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and heres the tony kart rotax max

be interesting to see how you get on with the EVX  as they have some challenging handling .

and i wouldn't be driving a 100 as practice for rotax max , it will teach you lines but get you used to a throttle responce that will make driving the max very difficult .....

one of the biggest issues with a max is the fact to get the best from them you can't just nail the throttle wide open like you can on a 100

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Otterburn :cool:

If you have petrol in your veins you need to have a attack on Otterburn at some point in your life :t-up:

Done it once and binned it but I will be back ;)


The BIG jump is on the Jim Clarke Slip, that is another must in the tarmac game, I am off to Ireland agian next year me thinks, that is PROPER rallying, not fot the faint hearted :0 I am going get the pilot in the passenger seat and take him round the block to see how brave he is :durr:  :durr:

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Luckily for me Barry was doing the International so I was about an hour behind by doing the National event which meant I got into service before doing that stage but after Barry did the jump. Barry and I both had it in our notes as "flat do,nt lift" and I was immedialtly told by the crew to change my notes as Barry had been taken to hospital with a crushed splean after that incident, I did this and still hit the jump in 6th gear but lifted slightly going over, very scary.

From memory,Barry did 57m, I did about 48m followed by Guy Wilkes at about 45m. Everyone commented at the time about the three longets jumps all being done by three County Durham lads.

Enough of the bore :arse:  :arse:  Now back to this karting thing :sheep:  :sheep:  :down:

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I am going get the pilot in the passenger seat and take him round the block to see how brave he is :durr:  :durr:

Should have brought it to croft on that wet day bob! :love:  :love:  :love:

Speaking of wet, the weather looks disgraceful this weekend.

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Bob Johnson just said weather was fine for sunday  ;)

new axle fitted to mine today, noticed it when i fitted the new engine the other day , when turning on the stand the wheel was bobbing up and down, must have bent it when i t*****d the boy with Marks kart  :suspect:  :suspect:  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

new alfano pro fitted today also and my old one on the bairns kart, new set of bridgestones fitted as well.

no excuses now  :laugh:  :oops:  :D

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forecast quite favourable especially the afternoon could be on the new slicks  :t-up:  :t-up:


track is opening at 8 with tracktime til  9, we havnt loaded yet so we will more than likley  miss the first session but are aiming to be there for session 2 which is 10.05 - 10.30 , anyone else joining us  :t-up:  :t-up:

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forecast quite favourable especially the afternoon could be on the new slicks  :t-up:  :t-up:


track is opening at 8 with tracktime til  9, we havnt loaded yet so we will more than likley  miss the first session but are aiming to be there for session 2 which is 10.05 - 10.30 , anyone else joining us  :t-up:  :t-up:

I suspect we'll pop across but wont be rushing to get there early. Suspect possible ice in the morning, might get there somewhere towards lunchtime depending on what it looks like.

My wets are cabbaged anyway, so if its drenched wont be any good, should be ok in the damp though.

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forecast quite favourable especially the afternoon could be on the new slicks  :t-up:  :t-up:


track is opening at 8 with tracktime til  9, we havnt loaded yet so we will more than likley  miss the first session but are aiming to be there for session 2 which is 10.05 - 10.30 , anyone else joining us  :t-up:  :t-up:

I suspect we'll pop across but wont be rushing to get there early. Suspect possible ice in the morning, might get there somewhere towards lunchtime depending on what it looks like.

My wets are cabbaged anyway, so if its drenched wont be any good, should be ok in the damp though.

no ice Pete check the temps , we would be there early doors but reckon may be a late on tonight so will settle for 10.oo at the track  :D

Ps.   Logs wets are cabbaged too and mine aint a lot better  :oops:  :mad:  will be fun though  :t-up::D

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oops my mistake tracktime is 8.00-10.30 so alarm clock set will try and get there for 9.30  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:  :D
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Will be a no show for me out for poppa prelits 65th and me sis and kids are up.
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well here is a first I have a karting question  :laugh:  :laugh:

having to have a rethink after today of what karts I can run for the kids  :bangshead:  :bangshead:

had my oldest boy in the cadet and he was struggling with it, couldnt keep pace with Bens cadet, Im not sure it was down to my boys abilty though as both he and my youngest boy both seem off the pace in it  :suspect:  :suspect:

Dan jumped in my kart on the last session and in half a dozen laps put in quicker times than I had done all day  :arse:  :arse:  :oops: Ichased him in Dippys kart twice and couldnt get near him  so im pretty sure he is pushing both karts to the limit or very close  :suspect:  :suspect:

so... Im thinking of selling the cadet and replacing it...

this is my dilema.. ???  :sheep:

 If I buy a better/newer cadet dan is 12years old  / 13 in March and he is quite tall and at 6stone 5 a fair bit over weight in a cadet and I think racing it it will go against him ? and am i right in thinking once hes 13 he will be to old to race in a cadet anyway  ???

anyway  ive been looking at a junior kart for him  and Ryan to use (ryan is 11 in April) and junior tkm seems to be the one locally with a good following and a race series for him to enter  ???  :suspect:

does anyone know anything on the reliabilty of a tkm engine and anything of running costs , looks like he will need a 100cc, Ive seen some clutched and some direct drive, If you get a direct drive is it possible to fit a clutch  ???  ???

sorry for going all serious and on topic  :laugh:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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