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Is warden law not quieter?, Will be chocker block tomorrow.

The little track at tinside is a waste of time in a kart anyway IMO. :down:  :down:  :down:

But will go with the majority. :t-up:

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Is warden law not quieter?, Will be chocker block tomorrow.

The little track at tinside is a waste of time in a kart anyway IMO. :down:  :down:  :down:

But will go with the majority. :t-up:

dont think wardn law do practice every week like tinside does  :suspect:  :suspect: The race is Tonight at Teesside not 2mrw, Ian has put ben in the cadet race  :t-up:  :t-up:

20mins per hour at Tinside is ok , agree on the small track will let the kids hoss round there and I will spectate  :D

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The race is Tonight at Teesside not 2mrw, Ian has put ben in the cadet race  :t-up:  :t-up:

Not taking your lad over for some inspiration? :t-up:

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The race is Tonight at Teesside not 2mrw, Ian has put ben in the cadet race  :t-up:  :t-up:

Not taking your lad over for some inspiration? :t-up:

he is up for it but  he would have to race in the cadets and he hasnt had much time in that one so plan is to get him into the cadet kart all 2mrw hence put a lap timer on it, hopefully get him a bit quicker and somewhere near the pace and enter him in the next race  :t-up:  :t-up:

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hang on have I got this right ,there is no race Sunday just the hire karts on track as usual :suspect:

because if there is a race we won't get anywhere near the track for all the competitors

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nowt lik a bit of competetivness :oops:  :blush:  :blush:  :sheep:

Kids reckon I use this guy as a role model  ???  dont see it myself like  :suspect:  :suspect:  :laugh:

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what a b****y good day for the World formulas,had some cracking dingdongs with the crustaceons  :t-up:  :t-up:  shame bout Logs woes with the prokart and mysel and Ian have had a fair bit of chew with the little 2 strokes  :arse:

I can confirm that im sick as a t**t of swapping b****y tyres over, will be taking my battery powered gun next time  :bangshead: wet/dry/wet/dry dark  :arse:  :mad:  :mad:  :arse:  :arse:

calling Pierre with the world formula cam footage  :t-up:  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Yep, twas a pretty good day. 1st sessions stuck with the bridgy "intermediate" tyre's as it was only damp, they were almost on the pace of the super wets lapping about the same. 2nd session went to slicks, had a good ding dong with JC, but he was ever so slightly quicker I reckon even though I could stick with him, b****y hard work though. 3rd session, raised my tyre pressures to 25psi from 20psi, fookin unreal, had a proper race with Mr Cooper this time, there was nothing in it between the two karts, chain broke on the coming in lap, but I came in buzzing!. 4th session, Got a new chain on and went out brimming with confidence. However everyone seemed to pull away from me and the kart felt slow, I thought it was just me to be honest. We hadn't lubed the chain had we and it was horrendously tight. Last session was bucketing down, went out on the super wets, they were as super as everyone said they were but I couldn't see a thing, was pretty dangerous in all honesty, I'll bring my glasses next time!

Will check the footage ater tea! :t-up:

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Kids reckon I use this guy as a role model  ???  dont see it myself like  :suspect:  :suspect:  :laugh:

How fkn true,had one of your offspring in the chair the other day and thats the story he told me   :D  :D  :D

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Yes thoroughly enjoyed the day apart from the first session with the old tyres in one of the session had a tussle with dippy and managed to over take him. However for the next session he took the weight off the kart and could not get near him i asked how much he weighed and it's 3.5 stone lighter than me  :angry:


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Check this out!!!!

Some adjustments to the camera and this might be a regular fixture! The chase is from the 2nd session which is better than I thought actually. I thought Mr C just drove away from us in that session, not quite though. You can see how well that tight line seems to work on the switchbacks. Shame we didn't have the camera on for the next session on the same tyre pressures, that was b****y good crack!

Some piccies:







Jeff, you need to stick that bullet cam to yer heeed!, look at

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mint  :laugh:  :laugh:

I thought our Karts were pretty equal, I may have been pulling very slightly on the early and later sessions (wets) but the second ding dong was hard work/almost impossible  to get past you and vice versa, as the karts are pretty equal for me  it was playing the waiting game till you made a mistake so I could get past, trouble is a lot of the times you made mistakes I made the same ones  :laugh:  :blush:  :blush:

have you not got the double spin after the big corner on camera, thought I was gonna wipe you out bigtime there  :0  :0  :0

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mint  :laugh:  :laugh:

I thought our Kart were pretty equal, I may have been pulling slightly on the early and later sessions but the second ding dong was hard work to get past you and vice versa, as the karts are pretty equal for me  it was playing the waiting game till you made a mistake so I could get past, trouble is a lot of the times you made mistakes I made the same ones  :laugh:  :blush:  :blush:

have you not got the double spin after the big corner on camera, thought I was gonna wipe you out bigtime there  :0  :0  :0

Nah, that footage I was on 20 psi, you were on 25psi, couldn't get near you on the 1st corner, it was the session after that was the best one when we both ran the same pressures and setup.

I do have the spinning footage but it isn't very good, I was hoping the footage of you flicking the bird would have come out but the camera was on the wrong side, tape may have run out by then anyway.

I think you've got plenty of pace, just need to hone your racecraft. You seemed to struggle to pass me where I found I could line you up and pass you relatively easily when the karts were even. Need to take some of your trackday aggression and channel it into the karting! :D  :D  :D

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Don't be afraid to pump those tyres up a bit more on cold or wet days, maybe go to 30psi and see how they perform :p

You don't want to lean into the corner, in fact the complete opposite, lean away from it. It should and would feel completely wrong I know, but it's the right way as you need to lift that inside rear wheel ;)  A method that can help you with this is to push the steering wheel away from you when turning it, instead of pulling it. I.E. going round a right hander, you dont want to pull the steering wheel down with your right hand, you need to push it with your left, this way it encourages your body weight to transfer to the loaded tyre ;)  enjoy :p

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