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And are we guilty of complacency , we sit back and watch our british way of life being slowly but surely eroded away by "multi racial values" being imposed upon us daily,  by a law that forbids us to speak our minds for fear of being branded as "racist "

spot on mate.!!!!!

Wake up england your country is dying :sheep:

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im sure and (hope) there will some angry ex servicemen there making the views felt!!

Hence the post & why I feel so angry about this.

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And are we guilty of complacency , we sit back and watch our british way of life being slowly but surely eroded away by "multi racial values" being imposed upon us daily,  by a law that forbids us to speak our minds for fear of being branded as "racist "

spot on mate.!!!!!

Wake up england your country is dying :sheep:

Yep I have felt this for years, I dont understand why we put up with these spineless money grabbing polaticians? what do they do for us? (cue the sketch) but thats why the BNP are here, its just a shame that they are SO extreme.

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Ok take religion out of the equation.

I move to the USA (for my sins) and then they decide that actually the UK have become a "threat" for whatever reason and decide to "liberate" the UK people - I would be the first in line to show my protest to the USA and do whatever I could to make my voice heard.

The problem you have is that, having said the above, there will be some that just go to cause greif and have the type of slogans that will just make the UK puplic angry, I think I saw one last time saying, "NOT HEROS BUT MURDERES!" what the devil is that going to acheive??!!  :angry:

Then you will have all the BNP supporter types that will take the opportunity to try to get things to kick off and all hell will break loose.

No constructive message will be acheived and everybody will be really miffed on both sides - can't wait.

I couldn't agree more about the Religion side of things - I don't really have one other than "Common Sense" I don't like people forcing their Religion on me and wouldn't slate others' beliefs as long as they ae not harmful to others and unfortunately extremists, as mentioned before, use the religion to gain support for their own selfish gain.

This will sound silly but I wish everyone could just get along :D

PS Stu I'm STILL not a Murtaya owner yet!  :p  :bangshead:  :D

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This will sound silly but I wish everyone could just get along

In my experience all "ordinary" folk like me and you do , whatever there colour, race or religion .

politicians make the wars , not the people  :t-up:

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"Why don't they all leave?" is an oft asked question and has been asked here twice already. The reason is simple. Our democracy allows freedom of speech and expression, freedoms they are denied in their own countries. That's why they don't leave. It is the *strength* of our democracy that allows them to spout their beliefs and us to either agree or disagree with it at our leisure. If the UK was really a "police state" run on fear, then you really wouldn't be posting your objections on line for fear of being rounded up and shot as a "non believer" or non conformist or somesuch.

As usual though the argument needs turning on it's head. This is not a weakness of democracy, it is it's greatest strength. It is the debate that settles these things, and debate can only happen in a free society. Of course if this society isn't free enough for any of you (by the way, freedom that has obviously come at the cost of many thousands of our servicemen and women. This freedom *IS PRECISELY* what they are fighting for, so the irony hasn't been lost on me at least), you also have the freedom to go and find one that is...

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"I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
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This is about right & wrong and the proposed march is wrong!

Lets cut through the political crap for a second its not about freedom of speech or religon, this is about insighting racial hatred. If I or you did this we would be locked up pronto but as its an ethnic minority best give them a voice its the only "democratic thing to do"

My point of view is simple and offensive to some, IF you wish to live in a culture ANY culture then you should embrace its values and diffrences without wishing to empart your own culture upon it.

Something that the English find difficult to say no to. If I moved out to the Middle East what do you think the reaction would be if I wanted to build a Christian church there?

As I said this isnt about freedom of speach its about having some respect for the culture and society that you have chosen to be a part of and if you dont agree with that way of life then leave for one you find more appealing to your own Beliefs or shut up in silence.

The problem is that too many of these extremists are willing to live here enjoy the benefits of our country claim of our benefit system and instead of getting jobs make plans to blow us all up!

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This is about right & wrong and the proposed march is wrong!

Lets cut through the political crap for a second its not about freedom of speech or religon, this is about insighting racial hatred. If I or you did this we would be locked up pronto but as its an ethnic minority best give them a voice its the only "democratic thing to do"

My point of view is simple and offensive to some, IF you wish to live in a culture ANY culture then you should embrace its values and diffrences without wishing to empart your own culture upon it.

Something that the English find difficult to say no to. If I moved out to the Middle East what do you think the reaction would be if I wanted to build a Christian church there?

As I said this isnt about freedom of speach its about having some respect for the culture and society that you have chosen to be a part of and if you dont agree with that way of life then leave for one you find more appealing to your own Beliefs or shut up in silence.

The problem is that too many of these extremists are willing to live here enjoy the benefits of our country claim of our benefit system and instead of getting jobs make plans to blow us all up!

Hear Hear  :t-up:  :t-up:

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When are we all going to wake up and smell the sh**e, we no longer have freedom of anything in this country !!!!!!!!!!!!!,

When we are not being dictated to by Foreign immigrants how to live our lives, we are told by the " Politically Correct mob ", we cannot do this or that as it may be offensive to other cultures, like celebrating St Georges day, or having, "God for bid", an English Flag / Union Jack, which is seen by some far right nutters as racially offensive ?.

Best thing i have heard tonight on the national news was Gordon Brown stating that, in lay mans terms : It ain't gonna happen.!!!!!!!! about time he got a spine.

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If I were to "come round to your house for dinner" ate all of your food, drank all of your wine, made love to your daughter, stayed the night and then got up the next morning and said to you "I am now going to tell all of my mates to come round here and protest at how badly you spoke about my people last night and we are going to burn your home down"  would you invite me round next week along with fifty of my mates? I think not, but our government do it everyday :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

They need me in there to shout at one or two of them :bangshead:  :bangshead:  ******s the lot of them IMHO

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