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Simon Besant

I'm sure that flamethrower is just showboating  --  comes on at a flick of a switch :D

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I have to say i had a great day, was nice to be on the start line catching up with folk, seems like the Marshalling job is made easy by the nature of Westfield drivers, everybody came up in number order (more or less) and i don't think we had more than 1-2 incidents and nothing major.

I had a blast, trouble is i want to get my car out again and get back out there (may be next year).

Hope Bunny sorts out his Diff and everybody got home ok.

See you all in a paddock real soon.   :t-up:

P.S. Well done to the OF's.......... :D

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It's a long way north and having got back rather shattered, I have just managed to surface. What a great weekend. I'm just going to thank EVERYBODY who was there, they all helped make it a fantastic WSCC weekend, whether organising, competing, spectating, marshalling or just being there :D:D:D

Luke and I were a bit down when we broke the car on saturday, but I lost count after about 14, of the drivers who offered us a double drive. That's the real spirit of the WSCC Speed Series and it still bring a tear to my eye. So thank you for your very kind offer's and particularly Paul Aspen who lent us his spare car so we could both share the same car. :D:D:D

David Hussey and I would also like to thank our son's for allowing us to win on Father's Day, it was very good of them :D:D:D because as we are often reminded by them, it definatley isn't down to driver talent.  :D  :p  :D

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Simon Besant

I'm sure that flamethrower is just showboating  --  comes on at a flick of a switch :D

just doing my bit for global warming  :D

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Can I put you all down for next year then  ???  :t-up:  :laugh:

Depends whether I bankrupt myself again over 4.5l of Millers. ;)

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Great weekend well done to everyone.

It was really great to see Roland and Ray out and about.

Biggest shock of the weekend

Simon Brumfield does have a Westfield :D

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Just wanted to add my thanks for a really well organised and enjoyable weekend.

The family and I had a great time and were made to feel really welcome at our first event. A special thanks to everyone in Class B for helping me manhandle my trailer and for not being too sarcastic about how slow I was.

Are the times from Sunday published somewhere online?

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Are the times from Sunday published somewhere online

I don't think they are but Nick Algar will be sending them out by email to competitors in due course I believe  :t-up:

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Just to echo everyone elses vote of thanks. It's the first event for me in about 5 years, and it was good to see a few familiar faces, but the same sense of fun throughout the paddock.

My big thanks goes to Mick Cooper for the loan of his car, and the happy family pit crew who withstood endless abuse from me!

All I need to do now is finish the sprint car (well start building it really) and then I can play out.....

By the way Paul P it was Robs idea to hide the car....nothing to do with me ;)

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My thanks to all involved for a good day.

Good to catch up with you all again.

I was pleased not to be last in the shopping trolley, if I'm about next year I will try and find something with a bit more power and a diff to put on more of a show !

I'll take the blame for Hiding Mr P's car, ( That should get you out of trouble Mr A, but thanks for the push and putting the tarp back on the trailer, the wooden prop was a piece of comic genius ! )


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Thanks to everybody who helped ,organised etc to make such a great days sport. Good to see old farts doing well and a few of the lost sheep returning.

What a battle in Class H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just a few well dones.

Well done to all involved this weekend. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Well done to all drivers and especially the class winners for some great battles and fantastic times.

Biggest well done goes to Barney for another cracking time and again knocking on the door of the class H guys.  

Hope to see you all soon

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To all that were there it was great seeing you again, but I can't thank you all individually however I must mention 2 of you, Peter Gutteridge and Ron Hunt, for allowing me onto (I think) post 1 to watch some of the action from my wheelchair. :cool:

Unfortunately by 2-230, I became very tired and needed to go home (this weekend being the first time out of my bedroom.since coming home from hospital). :(

Hope to see you all later in the year.


ps congrats to Matt

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All been said!!! ditto a great day out  :p  :sheep:
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-> Roland

You're more than welcome and I was happy to sort it for you, after all it wasn't like you had an engine in the wheelchair so you couldn't chase the cars  ;)

Nice to see you out and about with your usual dry humour again, take care  :D

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