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Same s**t diffrent year


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Perhaps this is what we should really be worrying about??

Asteroid menacing Earth in year 2014.

At around 1.2 km in width, 2003 QQ47 is substantially smaller than 2002 NT7 (2km), but has been called "an event meriting careful monitoring" by astronomers. If an impact does occur, it could be on March 21, 2014.

No matter what religion you follow or which newspaper you read - you ain't gonna catch a plane to avoid this baby if it hits :p

ahh but you're forgetting the world will end in 2012 :D  :p  :devil:

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You also assume that because people are unhappy with the way this country is going, that they vote for the BNP. And voting for the BNP makes them racist.

No, I didn't. I said admitting to voting BNP was not usually the done thing. I made NO comment about racism. You put that bit in all by yourself.

you assume a lot pal.i didnt ignore that bit, I did read that you are a londoner, i just reckoned you were too happy to live among them which is up to you.

I choose not to.

I also dont believe a word the papers say, the figures quoted showing people leaving the uk came from a government report last year...er

What do you mean "choose to live among them"? Who's "them" precisely? And whilst I'm here, do you actually think government figures are free from spin? I mean, really? You can't compare the figures until you look at how many folk returned to the UK. Plenty of people do after emigrating and finding their new country not to their liking. Do you have a link to the article? Last one I saw was that, on balance, UK people leaving the UK were outnumbered by UK people who had chosen to return, but that could be out of date info by now.


I have no problem in standing up for what I belive in regradless of if its politically correct or not! I dont care what others think of either me or my views and I am probabley one of the most unpoliticaly correct people in the country so no irony here.

I have never suggested that you, nor anyone else isn't standing up for what you or they believe in, it's just that I can't work out what you believe in. You seem to support democracy, but only as long as that democracy supports your view of it. It seems to me that whilst you may believe in democracy, you don't understand how it works.

And lets examine that. You believe in democracy. So do I. Others choose to believe in God, Allah, Buddha, Lucifer, etc, so is democracy and your belief in it a faith, or is it different when you substitute one concept for another simply becuase that concept doesn't fit YOUR view of it? I'm all for removing faith from the question and it is what I have been trying to do all along here. As I recall, the basic question is how does this individual have the balls to want to march through Wootton Basset with his followers, carrying coffins and generally p*****g the rest of us off. The answer is, if he is a legal resident of the UK, then he has the same rights as you and me. His employment status is irrelevant (unless you are proposing that unemployed people are all banned from demonstrating about anyhting). His religion is irrelevant UNLESS he uses it as a mechanism for wrong doing but the same would and should apply to Christian fundamentals, Hindu's, Sikhs, devil worshippers et al, and any other fundamental who hides behind religion. No problem there either. You may not like this bloke, or his methods or his religion or anything else about him. Neither do I , but that *IS* the price of a fair, open democracy. The rest of this is me trying to make non religious examples to demonstrate that, and you not seeming to understand the examples I'm trying to set to help better understand the question and the answer to it.

And can the pair of you stop thinking that I am being wound up or am otherwise angry or something. I'm not. We're (so far) having an interesting discussion and exchanging differening view points so that I (we) can have a better understanding. Better understanding will prevent all of us from having to make assumptions...

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This thread is now in grave danger of being appropriate for this poster:

Internet Argument Poster

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Crikey - some of the posts on here are in grave danger of being borderline racist - and that's very sad!

I've just lost a Father who fought in a World War against a Country that became extremely racist against people living in 'their' Country and a perception that they were taking over.

It always amazes me that the people who declare themselves proud to be English,British ect. have double standards.

Lets look at the situation:

Some people are angry at a Muslim arranging a protest March through an English Town on one day of the year.

Hopefully nobody on this march will be armed and I'm sure if the Marchers are left alone there will not be any violence.

They have no intention of taking over the Country and imposing their laws on the British system.

Now lets go to the Middle East - where some poster's state the Marchers Country of Origin is.

The US & GB Governments did not agree with the way these countries were being run and it didn't suit them economically.

An invasion of Force was carried out against the will of the Countries leaders.

Every Town & City in these Countries has Armed Service men, armoured vehicles patrolling the streets every day of every year enforcing a 'Western Way of Life'.

Innocent Civilians are regularly caught up in the carnage.

If you live in this Country and don't agree with the way the US &UK want to run it, you are rounded up, imprisonned without trial in a camp and tortured in the meantime!

Consider what the British & US Governments have done in the Middle east to this Protest March.

