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Same s**t diffrent year


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im well aware of this individuals attempt to wind things up, and i didnt miss the point, and i know that no application was made for the march, and that this low life has the right to free speech. what does not seem right is the fact the media blow it out of proportion in order to sell papers and dont give the facts. Surely it would be more responsible of  people in the media who are aware of the power of propaganda to report more accurately.

This a/hole has achieved exactly what he set out to a do as far as im concerned

our leaders should have opened their mouths sooner to condemn it.

This country HAS gone to the dogs,you just havent seen it yet. Apparently according to the media 60,000 plus (Probably more) british/english/irish/welsh left this country for pastures new last year, and a lot of them quoted the country going downhill as the reason they was leaving.

It is turning into a nanny state as well, kids cant play conkers without eye defenders. They bang on about the amount of people killed by speeding cars, its not reported how many die waiting in hospital corridors for treatment, which is far worse. shame they dont throw the same money into tarmacing the roads as they do speed cameras as the whole argument is about road safety!!!!!

Our governments and officials are corrupt and are blatant about it and if you think they are going to do anything about it your wrong. Look at Blair . Last few words to the nation was "Ah well did my best" and then fecked off to the US.

All they are interested in is lining their pockets.

I am glad that some people have faith in our leaders and think they would do the right thing but they wont. Trouble is they are probably a lot more liberal minded than me and are quite happy to see the degradation of our culture in favour of another.

Civil unrest is on the cards because of a/holes like this guy s**t stirring and you cant blame the public for kicking up weather  they understand the process of how a march can take place or not, because civil liberties are being eroded and its affecting people and they dont like it.

There is a law about inciting racial hatred, shame it dont apply to him  :(

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Personaly I wish religon didnt exist on any level as it only serves to divide people.

:t-up:  :t-up:

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Heard on the news today that the country is running out of grit.  Says it all really..............

:laugh:  :laugh:

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This country HAS gone to the dogs,you just havent seen it yet. Apparently according to the media 60,000 plus (Probably more) british/english/irish/welsh left this country for pastures new last year, and a lot of them quoted the country going downhill as the reason they was leaving.

It is turning into a nanny state as well, kids cant play conkers without eye defenders. They bang on about the amount of people killed by speeding cars, its not reported how many die waiting in hospital corridors for treatment, which is far worse. shame they dont throw the same money into tarmacing the roads as they do speed cameras as the whole argument is about road safety!!!!!

Our governments and officials are corrupt and are blatant about it and if you think they are going to do anything about it your wrong. Look at Blair . Last few words to the nation was "Ah well did my best" and then fecked off to the US.

All they are interested in is lining their pockets.

I am glad that some people have faith in our leaders and think they would do the right thing but they wont. Trouble is they are probably a lot more liberal minded than me and are quite happy to see the degradation of our culture in favour of another.

Civil unrest is on the cards because of a/holes like this guy s**t stirring and you cant blame the public for kicking up weather  they understand the process of how a march can take place or not, because civil liberties are being eroded and its affecting people and they dont like it.

There is a law about inciting racial hatred, shame it dont apply to him  :(

There is not a single statement in there that I dont disagree with well said :t-up:

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Yes the country is fooked, yes political correctness has reached epically mental proportions, and yes the lunatics have taken over the asylum.....

Best bet for a long and happy life IMHO is to have a quick rant, then forget all about it and get on with doing yer own politically incorrect, socially unacceptable thang ....

No point gettin' het up about s***e we can do nowt about....

Drink beer, smerk tabs, ******* women (or blokes if yer a bird!), ride fast bikes, drive fast cars larily and stick up two fingers to the establishment.....

F*ck 'em all, we'll be dead by the time they catch up with us anyhow..... :p

My personal ambition is to be a disgraceful old irreverent Grandad whose grandkids hide behind the sofa when they hear me wheelieing my ratty matt black GSXR1000 down the street... :p  :D  :D  :laugh:

Alternatively you could spend yer life whining about s***e perpetrated by dumbfucks everywhere?  :down:  :oops:

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I cannot believe the reaction this this, it is execatly what the guy wanted  :bangshead:

If he'd planned the march in Bradford, no body would have heard about it. However as he's announced it in Wotton Bassett he's got more publicity than he could have ever imagined.

Let him march, no body go see him, they'll feel pretty lonely / stupid walking down the high street with no one taking any notice.  :D

Oh, if the country is so bad please feel free to **** off to somewhere else or do something constructive about it :angry:

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Surely it would be more responsible of  people in the media who are aware of the power of propaganda to report more accurately.

This a/hole has achieved exactly what he set out to a do as far as im concerned

our leaders should have opened their mouths sooner to condemn it.

This country HAS gone to the dogs,you just havent seen it yet. Apparently according to the media 60,000 plus (Probably more) british/english/irish/welsh left this country for pastures new last year, and a lot of them quoted the country going downhill as the reason they was leaving.

So on the one hand you know and understand that the media blow things out of all proportion, but you're quite prepared to take their word for it when it suits your position? Er...

You sugested that I go down to the smoke and see what I think then. I responded that I am a Londoner born and bred. Presumably you thought that I hadn't ever experienced a proper multi cultural society, when in fact I live in the very place you hold up as epitome of everything you think is wrong in the UK. Any comment on that, 'cos you seem to have kind of ignored that bit...

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If the UK was really a "police state" run on fear, then you really wouldn't be posting your objections on line for fear of being rounded up and shot as a "non believer" or non conformist or somesuch.

