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Twin Senior Honda

Dunlop SL1 slicks. Dunlop KT3 wets or Bridgestone YJL slicks & YGR wets

Min weight 180 kg for both with white number boards with black numbers ( Elite ) or blue with white numbers ( Clubman )

Standard unmodified Honda GX160 engines. If non standard exhausts are fitted they must be sealed by Prokart Engineering (Jeff Johnson) 01329 289783. The championship will be run to the UK accepted Honda GX160 Technical Regulations, details of which can be found at:

http://www.ratpro.co.uk/chal/regulations Version 3 2008 or an updated version as and when it is released. The T&W Kart Club management (Peter Knibb, Bill Routledge and Ian Lawson) will decide which class any one driver should race in if it is felt that any one driver is in the wrong class.

World Formula

If that is correct i have the slick tyres SL1's albeit used.

Might just enter with what i have and see how it goes  :devil:


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the highs and lows of Jeff C  :D  :D  :D

qualifiying first half a dozen laps I was last  :arse:  as the karts in front were holding me up so I held back to clear some ground and put in 2 quick laps, qualified 3rd  :t-up:  :t-up:  

race 1 I got knocked off to the grass  on lap 1 2nd corner  :arse: time I got off the grass I was last /  15th  , kart was going really well in the wet/greasy and I managed to get back to 5th  :t-up:

race 2 from 5th the track was drying and I had too much grip was bogging like it was last week  and dropped to 9th , was gutted kart felt s***e  :arse:

Ian noticed my rear wheels were right in for maximum rear grip, so we moved front wheels in and rears out and it was a transformation  :t-up:  :t-up:

race 3  9th got up to 2nd throttle caught on leg and overcooked a corner and let 2 karts through  :arse: finished 3rd ..  :t-up:

race 4  3rd was fine and almost sunny put it on slicks and on the grid it rained   :arse:  :arse: few laps in  snapped chain and a dnf  :mad:  :arse:

last race was abismal,strating from the back of the pack on  wets on a soaking greasy track and after 10 laps I retired, was horrendous  :arse:

will let the boy do the next race  :D  :D  :D

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the highs and lows of Jeff C      

I think you, (as well as some other on here  ;)  ) have the driving ability, but we're all a bit lacking in the set up department.. :suspect:  :suspect:

No two races were the same today as far as track conditions go.  :t-up:

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BTW, measured Pete's kart across the back axle, inner wheel to inner is at 36". I thought I'd measured yours at 47" but it must surely have been 37"  ???  ???  :t-up:
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BTW, measured Pete's kart across the back axle, inner wheel to inner is at 36". I thought I'd measured yours at 47" but it must surely have been 37"  ???  ???  :t-up:

will check it int morn  :t-up:

yep you are right on the set up,you can drive at 100% but if your karts wrong it aint gonna do what you want it too, I was proof of that today, was getting very frustrated in the 2nd race  :down:  was cockahoop when shifting the rears out fettled my bogging woes,cant believe I never thought of checking them before  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

once Im focusing on the boy  :oops: I will be spending some time making changes and seeing what effects they have, he doesnt sound so keen on being a guinea Pig  mind  :laugh:  :D  :D  :D

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Jeff the whole setup thing is so crutial its unreal .... , we had similar conditions a few weeks ago and had both my best and worst races to boot .

Badly setup you start driving at 110% and there is nothing you can do as people drive away from you and its exhausting .

Get it right ,and maybe better than the next day and it feels like a walk in the park , and i have to say thats the reason whatever i have raced i ALWAYS love going back to karts , have shed blood sweat and alot of tears over my years in them , but you'll have to agree its the busiest most intense days racing.

I have go so much more out of it than i do with car circuit racing , may even go race in europe this year ,or maybe the bit rotax european event in spain this time next year.

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aye noticed that today Harv, I set up for the last race exactly the same as I had done for race 2 where I was flying but as it was wetter and slippier it just didnt work, to say the front runners in prokarts ( a pair of 7 karts ? ) had more grip was an understament, they just drove away  :suspect:  :suspect:

harv on the rear wheels in and out thing... when the wheels on mine are right in the axle tube touches the outer part of the hub this stops it going in any further  so I prob have a max of 40mm adjustment out after that I would fear it   :oops:  I moved them out around 35mm but it looked like a dragster so popped them back so they were out 25mm which seemed to do the trick  :t-up:

I wouldnt want any more grip on my kart but   Im pretty sure on my boys tonykart the axle will poke out of the hub thus giving loads more adjustment for the wheels to go further in , is this normal or is it my kart that is abnormal  :D  :suspect:  :suspect:

another thing I noticed today was I was the oldest person at the briefing , room was full of teenagers  :oops:  end of th briefing the guy asked new drivers to hang back for a quick talk, was me and a 8 year old kid   :laugh: today was  one of the first times in my life I felt old  :down:  :down:  :down:

should have had the Log there that would have made me feel better  :devil:  :p  :p:laugh:  :laugh:

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If you tonykart has hubs that slip past the axle end then either its a 40mm axel as the hubs did that on those , or the hubs are moddied to allow them to slide past .

In the dry somewhere near 1385mm total rear track outside of rear rim to outside is a good start and maybe 20mm of spacers on the front short hubs .......

In the wet we only tend to go in 10 to 15mm total on the rear ,you don't actually gain grip going in but effect the tourque on the rear wheels and give a different power delivery thus not spinning them so easily .

Did you buy the rewelded tkm chassis ?

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big t**s areew more fun thoughth!

have you been on the captains wine gums Pierre  :oops:

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What time are people arriving for tomorrow ??

Am i right in thinking that this is a day sprint i.e. gates open at 9.a.m??


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just spoke to David, opens at 9.00 with practise while he sets scales up then on with qualifying..

Im in a dilema if i do the race the boy doesnt have any decent tyres to use, got some hard bridgestones and worn out mojos but not sure that will do him any favours   :oops: so do i let him do it or do i enter and get a wupping off Pete  :mad:  :D

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just spoke to David, opens at 9.00 with practise while he sets scales up then on with qualifying..

Im in a dilema if i do the race the boy doesnt have any decent tyres to use, got some hard bridgestones and worn out mojos but not sure that will do him any favours   :oops: so do i let him do it or do i enter and get a wupping off Pete  :mad:  :D

My tyres are past there best i am entering just for fun and to see what my kart weighs with me and to see how far i am off the pace  ???

After all we did buy these karts just for fun  :p  :oops:

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