I think the March is in bad taste and feel very sorry for our service personnel but please don't have double standards.

Maybe we should look at what the Australian Prime minister said and apply it to the US & UK Governments in the Middle East:

This is mainly a Muslim Country that is run by a non elected dictator - If you don't like it then leave!  ???

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Who said any of us would win? We may all agree to differ and be happy with that. But in the mean time, we can still have the discussion surely?
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Who said any of us would win? We may all agree to differ and be happy with that. But in the mean time, we can still have the discussion surely?

You can have the discussion - and don't call me Shirley.  :laugh:

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Crikey - some of the posts on here are in grave danger of being borderline racist - and that's very sad!

Not at all im my opinion, people are very very concerned.

Not concerned with rascism but concerned that the very fabric of our christian based society is being torn apart in the hugely mistaken experiment called `multiculturalism` that has encouraged different cultures to flourish in parallel.

One of those cultures` primary aim seems to be the muslimisation of this country. The birthrate statistics show that this is now likely to occur and within two generations the indiginous population will be a minority. Thats not racist but fact.

It (in my opinion) is too late to change the demographics unless a Nazi type society emerges (which unfortunately is a possibility) for just like Germany in the 1930`s, fear and uncertainty with weak leadership leads to massive resentment and hatred out of all proportion to the issue.

Are the Swiss racists or defending their right to who lives in their country and how? or are they simply offered a vote on major issues (unlike this country)

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The Swiss have referenda all the time, a policy I wholeheartedly agree with as the people have seemingly a real part to play in their democracy. They feel empowered, something voters do NOT feel in the UK, which is why lots of folk choose not to vote. Don't get me started on voting and the stupid excuses people give for NOT voting. Muppets.. :bangshead:. But there are a lot less of them than us so the process is far simpler. The sheer size of our population makes this sort of democracy extremely difficult.

As for Christian society... I hope not. I have no faith in any deity of any kind. As was said earlier, religion and religious hatred is pretty much two different groups arguing about which imaginary friend is best. Pointless. The UK has been a secular society for yonks. Long may it continue. And Enoch Powell said we'd be over run by the 90's. Politicians have been as guilty of feeding the flames (on occasion) as the rest of these "religious self interest groups".

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You also assume that because people are unhappy with the way this country is going, that they vote for the BNP. And voting for the BNP makes them racist.

No, I didn't. I said admitting to voting BNP was not usually the done thing. I made NO comment about racism. You put that bit in all by yourself.

really.........looks like you implied it to me.

I have to agree with james and hilux.

Hilux hits it on the head i am concerned that the society in which i live will change for the worse. I dont have double standards and this thread is not bordering on being racist as is suggested.

At the end of the day what this :arse:  wipe is doing weather he has the right and freedom to say so or not, is morally wrong, and as our glorious leaders have no morals or balls either then i think we will end up with some big problems at a later date.

I do understand now why these radicals are laughing at us, because the good old brits let any sod walk all over them. A few years ago i had an asian say to me, and i  quote: you brits are fools, we are going to take over ,run it into the ground and then go home. He laughed in my face, then said see if im wrong.

Sad to say looks like he was right.

Funny thing about all this is that you dont hear the buddists kicking off or the jews or the sheiks or loads of other religions, just seems to be the muslims!!!!!!!!!!

Any idea why.

Oh well never mind, what can you do about it.....Im off to wash the westie :t-up:

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The birthrate statistics show that this is now likely to occur and within two generations the indiginous population will be a minority. Thats not racist but fact.

Your so called facts are way out, the latest ONS shows

41 million Christians in UK

8.5 million of no religion

1.58 million muslims

No idea, please educate me.

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41 million Christians in UK

8.5 million of no religion

1.58 million muslims

I was suprised by this, I think I was expecting far more of no religion and much lower Christian.

Does it give the figures for Jews and other faiths like Hindu etc or are they lumped into Christians, as this may then make the figures more what would be expected.

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me neither, thats why i asked

I'd guess it's because we (USA) have invaded their countries, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and demonised them due to one misguided bloke living in a cave.

The buddists are fighting back in Nepal because they are being persucated, same with the pallestinions.

The "war on terror" is by it's very nature doomed to fail :bangshead:

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I was suprised by this, I think I was expecting far more of no religion and much lower Christian.

Does it give the figures for Jews and other faiths like Hindu etc or are they lumped into Christians, as this may then make the figures more what would be expected

Hindu 588,000

Sikh 366,000

Total non Crhistian (inc Muslim) is 3.059 million

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