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Carbon Front splitter


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I think they look great, but I'm cocerned about ground clearance issues on the public highway, so count me out on this one, Mick.
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Ask  Buzz Billsberry Yorkshire A/O.

I believe he has a V8 with a ducted nose with a splitter fitted to it.

Just trying to help.


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I think they look great, but I'm cocerned about ground clearance issues on the public highway, so count me out on this one, Mick.

PM Barney and ask him to measure road clearence  ???  :)

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From memory they go no lower that the lower edge of the nose cone therefore no issues  ???
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Am I right in thinking that the FW nose is narrower than the classic front? It's got a smaller frontal area?
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How do these work?

They look to be a flat front (much like my number plate is fitted now) so how does it improve airflow?

This isn't meant to be a provocative question or a challenge, I just don't understand from the photos how it benefits the airflow.



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The close up picture shown by Austin is misleading.

It fails to show the continuous forward facing return edge, this being obscured by the grass.

The main idea of the splitter is to prevent the air from travelling under the front of the car and moving the centre of pressure rearwards, thereby inducing understeer in very fast corners.

The lower the car and splitter are to the ground the the greater will be the benifit.

But aerodynamically, car wise ,we are talking about a brick with a wheel at each corner.   :laugh:


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