to take over, and to say it aint going to happen is short sighted.

Or are they going to remove his right to take the P**s by removing his right to freedom of speech.

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Freedom of speech and expression is a galaxy away from actual revolution. Saying something is easy and legal. Following through with a civil war / coup is not. If he were to actually try, he'd fail

I'm sure there are political parties out there who have policies that, if elected, will allow the country to deport ne'er-do-wells as you suggest. They have no chance either.

What can we do? Next time there is an election, instead of vast numbers of people proudly standing and NOT being counted by not voting, this time, encourage them to vote for a political party that has policies that line up with the way the country should be run.

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What can we do? Next time there is an election, instead of vast numbers of people proudly standing and NOT being counted by not voting, this time, encourage them to vote for a political party that has policies that line up with the way the country should be run.

Now, if only such a party existed...  :bangshead:

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If anyone was that appalled with the current offerings ,they could start a poltical party themselves , tell people their opinions and ask for their votes,

Pretty straightforward

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If anyone was that appalled with the current offerings ,they could start a poltical party themselves , tell people their opinions and ask for their votes,

No, that's too much like hard work.

Better to sit back and complain on internet forums using information gained from mates down the pub and then justify your not racist by claiming "I have an Aisan mate" :D

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Better to sit back and complain on internet forums using information gained from mates down the pub and then justify your not racist by claiming "I have an Aisan mate" :D

Firstly i dont mind hard work.

secondly you seem to want to make this personal

thirdly i dont go down the pub With the boys!

Forth i am not a racist, and yes i have ethnic friends.

I dont like P**s takers and thats what these people are, thats what i am moaning about. As said before if anyone says anything against any immigrant, it automatically makes you racist.

Fifth I always vote. Not that it makes a difference because they are as bad as one another.

And finally i believe  this was a discussion in which people discussed their thoughts on the subject in hand, weather right or wrong without the need for sarky remarks, but if thats how you row your boat good luck. :laugh:   :laugh:

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The sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison was not an invention of maverick guards, but part of a system of ill-treatment and degradation used by special forces soldiers that is now being disseminated among ordinary troops and contractors who do not know what they are doing, according to British military sources.

The techniques devised in the system, called R2I - resistance to interrogation - match the crude exploitation and abuse of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib jail in Baghdad.

One former British special forces officer who returned last week from Iraq, said: "It was clear from discussions with US private contractors in Iraq that the prison guards were using R2I techniques, but they didn't know what they were doing."

He said British and US military intelligence soldiers were trained in these techniques, which were taught at the joint services interrogation centre in Ashford, Kent, now transferred to the former US base at Chicksands.

Hope this helps with your questions.  :t-up:

And who wrote this exactly? it could have been anyone with or without personel knowlege, and without a point of reffernce it proves nothing!

Are armed forces are NOT trained in torture techiques especialy the squadies GOD the goverment cant affoard to kit them out correctly let alone waste time and money on crap like this.

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If anyone was that appalled with the current offerings ,they could start a poltical party themselves , tell people their opinions and ask for their votes,

Pretty straightforward

Yeh cos its just that simple ist it  :bangshead: besides just because you disagree with how your country is being run dosnt mean that YOU want to enter into polatics yourself!

Not everyonewants to be an overpaid, lying, deciving leach on society.

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