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If the "boy" preduced regular performances like todays  he would need not to "worry" too much about budget. He has "mates" close by that are willing to help push him along!!!

always good .... but the budgets are huge , for recognition you need to do super 1 and that is in the big budget league .

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The thing with motorsport now is that it is all big money and no matter how good you are, for example, Guy Wilkes, if you can't pay then you cannot play.

You are right Harv, spend big money to recognition and then keep spending your sponsors!!!

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he will go a fair way without a big spend but a 10k club season will be in there if you total it correctly , then if he wins a club championship he needs to do a national and look at super one , thats when money vastly steps up .

he will get down to finding the 10th rather than the seconds fairly quickly ..... seconds are cheap , and sometimes there isn't a price high enough for the 10ths.

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i nearly fell over when I was told the little  kid that won the cadets has a £60k per anum karting budget and when i say won he absolutley walked it and I rate Ben who came second but he couldnt compete with that kid , he was very good you cant take that from him but stories of £thousands spent on the w60 engine to me tells the story  :0  :0

 my poor boy wont get £600  per anum allocated unfortunatly he will have to rely on big testicles and talent enhirited from his mother to get him through  :laugh:  :laugh:  :down:  :down:  :D  :D

really not taking it that serious all I want to do is see where this goes and have some fun with the kids along the way, remember Ive got 3 lads the boy being the oldest and If i do for one I have to do for the other and to say business is poor at the mo is an understatement   :arse:  :arse: If this had been 2 years ago when times were better It would be a different tale but I plan to race the burgervan this year and you cant do everything on a limited budget so something has to give  ???  ???

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to be fair ..... i can see you selling the burgervan and ploughing in with the kids , and as you have seen a budget spent on equipment plus talen puts you leages ahead of talent without money ............ its the way motorsport really has always been dipite what some might say about the "olden days"
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There's another couple of fun meetings early next year, Jan and Feb. Might be worth while entering him in those and seeing if his racecraft improves. :t-up:

BTW: There's open testing on teesside all day today, no hire karts! I'm cream crackered so wont be bothering but might be a laff for others.

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just popped along to the Logs, he has aged 10 years after a day in the Dangler hobbling about like an old man, luckily i had my camera and couldnt resist a photo  :D   :p  :p


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just popped along to the Logs, he has aged 10 years after a day in the Dangler hobbling about like an old man, luckily i had my camera and couldnt resist a photo  :D   :p  :p


Feel a bit that way myself this morning too, nowt to to with driving, just lugging all that lead about!  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

Well done to ma boy!  and sorry 'bout the video, I'll take responsibilty for that.. :(  :(

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well done all the bishop crew sounds like a top day  :t-up:

and not much of a surprise Pete winning as he kicks my a** all over the track regular

pretty amazing seeing Dan doing so well, only seems a few weeks since he took up karting so hats off to you young man :cool:

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good find Pierre  :t-up:  :t-up:

saw that wf , hes looking for £1350 for it , dont fancy his chances and reckon there is somne shill bidding taking place to get it to its current price  :oops:

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