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Cleggy's Spyder Rebuild 17 07 09

Cleggy the Spyder Man

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Thanks Bernie - will probably nip out today for speed

their prices look good

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wipped up some brackets tonight -- grrr swarf, filings, loud noises, grazed knuckles and other various garage fun


they go here ready for mounting onto the shock towers


help I am turning into an angle grinder  :suspect:

pipe looks really long and gangly in the pictures - grrr humpf

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Another dozen or so of those and you can play croquet with beach balls!

Keep it up Cleggy, can you get it done before summer ends?

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I wanted to get it done by the end of this year - will see how I go - an ever moving goal post it is  :D
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which decade never mind which year  :laugh:

some 718 videos I found on the tube

this one is interesting although very poor quality - looks like number 88 at the end of the video is a 718 rsk


and some 550 vids

and this 356  :love:

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Maxted Page are round the corner from us - I'm pretty sure that's sold, so no need for a whip round.

nip round and take some pictures Sam  :D

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started on the welding of the rear frame today - struggled with getting really good looking welds - although they may be a little rough looking but they certainly are strong with good penetration

am finding with the little 130 amp mig that after a few minutes of welding on the high settings quality of weld seems to drop right off - I don't think it is anything I am doing wrong as I have no problems getting good looking welds when doing bits n pieces

bigger welded really required  :oops:


re-fitted the dynamo before I started welding it all up - few !! just enough room for the fan belt

tube has not arrived yet for the other supports - these off cuts are about 10cm too short  :bangshead:

of course I have spent ages on this just assuming that the rear section would still fit with the new framework - more by luck than judgement it fits nice n snug with an inch or two to spare





cue more jokes ref extensive use of metal  :arse:

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b****r just spent 10 minutes doing an update - as I posted it I got a PM (thanks Liam) and somehow lost my update

well second time lucky

missus been out tonight at the gym so a few more special garage moments  :D - she has been busy burning of the tub of twiglets she thinks I don't know about and have rather greedily gobbled up  :oops:

drilled holes for seatbelt slugs using one of these bad boys - very effective


used a bit of box section to line up the others



recessed them in so that body can be lifted nice n easy


and finally lopped off the bit of box section - will be making some brackets to weld onto the chassis tube


finally some weight saving  :laugh:

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You don't want to do that  :sheep:

drilling ruddy great 'oles  :arse:

That's taking weight off  :t-up:

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I wonder when the Bernie would pop in for a P**s take  :laugh:


got these of our very own John (Fish) -  :t-up:


fit a treat

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thanks Tony - 2nd and last day off today so progress will be a little slower from this point on

started off today by making up the little brackets that are to be welded onto the axle tube

same method - marked up with marker pen, angle grinder to cut then bench grinder and file to finish up


ended up with these ready for drilling and welding on


next job was to make up some little square plates for the lower seatbelt slugs - drilled and welded up to the side of the chassis tube


then straight through both side of the box section for the outside mounting points

everything fits in nicely


seatbelts trial fitted - think I will put some slots into the side of the seats


managed to man handle the front section of the body up so more progress could be made without reying on a m8 - looks really good - funny car style  :laugh:  dont give me ideas  :oops:


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