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Only had negative experiences 3 times:

1...Old lady shaking walking stick at while driving a 20 miles, yes 20 miles an hour through her village!

2...A hand signal, which I think he was trying to tell us to go pleasure ourselves, after me and 2 other westies overtook a ford focus....

3...At a set of traffic lights when grumpy bloke commented about noise etc...simply replied with.... "Dum A*** says what?"

And you just know what he said in reply don't you.... yes he did..... "WHAT!"

I was laughing so much I forgot to pull away when the lights went green!!!  :laugh:

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if I hear anything driving past that sounds even vaguely interesting  :D

I thought I was the only sad person that did this :oops:

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I find boy racers  are alway's expectin a race at the lights ;) it dosnt matter how quietly you pull up next to them! and belive me my car is quiet.

It's alway's nice to give there ego's a bashing though :devil:

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if I hear anything driving past that sounds even vaguely interesting  :D

I thought I was the only sad person that did this :oops:

Cars, bikes, planes or helicopters ... not bothered, always go and have a look to see whats passing .... oh yeah and totty too  :D

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totty too  :D

Totty first cars second, depending on the car of course :D or even better two hits one stone Totty in car :cool:  :D

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birds are slightly rougher versions of totty around here ... bit like a sparrow compared to a great t*t  :D
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birds are slightly rougher versions of totty around here ... bit like a sparrow compared to a great t*t  :D

Great t**s normally travel in pairs - one great t*t alone is probably angry and best avoided.

Also, watch out for blue t**s, prevalent in Winter, long tailed t**s commonly found at weddings and yellow browed t**s, who are most often seen exitting self tanning booths.

According to mikipedia though, "...t**s famously learned to break open the foil caps sealing bottles of milk that had been delivered to homes to get at the cream floating on top." Now, that's a neat trick.

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usually gets my cream floating to the top ...no I cant say that  :blush:  :D
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You should look for an old post from Crazy Eddie who swopped his BEC for a Ferrari. In the Westfield he said he had people constantly waving, cheering and everybody was his friend however in the Ferrari he suddenly became a w****r !!

Seemed like a decent guy when I've met him  :D

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Last week I had been out for a blat and decided on the way home to stop by my wife's work and pick her up. Approaching her office in the center of Edinburgh (10 - 15mph) I wanted to U-turn so as to stop in a parking bay on the opposite side. There was a porsche 4x4 behind me so I indicated and pulled into the curb to let it passed. After a couple of seconds while stationary I started to move the steering wheel to full lock. At this point the porsche stops beside me and a very chavy overweight woman gets out the passenger door. Her words were "Do ya want a doing you stupid nunney. My husband had to break for yer sh*t little car and we've fuc*ing bairns in the car ya nunney".

My answer of 'whatever' only seemed to aggravate the situation. She then leaned her ugly mug to within inches of mine and continued to tell by means of expletives at the top of her lungs how much she intensely disliked me and of the imminent possibility of my violent demise! This I found quite amusing as did the small crowd gathering on the pavement. My second answer of 'whatever' was unfortunately not the correct choice of word when trying to diffuse such a situation, in fact it caused the lady to snap. She tried to punch me in the face (fortunately failing to make any contact), before toe punting the side of the car. Unfortunately for her she was wearing open toed sandals and she struck the fiberglass immediately in front of the main chassis rail. The look of pain on her face was priceless!

Other than that the attention the car draws is positive! I do find it useful to point at my ear-plugs occasionally and tell people that I cannot hear them so I can avoid the; 1) is it a kit-car? 2) Did you build it yourself? 3) How fast does it go? 4) How much did it cost? 5) How big is the engine?

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Last week I had been out for a blat and decided on the way home to stop by my wife's work and pick her up. Approaching her office in the center of Edinburgh (10 - 15mph) I wanted to U-turn so as to stop in a parking bay on the opposite side. There was a porsche 4x4 behind me so I indicated and pulled into the curb to let it passed. After a couple of seconds while stationary I started to move the steering wheel to full lock. At this point the porsche stops beside me and a very chavy overweight woman gets out the passenger door. Her words were "Do ya want a doing you stupid nunney. My husband had to break for yer sh*t little car and we've fuc*ing bairns in the car ya nunney".

My answer of 'whatever' only seemed to aggravate the situation. She then leaned her ugly mug to within inches of mine and continued to tell by means of expletives at the top of her lungs how much she intensely disliked me and of the imminent possibility of my violent demise! This I found quite amusing as did the small crowd gathering on the pavement. My second answer of 'whatever' was unfortunately not the correct choice of word when trying to diffuse such a situation, in fact it caused the lady to snap. She tried to punch me in the face (fortunately failing to make any contact), before toe punting the side of the car. Unfortunately for her she was wearing open toed sandals and she struck the fiberglass immediately in front of the main chassis rail. The look of pain on her face was priceless!

:laugh:  :laugh: PMSL :D  ;)  :cool:

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lol there are some scum about unfortunately -
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Theres one bloke, who for some reason seams to be on the road of loughborough walking his dog about practically every other time (well, its been about 4-5times in 6months) who for some reason or other had decided to take a stance against the car.

- But largly i think most comments are posative, although you cant always tell.

I did also have one bloke at the lights at the end of our road wind down the window of his bmw rep-mobile and declaire "is that really nessaray?"

It was january at the time and having only gone 500yrds from our drive  it needed a bit of help to stay running. So i just calmy explaned that it was cold, on carbs, without a choke, and that i was keeping it runing on the accelerator jets. There was then a good 30secons silence untill he then returned with "well... its very noisy for a car" lights had just gone green at this point, so i answered with 'yes it is' and drove off.


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he then returned with "well... its very noisy for a car"

"I don't care, I am deaf"..... :D

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