I`ve just caught up with this thread and I agree with the post entirely BUT as the demographics change it is likely that within one, yes one, generation the `muslim` vote will be sufficient enough to start to reverse the christian democratic process in the UK

There are already calls for Sharia law to be `introduced` into english law.

This process generally has already started and is irreversible for the asians in particular see great advantage in a good education and a profession so you see huge imbalances already in chemists, doctors, LA administration, customs and excise, tax office etc etc etc

These people and their families WILL end up running the country. I do not have issue with this provided they consider themselves British.

Unfortunately these highly educated people (in part) adopt the religious bias from people who still live in the stone ages.

My view on life is that any male dominated society that denigrates moderates and openly kills women (the child bearers) and allows it is not worthy of consideration and comparison alongside christian societies.

Those societies contain tiny scrawny males of their species terrified of their women who are clearly above their intelligence and ability and if given a chance would reverse all their beliefs and discrimination.

It is all about the subjugation of women for this is the principle view they take of decadent westerners.

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What about car drivers, who, through the British Drivers Association, campaign against speed cameras, in direct opposition to their country's actions? If you take religion out and apply the same restrictions you suggest, which is banning anything that is against what "the country wants", we'd be in a FAR worse position that we are now.

Surely the difference is that car drivers are complaining about something within a system in to which they contribute. My understanding is this guy draws more in benefits than an acting serviceman who regardless of the rights and wrongs of the current conflict puts his or her life on the line serving this country.

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Cant we all just get along  :0

I think we all need to remember that at the end of the day the powers that be will decide what happens, and that we are all here for the same ride.

We all have two choices, sit here and watch to see how everything pans out in the next 5 - 10 years OR seek refuge in another country.

yes the country is fooked, yes political correctness has reached epically mental proportions, and yes the lunatics have taken over the asylum.....

Best bet for a long and happy life IMHO is to have a quick rant, then forget all about it and get on with doing yer own politically incorrect, socially unacceptable thang ....

No point gettin' het up about s***e we can do nowt about....

Drink beer, smerk tabs, ******* women (or blokes if yer a bird!), ride fast bikes, drive fast cars larily and stick up two fingers to the establishment.....

F*ck 'em all, we'll be dead by the time they catch up with us anyhow.....  

My personal ambition is to be a disgraceful old irreverent Grandad whose grandkids hide behind the sofa when they hear me wheelieing my ratty matt black GSXR1000 down the street...        

Alternatively you could spend yer life whining about s***e perpetrated by dumbfucks everywhere?    

This imho somes it up :t-up:

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Perhaps this is what we should really be worrying about??

Asteroid menacing Earth in year 2014.

At around 1.2 km in width, 2003 QQ47 is substantially smaller than 2002 NT7 (2km), but has been called "an event meriting careful monitoring" by astronomers. If an impact does occur, it could be on March 21, 2014.

No matter what religion you follow or which newspaper you read - you ain't gonna catch a plane to avoid this baby if it hits :p

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You sugested that I go down to the smoke and see what I think then. I responded that I am a Londoner born and bred. Presumably you thought that I hadn't ever experienced a proper multi cultural society, when in fact I live in the very place you hold up as epitome of everything you think is wrong in the UK. Any comment on that, 'cos you seem to have kind of ignored that bit...

yes i have a comment.

you assume a lot pal.i didnt ignore that bit, I did read that you are a londoner, i just reckoned you were too happy to live among them which is up to you.

I choose not to.

I also dont believe a word the papers say, the figures quoted showing people leaving the uk came from a government report last year...er

You also assume that because people are unhappy with the way this country is going, that they vote for the BNP. And voting for the BNP makes them racist.

If this party had some workable policies im sure a lot more would vote for them,as it is the media make quite sure that you are made to feel like a criminal if you agree with anything they say.

IMO most people use them as a protest vote because they are not happy with the way things are.

And as it is i dont want to leave my place of birth, i am proud to be english,and i like my way of life and culture. i wish we could all live in harmony but it wont happen because they dont want it to. If enough people were to vote for a party like the BNP then maybe something could be done because the government might sit up and listen.

As said before its a shame its going to take civil unrest to get things sorted, they will be able to sell some papers then :bangshead:

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So you think its right that someone residing in this country and enjoying all the benefits of the country should have the right to protest against the country's actions which by there nature are securing the very freedom which that person currently enjoy's and this in a sensitive geographical area <!--emo&???

As I said this isnt about freedom of speech or religous beliefs this is about right and wrong!

Personaly I wish religon didnt exist on any level as it only serves to divide people.

Yes, he has that right. You may not like it, but you (predumably) usually vote for a political party who would deport these radicals? Not that you'd admit to voting BNP 'cos it's politically incorrect to do so. Yet more irony...

You dont know me nearly well enough to make such asumptions and I have no problem in standing up for what I belive in regradless of if its politically correct or not! I dont care what others think of either me or my views and I am probabley one of the most unpoliticaly correct people in the country so no irony here.

Have I voted BNP? no I havent but I have thought about it & if they werent so exteremsit themselves then I may well have voted for them.

Why is it that you seem determined to to make an argument out of something that isnt there? All I said was that religon only divides people. am I wrong? I dont think so look at how many wars have been fought in the name of religon! its only a case of my clubs better than your club! :bangshead:  :bangshead:

Why dont you sit back and have a cup of tea before your blood preasure gets too high.

Oh and he may have the right to protest but it dosnt make it right!

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