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need one as above for wide body live axle car plus high back seats cash waiting mark 01908 371482
Does it need to be MSA 2009 compliant ??
i only need it for fast road use and the odd trackday i take it the regs have changed then for 2009 would the old type rac cage still be legal in a road going car hillclimb and sprints

i take it the regs have changed then for 2009 would the old type rac cage still be legal in a road going car hillclimb and sprints

If you were at an event with a jobsworth picky scruter .......... then you may have difficulties.

For trackdays and road you would be fine  :)


I have recently spoken with John Symes at the MSA re this, as long as you are entering in a Production Road Going Class on 1A tyres then no requirement to have any roll bar fitted, C© 31-35 or 36 are only recommended. However if you are running in modified class then required and Westfield RAC rollbar doesn't comply.

To avoid problems arm youself by Reading the Blue Book (link in speed series) and if in doubt ring and discuss with the scrutiner prior to the entering the event. I'm believe they are human and would prefer to help in advance rather than turn you away on the day, I also have a feeling the entries will be rather low this year, without excluding all kit car and elises etc!



I have recently spoken with John Symes at the MSA re this, as long as you are entering in a Production Road Going Class on 1A tyres then no requirement to have any roll bar fitted

Correct .................. however if a rollbar is fitted, it must comply

Remove your rollbar ???? .............. your choice  :down:



No - He advise that in Production Road Going class the RAC rollbar would be fine (also said a coathanger would be ok as well) the only requirement is if one is fitted it must not present a hazard to the driver in any way.



:suspect:  :suspect:  :blush:  :blush: Did you get that in writing from John Symes ??? now that would be an excellent written confirmation to present to a scruter  :devil:  :devil:  :devil: and can I have a copy please  :D  :D  :D  :)

He may adjust his comments because, I note you say

Production Road Going class

Now being picky as a picky scrute would be Westfield fall into "Specialist Production"  :)  :)  :)

looks like westfield need to start making a new batch that conform to 2009 regs the demand for such a cage clearly exists should i ring them or is there somewhere else i can buy said cage of the shelf

Watch this space  ;)  ;) ........... I have been asking for last 18 months for Westfield to look at rollbars and hopefully there may be a new one real soon, fingers crossed  ;)  ;)  :)

You refer to cage in your post ??? please note this is different thing to rollbar  ;)  ;)  :)

fingers crossed will have a nice shiny cage i mean rollbar :laugh: installed for the summer its going to be a good un to make up for last year  thats what i keep telling myself anyway

Am I correct in thinking that the Roll Over Bar situation only applies from 2010 not this year?

If it does then does it apply to mod prod class or sport libre ?

If you need rear facing struts ( rather than forward like on my car) then I am struggling as I do not have any chassis at rear to fix it to!


Nope you're not.

The roll over bar - with height clearance weld on additions and use of RJ's etc applies NOW and this is for all classes.

Terry - for your fully modified non-road going car your roll bar should be o.k for 2009 as I believe it is a fully welded xtra height unit - however if I were you, I would keep a very close eye on any MSA news updates that may be applicable for 2010 - the MSA do seem to be overhauling safety matters  :)  ;)  :)

Its best not to confuse rules for road-going cars and those for modified non-road going class cars  ;)  ;)  :)


Thanks Mark

It is fully welded but has no rear struts

Are road going classes ok with rose jointed RAC bar?


Nope not really - last year (2008) there came about rules re welded on hoops and RJ's  ;)  ;) scruters didn't seem to apply them and we all "got away with it"  :) but can't legislate for what may happen in 2009 - the MSA do seem to be tightening up what they determine to be "safety items"

WSC Ltd are currently trying to get a new roll bar into production which is higher, no RJ's etc etc - Mark Walker is hoping to have available soon, he's double checking to make sure its MSA Blue Book compliant for all road-going cars  ;)  :)

2010 - will see probans removed and Snell 2000 helmets regardless of year of manufacture and condition - so just in case, please keep your eyes peeled for any other updates that may be posted in Motorsport News.

It is up to each driver to ensure their car for their class entered is compliant  ;)

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